Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 55 Tang 9 invites work-students to the second floor for a feast

Chapter 55 Tang Jiu invites work-students to the second floor for a feast
In contrast, Xiao Wu's actions made Wang Sheng and the others admire even more. They all thought that Tang San was just a coward who was afraid of getting into trouble, so they were secretly rejoicing. Fortunately, Tang San was not the boss. If Tang San was the boss, he would be the boss , then their entire Qishe probably will follow suit.

"Little San!"

Suddenly a familiar voice sounded in the hall.

Tang San turned his head to look, and immediately showed excitement, "Brother, you are finally here!"

The person who came was none other than Tang San's older brother Tang Jiu. They had lived together since they were young, and suddenly they didn't see each other for a few days, and they missed him a little.

Tang Jiu patted Tang San's shoulder and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Tang San shook his head, his expression a little embarrassed.

Tang Jiu smiled slightly, then looked towards the second floor, "Let's go, let's go upstairs to eat."

Tang San didn't answer immediately, but subconsciously looked up at Wang Sheng and Xiao Wu.

At this time, Xiao Wu also seemed a little excited. Compared with Tang San, Tang Jiu was not only taller in size, but also much more handsome in appearance.

Tang Jiu turned to look at Xiao Wu, only to see that Xiao Wu's face suddenly turned red, and she shouted shyly, "Brother Jiu."

Tang Jiu nodded slightly to Xiao Wu, then looked at Wang Sheng, and said loudly: "Today, every work-study student in Qishe counts as one, and they all go to the second floor for dinner. I will treat them all."

As soon as Tang Jiu's voice fell, the students of Qishe cheered one by one. They have been in the academy for so many years, and they dare not even climb the stairs on the second floor, let alone eat on the second floor, so they went to the second floor to eat , has become their dream, and this dream is about to come true today.

"Hey? Isn't this the poor ghost on Wang Sheng's side? He actually climbed to the second floor?"

The student who insulted Wang Sheng just now was a little surprised when he saw Wang Sheng and the others appear on the second floor.

"Why, are you still not convinced when I scolded you just now? Do you want to come up and fight?"

Wang Sheng snorted, "We came here for dinner today, not to fight with you. If we want to fight, we'll wait until I'm full from the meal."

The student was taken aback when he heard Wang Sheng's words. Isn't this the sentence he gave Wang Sheng just now?Returned so soon?

"Hehe, come up to eat? Who doesn't know that all the work-study students in your Qishe are poor ghosts? You dare to go up to the second floor to eat, eat shit!"

"You bastard!"

Xiao Wu, who had been suffocating for a long time, finally couldn't bear it now, she moved, ready to step forward.

And at this moment, a warm hand held her, at first he thought it was Tang San who wanted to stop him, but when he turned around, he found that the person holding her hand was not Tang San, but Tang Jiu.

"How can this kind of thing make a girl show up? Let me do it!"

Tang Jiu patted Xiao Wu's head lightly, then stepped forward slowly, walking directly in front of that student.

Suddenly, Tang Jiu moved and immediately appeared in front of the student, followed by a crisp sound, and the student's teeth were blown away.

Everyone was dumbfounded at this scene. Generally, no one would dare to do anything in the cafeteria of the academy. Most of them were just wars of words, because the academy forbids private fighting.

But Tang Jiu doesn't care about this. If he can't even protect the people around him, then what's the point of becoming a powerful soul master?

"Who are you? You, you dare to hit me?"

The student didn't see Tang Jiu just now, so he didn't know if Tang Jiu was a work-study student, but judging from Tang Jiu's height and shape, he should be a new student who just arrived this year.

Tang Jiu's slap didn't use any soul power, but his slap was very powerful and fast, so it wasn't that the student didn't want to dodge, but he couldn't dodge at all, because Tang Jiu There was no plan to let him escape.

"Stop talking nonsense to me, get the hell out, believe it or not, I'll kill you!"

Tang Jiu's face was ferocious, and a fierce murderous aura erupted from his body, which made that person's face change suddenly in fright. Breath, but not weaker than those teachers.

"Walk around, keep the green hills, and don't worry about running out of firewood!"

A follower quickly helped the student up and left the second floor one after another. The guy's mouth was crooked and several teeth were missing. It is estimated that he will not be able to eat for the time being.

As soon as those people left, the seats were immediately vacated. Tang Jiu smiled at everyone as if nothing had happened, "Sit down wherever you come, and order whatever you want. Today, everyone is free to eat."

After all, with a wave of Tang Jiu's hand, dozens of glittering gold coins immediately appeared on the dining table.

Wang Sheng and the others stared straight away. It is estimated that this is the most money they have ever seen in their life. They usually see copper and silver coins, and rarely see gold coins.

At this moment they finally believed that what Tang San said was not a lie, his elder brother Tang Jiu was really a local tyrant, and the most important thing was that his elder brother was also very powerful, but it was a pity that his elder brother was not a work-study student.

"Don't worry! Since I am Tang San and Xiao Wu's older brother, I will protect you working-study students from now on, and no one will dare to bully you anymore. You all call me Brother Nine!"

After hearing Tang Jiu's words, Wang Sheng and the others quickly stood up and bowed to Tang Jiu, "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother..."

The next thing is naturally a full meal, especially Xiao Wu, the dishes he just brought up were quickly swept away by him. Tang San and Wang Sheng seemed very surprised. Only Tang Jiu knew that Hun Animals eat much more than humans.

Tang San's face is relatively thin, other people have been eating it all the time, and he hasn't caught a piece of meat yet.

At this moment, Tang San saw another acquaintance, so he quickly stood up and greeted him, "Teacher, are you coming to eat too?"

The person who came was Tang San's teacher, master.

But he nodded slightly to Tang San, "Have you completed the admission procedures? Have you packed your things?"

Tang San said to the master respectfully: "It's all packed, thank you teacher for giving me the bedding."

"Why are you so polite!"

The master patted Tang San on the shoulder, then looked at the teacher's restaurant not far away, and said: "Follow me to eat inside! I'll take you there to identify the door."

Tang San shook his head, at this moment he remembered what Director Su said to him, then waved his hand and said: "I'd better eat with my roommates! The teacher's dining room is where teachers eat, I don't want to be a maverick People, lest other teachers have any opinion."

(End of this chapter)

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