Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 60 Dragon Horn and Phoenix Eye

Chapter 60 Dragon Horn and Phoenix Eye
"Great, it seems that my original decision was not wrong, the master is indeed a master!"

Tang San couldn't help sighing inwardly, "The worthless and useless Wuhun Blue Silver Grass in everyone's eyes, in the teacher's mouth, unexpectedly has so many advantages, which shows that the teacher's research on Wuhun is really very deep, Other teachers said that such a profound martial arts researcher is just a charlatan, it is really ridiculous, it is simply blind!"

At this time, the master's emotions were obviously excited, and he continued: "After my careful research and conception, I think it is most beneficial to choose the control system for the development direction of the blue silver grass martial soul, because the grass is relatively soft and can Change it into various forms at will, such as nets, cages, and even spears. Of course, these forms have higher requirements for soul power. At the beginning, the easiest way is to transform it into a rope to restrain the enemy. , restricting the enemy's actions."

"Use it as a rope?"

Tang San couldn't help frowning, "But the Blue Silver Grass is very fragile, it can be broken easily with a little force, how can it trap people?"

The master nodded slightly, then looked out of the window, and said with a deep expression: "If the level of spirit power is too low, and if the spirit ring is not absorbed, the blue silver grass is indeed very fragile, so the next step is the development direction of the spirit. Yes, use soul rings to transform and upgrade the martial soul. Once you have determined that your martial soul will develop towards the control system, then for your first soul ring, it is best to choose a soul ring that can improve the toughness of the blue silver grass. The second is poison. With the improvement of the soul power level, the martial soul will become more and more powerful, and the abilities in all aspects will also continue to improve. When you have more soul power to provide the blue silver grass with soul When it is strong, its toughness is naturally much stronger than ordinary blue silver grass. Coupled with the additional effect of the soul ring, it is not a problem to bind ordinary opponents. If it has the effect of poison, then naturally It can also be used as an attack.”

At this time, Tang San finally had an idea of ​​the future development direction of the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun, that is to enhance the toughness to restrict the enemy's actions, and then attach the poison to paralyze the enemy. If the Blue Silver Grass can really do these two points, Then his hidden weapon will not hit a moving target, but a fixed target, and most importantly, if he uses the leaves of the blue silver grass as the flying blade of the hidden weapon, it will be similar to the poisoned dart.

However, all of this must wait for him to first understand the relationship between his soul power, soul ring and his Xuantian Kungfu. Others don't know how his soul power comes from, but he himself knows It is very clear that his innate full soul power is not obtained by Wuhun awakening at all, but obtained by his own cultivation with Xuantian Kungfu.

In fact, Tang San's thinking was also wrong, how could his spirit power have nothing to do with his own spirit?Let's not talk about the blue silver grass spirit, but the hammer spirit must have brought him a certain amount of soul power, but maybe because of the influence of the blue silver grass, he was pulled by the spicy chicken blue silver grass spirit. Legs, so the negative mutations of the two spirits may also be due to the cultivation of Xuantian Kungfu, which transformed the original spirit power attached to the spirit into internal strength, so no spirit power appeared when he awakened the spirit. ...

After talking so much in one breath, Grandmaster also felt a little parched, he took a sip of water from his cup, and then said loudly: "Kids outside, do you want me to help you analyze the direction of your martial soul development? "

At this time, Tang Jiu who was outside the door was slightly startled, and stood up straight. He heard everything the master said just now. I have to say that this guy's theoretical knowledge is indeed quite solid.

Although Tang Jiu already had an idea of ​​the direction of his martial soul development, he still wanted to hear what the master had to say.

So, Tang Jiu turned around and walked into the master's dormitory again, with a faint smile, "Okay! Then tell me."

The master said: "If I'm not wrong, you should also have a hammer spirit!"


The master's words exploded like thunder. Tang Jiu quietly stretched his hand into his waist, held the pistol at his waist in his palm, and looked at the master vigilantly.

The master said affirmatively: "Don't be surprised, this is what I deduced based on my years of research on Wuhun. Since you and Tang San are twin brothers, there must be some similarities between you."

"That's right! We are both twin spirits, this is the same place! Moreover, we look so similar, this is also the same place!"

The master shook his head, "No, what I said is the same, referring to the attributes of the martial soul. Tang San's martial soul is blue silver grass and hammer, while yours is the nine-day dragon and phoenix and fairy sword. The martial soul between you, There is nothing in common, and your spirits are not mutated spirits, so this is completely inconsistent with the inheritance rules of bloodline spirits. Twin soul masters, because their bloodlines and living environments are almost the same, if there is no mutation, Their martial souls are not too different, so I concluded that you still have a martial soul."

Tang Jiudao: "Okay! Even if you guess right that I have three martial spirits, how can you be so sure that my third martial spirit is not blue silver grass, but a hammer?"

The master smiled slightly, "According to the classification of martial spirits, Jiutian Dragon and Phoenix can be rated as SSS-level martial spirits, Zhu Xianjian can be rated as A-level martial spirits, Lanyincao can be rated as D-level martial spirits, and the hammer is a S-level martial soul, you are a smart person, if your third martial soul is really blue silver grass, then you will definitely expose the lowest level blue silver grass martial soul, and choose Zhu Xian with a higher hidden level The sword is your trump card, but you didn't do that, which means that the third spirit is not the blue silver grass, but the hammer spirit. Of course, you didn't expect that when you awakened the spirit, the first thing that appeared was Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix, otherwise, what you want to hide the most is actually the most advanced Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix, but your Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix have already been exposed, so you choose to reveal the strongest Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix and the worst Zhuxian Sword, and hide the hammer spirit stand up."


Tang Jiu, who had always been calm, finally couldn't keep his composure at this moment. This master is really powerful.

The master continued: "However, your Nine-Heaven Dragon and Phoenix Martial Soul is missing a few things, so strictly speaking, it can only be rated as S-rank for the time being."

"How many things are missing?"

Tang Jiu looked at the master with some surprise. In fact, he himself had already noticed that his Nine Heavens dragon and phoenix seemed to be somewhat different from the one in the legend.

The master nodded, "That's right, although your Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix have dragon tail and wings, but they don't have dragon horns and eyes and bones!"

(End of this chapter)

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