Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 56 Show me your other one!

Chapter 56 Show me your other one!

Of course, the master didn't insist too much. After all, he himself was a freelancer. If he brought another person in, he didn't know what other teachers would think.

So he said to Tang San: "Okay! Then you eat here, after you finish eating, wait for me outside the cafeteria, and come out to find you later."

After saying these words, the master walked into the teacher's dining room on the second floor.

I don't know why, but Tang San felt that the feeling the master gave him was very similar to the feeling his father gave him. Although his father talked less and the master talked a little more, they all belonged to that special temperament, especially when the master was here. This aspect is more prominent, even when he is laughing, there is a sense of seriousness.

It was Wang Sheng who stood up, came to Tang San's side, and said in a low voice: "Tang San, you actually know the master?"

Tang San nodded, and replied: "Yes, he is my teacher."

Suddenly, Wang Sheng's appearance became a little strange.

"No way, you actually worship the master as your teacher? As far as I know, his strength is not very good, and he is not a teacher of our college. He is just a guest of our college, just because of his relationship with the dean Alright, that's why I stayed here. To put it bluntly, he is actually here to eat and drink. I heard that the master is almost 50 years old, but he has not broken through the bottleneck of the great soul master. It's only level 29, so I'm afraid I won't be able to break through the bottleneck in this life, and I'll never be able to become a soul master."

Hearing Wang Sheng's words, Tang San immediately became a little angry, she raised her head and looked at Wang Sheng coldly, "If you don't want to compete with me again, I hope you don't judge my teacher, it's not your turn Judgmentally, it's the first time, and I hope it's the last."

At this moment, Tang Jiu on the side patted Tang San on the shoulder, "Little San, don't be angry. Although what Wang Sheng said was not pleasant, what he said was not unreasonable. The master is indeed powerful, but his There are also many flaws in the theory..."

Before Tang Jiu finished speaking, Tang San was really angry this time, "Brother, I didn't expect you to say that about my teacher, forget it, thank you for your kindness, I won't eat this meal."

After speaking, Tang San went downstairs without looking back, and left the restaurant.

Wang Sheng didn't expect Tang San to have such a big reaction, he was stunned, Xiao Wu and other students beside him didn't understand what was going on.

Tang San is an ancient time traveler, who absolutely respects teachers and values ​​education. Since he said, he will be a teacher for a day and a father for life, then he will definitely do it. There is no problem with this, but fortunately he is A traverser has all kinds of cheats, otherwise, if he really followed the master's way, he would have been played to death long ago.

And Tang Jiu didn't know whether the wheel of fate would continue to turn as usual after his appearance, so he just wanted to kindly remind Tang San, but he didn't expect that Tang San was really stubborn, and he walked all the way to the dark That kind of person, since he has worshiped the master as his teacher, he respects the master from the bottom of his heart.Just now Wang Sheng said that the master was eating and drinking in the academy, which violated the dignity of the teacher. If Wang Sheng was not a student of Qishe, he probably would have done it right then.

But he didn't expect that his elder brother didn't seem to be optimistic about his teacher, so this made him completely angry.

Wang Shengdi muttered: "I'll go, why is this kid crazy? It's just inexplicable!"

Tang Jiu on the side smiled faintly, "The master is Tang San's teacher, he respects the master very much, just like his own father, of course he was angry when you said that about the master just now. Don't worry, my brother knows best , he has such a stubborn temper, he will be fine in two days."

After hearing Tang Jiu's explanation, everyone was relieved, and finally understood why Tang San suddenly became so angry.

At this time Xiao Wu looked at Tang San's back, that thin figure in patched clothes, unknowingly felt a little taller.

Tang San left the restaurant, squatted down on the side of the road outside the cafeteria, took out dry food and water from his arms and ate, he waited there quietly, waiting for the master to come out.

Seeing Tang San, people passing by cast strange glances, if he didn't care about those people's gazes, he ate on his own.

Tang San waited for almost half an hour, the master finally walked out of the dining room, with the master, there was also a middle-aged man who was about the same age as the master.

The middle-aged man was wearing a long gray robe. He looked handsomer than him. The key point was that his skin should be fairer. As the saying goes, all ugliness can be covered up. This is true. The middle-aged man's chin is a bit Pointy, protruding slightly forward, with a gentle smile on his face.

At that time, I was chatting vigorously with that person, when seeing Tang San, the master stopped, "Little San, let's go!"

The middle-aged man looked Tang San up and down, with a smile on his face, he asked: "Is he the newly recruited disciple you mentioned?"

The master nodded, and then said to Tang San: "Little San, this is the principal of the academy."


Tang San immediately stood up a little excitedly, quickly bowed and said, "Hello, Mr. Dean!"


The dean responded, and then patted the master on the shoulder, "Okay! Since you are so persistent, I wish you success!"

After finishing speaking, the principal looked at Tang San again, and then walked in another direction.

The master's residence is on the top floor of the dormitory building. It is a room in the corner. The room is not very big, no more than 30 square meters. Two bookshelves.

At this moment, the master took out a paper bag from his arms and handed it to Tang San, "You are growing your body now, how can you not eat?"

Tang San was stunned for a moment, opened the paper bag and took a closer look, only to see a chicken leg and two steamed buns inside, still a little bit warm.

"Teacher, I, I'm not hungry..."

Tang San said with some embarrassment, he doesn't know if these two steamed buns and a chicken leg have any meaning?
The master sighed, and said: "I heard what you said in the restaurant, that's all, let's eat quickly! My time is very precious, so don't waste it..."

Although the master was urging, he could feel the full of love. The rough pancake he ate just now was impatient, so he quickly ate the chicken leg and two steamed buns.

But he poured Tang San a glass of water, and then sat down on the chair behind the desk.

"You are 6 years old this year. You are born with full soul power and twin martial souls. Now there is no outsider. Summon your other martial soul and show me!"

(End of this chapter)

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