Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 59 Soul power is interoperable

Chapter 59 Soul power is interoperable
As soon as he talked about the martial soul, the master became more and more excited as he talked, and stood up from the chair excitedly. He said brilliantly: "According to my research on the blue silver grass martial soul and my conception, from a comprehensive analysis, so I suggest you that your Blue Silver Grass Wuhun will still develop in the direction of the control system in the future. The control system can be said to be a battle soul master or an instrument soul master, and it itself belongs to the middle of the two. exist."

"Control system?"

Tang San opened his eyes immediately after hearing this, and asked curiously: "Teacher, what kind of ability is that in the control department?"

The master smiled slightly and replied: "The so-called soul masters of the control system use their own martial soul to restrict or interfere with the enemy and assist their teammates, such as your blue silver grass martial soul. Although it looks It looks weaker by nature, but it has many advantages."

"What? Blue silver grass also has many advantages?"

Ever since Tang San awakened the Blue Silver Grass spirit, he also spent a period of time carefully studying the natural form of the Blue Silver Grass. He found that the only characteristic of the Blue Silver Grass was that it was easier to feed, whether it was in the mountains or in the field. It is still a desert, they all seem to exist, and their vitality is extremely strong. As for other characteristics, nothing has been found.

Although Tang San knew that his Blue Silver Grass must have its own unique features, but he was told by his teacher that it had many advantages, he obviously didn't believe it, of course he didn't believe in his teacher, but he didn't believe in Blue Silver Grass There are really many advantages.

"That's right, Blue Silver Grass has four major advantages!"

The master raised his hand and stretched out a finger, with a smug look on his face, "The first advantage is that because the Blue Silver Grass is a very low-level martial spirit, when using it, it has no effect on the soul." The consumption of power is very slow, even slower than the consumption of food-type martial souls, which means that even if you only have a little soul power, you can use it continuously."

Hearing the master's words, Tang San also nodded subconsciously. The master was right. When he summoned the blue silver grass spirit, the consumption of soul power was negligible. After infusing his soul power, he would feel that the blue silver grass consumed soul power a little faster after the length of the blue silver grass became 10 meters.

In contrast, his other hammer martial soul, once summoned from the body, would frantically devour his soul power, exhausting his soul power in an instant.

It can be seen that low-level martial spirits also have the advantages of low-level martial spirits. Although their attack power and attributes are not as good as high-level martial spirits, they consume less energy and last longer.

Seeing that Tang San approved his point of view, the corner of the master's mouth showed a hint of complacency, then stretched out the second finger, and continued: "The second advantage of the blue silver grass is that it is very confusing."


Tang San looked at the master with a puzzled expression, because he really didn't notice this, "I observed before that the blue silver grass doesn't have any charm power, it's just an ordinary grass! Why do you say it has charm power?" What about sex?"

The master smiled blankly, and shook his fingers, "No, no, the deceptiveness I said doesn't mean it has the power of charm, it's because it's just a very common grass, and it's just because it can be seen everywhere, so it's so charming. It is not easy to be discovered, not to mention those soul beasts with low intelligence, even if you are a soul master, even if you secretly summon your martial soul by their side, they may not be aware of it, so that you can catch them by surprise. I said deceptive."

Tang San nodded, listening to what the master said, there is indeed some truth, if all the surrounding grass is like this, then if he integrates his Blue Silver Grass spirit into these grasses, it is really not easy to be discovered.

At this time outside the door, Tang Jiu was leaning in the corner, with a slight smile on his lips, "My younger brother is indeed a bit stupid. It takes a long time to explain such an easy-to-understand thing. The deceptiveness that the master said is actually the same as the lucky suit One reason, to put it bluntly, is to use the surrounding environment to hide yourself.”

Tang Jiu was not in a hurry to leave, he wanted to observe again to see if there was something wrong with this master.

But at present, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the master, the master is still the same master as before.

The master stretched out his third finger, and said: "The third advantage of the Blue Silver Grass is that it has rich development directions. The more basic it is, the more selective it is, because it is a very low-end martial spirit. , just because the starting point is low, so it can develop in different directions, the most important thing is that the blue silver grass spirit is too weak, so the compatibility is relatively strong, so it will not reject any spirit ring."

Tang San was surprised when he heard this, "Would the spirit still reject the spirit ring?"

The master replied: "Of course, because the attributes of each spirit ring are different, and each martial spirit has different characteristics. On martial souls, there will be a phenomenon of rejection. For example, it is difficult to attach a fire-type soul ring to a plant-type martial soul, while a general animal-type martial soul cannot be attached to a poison-type soul ring. The exception is the poisonous animal spirit. Although the spirit is only a kind of energy body, it is actually a kind of life form in a sense, and it is another form of life of the host. If the spirit is a rabbit, If you forcibly attach a poisonous spirit ring, you will be poisoned and die. Among beast spirits, there are very few that absorb toxins and do not transfer them to the host. It will transfer part of its toxins to the host, but the blue silver grass is not a beast spirit, but a weapon spirit, so it can be used directly without being attached to the host, and its ability to absorb poison is very strong , so even if a poisonous spirit ring is added to the Blue Silver Grass, the host will not be poisoned, this is another great advantage of it."

Speaking of this, the master paused, then looked down at Tang San, and slowly stretched out the fourth finger, "And the fourth advantage of the Blue Silver Grass, no one else has it, only you have it!"

"What advantage?"

Tang San looked at the master curiously, he was not very interested in martial spirits, but now he became a little obsessed.

The master said: "Because your blue silver grass is full of soul power innately! This is the biggest advantage that others do not have. In the history of our Douluo Continent, the reason why there has not been a powerful blue silver grass soul master is the main reason. The reason is not that the blue silver grass is too weak, but that the soul power bestowed by the blue silver grass on the host is too low! We all know that the height of the innate soul power determines the speed of martial soul cultivation, so the owner of the blue silver grass martial soul, Naturally, it is difficult to cultivate to a higher level, so in the later stage, it is even more difficult to hunt and kill soul beasts to improve the realm. But you are different from them, you have innate full soul power, let alone these days full of soul Whether it was brought to you by the Blue Silver Grass or that hammer, it doesn't affect your use of this soul power with the Blue Silver Grass, because no matter how many martial souls you have, the soul power is shared .”

(End of this chapter)

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