Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 69 How dare you throw a stone at me?

Chapter 69 How dare you throw a stone at me?
Seeing that Xiao Wu was so small and able to jump so high, the female teacher was really taken aback. Hastily, she subconsciously raised her hands to block Xiao Wu's arms.

Tang Jiu secretly laughed, this female teacher might suffer a lot.

Tang San on the side also opened his eyes. He didn't know Xiao Wu's full strength, but he was very clear about his own strength. He possessed the Xuantian Kung Fu and the Tang Sect's unique skills Xuanyu Hand and Crane Capture Dragon, even though his Xuantian Kungfu card In the bottleneck of the first level, but ordinary people are not his opponents at all.

However, Xiao Wu defeated him twice in a row, not because of how strong Xiao Wu's soul power is, but because her attack method is very peculiar. Although the female teacher is a quasi-great soul master, she may not It is Xiao Wu's opponent.

Sure enough, Xiao Wu's soft hands wrapped around the female teacher's arms like two boa constrictors, and at the same time, the scorpion tail behind her immediately flew up, wrapping around the female teacher with a whistling sound. neck.

In this remote Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy, the strength of the teachers is generally not very high, and this female teacher is only a tool soul master of the auxiliary department. Her martial soul is tofu and has no combat power , so it is useless to use soul skills, she can't beat people with tofu, right?The ending can be imagined...

I saw that Xiao Wu's scorpion braids accurately wrapped around the female teacher's neck, her hands also wrapped around the female teacher's arms, and her jumping legs kicked towards the teacher's abdomen at the same time. The movements were almost all completed at the same time, and the female teacher was not given a chance to fight back at all.

I saw the female teacher exclaimed, and her body flew out directly, and she was thrown more than three meters away. Because she was protected by soul power, she was not seriously injured, but she was thrown to pieces, like It's like being drunk, and you can't find the southeast, north, south, and north for a while.

"Oh, my mother's waist!"

The female teacher propped herself up and began to moan.

Xiao Wu jumped up and down in front of the female teacher, she looked at the female teacher, her big watery eyes showed an innocent expression of harmlessness to humans and animals, "Teacher, I'm sorry, I couldn't control my strength all of a sudden ,Are you OK?"

The female teacher took two steps back vigilantly, with a confused expression on her face, "How is it possible? She didn't use a martial spirit, nor did she reveal her spirit ring. How could she be so powerful? What are the origins of these three guys?"

"I'm fine, I believe it, you guys were indeed discussing each other just now, that, you guys continue..."

The female teacher steadied herself, and then ran away in disgrace.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Wu couldn't help laughing like silver bells. He walked up to Tang Jiu, then stood on tiptoe, kissed Tang Jiu gently on the cheek, and said: " Brother Jiu, thank you."


Tang Jiu was stunned for a moment, because at this moment he thought of his sister in the previous life, Xiao Wu is indeed a naive and lively little girl, this may be her most direct way of expression.

But at this time, Tang San on the side also widened his eyes, he said angrily: "Xiao Wu, our sparring is not over yet, come again!"

Xiao Wu smiled faintly, then turned to look at Tang San, "Wow! I'll beat you to your heart's content today."

Tang Jiu patted Xiao Wu's head, "He's my younger brother, take it easy, don't let me break it."

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue at Tang Jiu, and smiled: "Got it!"

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and walked slowly towards Tang San.

Seeing Xiao Wu approaching, with the lessons learned from the previous two defeats, this time Tang San learned to be smart, he knew that Xiao Wu's attack was a melee attack, so he immediately opened the distance as soon as he moved.

Xiao Wu snorted coldly, "Why, are you comparing speed with me? Have you forgotten what my martial soul is?"

While speaking, Xiao Wu's body bounced up again, like a rabbit, immediately pounced on Tang San.

Tang San smiled triumphantly, how could he fall down in the same pit for the third time, if he was entangled by Xiao Wu again, then he would really be a pig.

"Purple Demon Eye!"

Tang San's eyes flashed with a faint purple glow, Xiao Wu's movements gradually slowed down in his eyes, he stepped on the ghost shadow fascination footwork, a sliding shovel slipped under Xiao Wu's body, and appeared in the Two meters behind Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu was stunned when she saw this, she didn't understand why Tang San's movements suddenly became so fast, and he could always just dodge her attacks, completely denying her the chance to get close.

"Hmph, stop for me, ah, I'm going to strangle you to death!"

Xiao Wu suddenly became a little angry, she puffed her cheeks, accelerated a bit, then chased after Tang San with all her teeth and claws.

Tang San took a deep breath, circulated Xuantian Kungfu, his inner strength sank into his legs, Ghost Shadow Bewitching was used to the extreme, and Tang San could always predict Xiao Wu's position, the two circled around the playground like this.

Gradually Xiao Wu became a little tired, her chest heaved up and down, panting heavily, and then she came to Tang Jiu's side, pouted and said, "Brother Jiu, look at him cheating!"

Tang Jiu smiled slightly, then looked up at Tang San, "Little San, show your strength, you should fight her well."


Tang San responded, and then said to Xiao Wu: "Then I will show you my unique skills today, you have to be careful."

While talking, I saw Tang San squatting down slowly, then picked up a few small stones on the playground and held them in the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, Tang San raised his hand, threw a stone, and said, "Hit your left shoulder."

Xiao Wu snorted coldly, and saw her body sway, successfully avoiding it.

And Tang San's attack didn't stop, he waved his hand again, three stones flew out at the same time, "Hit your right shoulder, left calf and right calf."

Xiao Wu took a closer look and saw three stones, which were clearly coming back towards his heart. She smiled disdainfully, "You actually tried to lie to me, but I just can't be fooled."

So Xiao Wu didn't dodge, but went up to her, raised her hands, as long as she knocked down those three stones, then she could get close to Tang San, when the time came...

However, when the three stones were less than one meter away from her heart, a strange scene appeared. The three stones suddenly separated and moved toward her right shoulder, left calf and right calf. direction to fly.

Xiao Wu was shocked, at such a short distance and such a fast speed, she wanted to defend but it was too late.

clap clap clap!
Only three crisp sounds were heard, and the three stones hit her right shoulder, left calf and right calf accurately, causing bursts of pain.

Xiao Wu suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and shouted angrily: "How dare you hit me with a stone?"

(End of this chapter)

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