Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 70 I Taught Xiao Wu to Handjob

Chapter 70 I Taught Xiao Wu to Handjob

Xiao Wu didn't know that this was Tang San's first real battle with hidden weapons after he came to this world.

The move just now is an exquisite method of throwing hidden weapons in Tangmen Xuantian Treasure Record Hidden Weapon Hundred Explanations.It looks very simple, but it is actually very subtle. Originally, there are many techniques for throwing hidden weapons in the Hundred Solutions of Hidden Weapons. Unfortunately, those techniques require extremely high internal strength. Tang San's Xuantian Kungfu is stuck at the bottleneck of the first level, so Many subtle tricks can't be used yet, because restricted by internal force, Tang San can only use two or three types now, and the Laoyan Fenfei he just used is the one he is most proficient in.

Tang San scratched his head, and asked a little puzzled: "Could it be that you are only allowed to throw me, and not allow me to hit you? What's the reason? You lost this time!"

Xiao Wu stomped her feet, then turned her head to look at Tang Jiu, and said, "Brother Jiu, look at Xiao San who is playing tricks."

Tang Jiu couldn't help laughing bitterly. This Xiao Wu's character was indeed a bit savage, but he liked it very much. When he raised his hand, a pistol appeared in his hand.

"Since he stoned you, use this against him!"

"This is?"

When Xiao Wu saw the pistol in Tang Jiu's hand, she was taken aback for a moment, apparently she had never seen it before, and Tang San was also surprised, because he felt that the strange thing in Tang Jiu's hand was similar to his hidden weapon. very similar.

As expected of being a good brother, Tang Jiu gave Xiao Wu a gun to deal with his younger brother...

"This is called a pistol. Come and let me teach you how to jerk off."

Tang Jiu stuffed the pistol into Xiao Wu's hand, put his left hand on Xiao Wu's left shoulder, his right hand grasped Xiao Wu's right hand and slowly lifted it up, Tang San was certainly not stupid, when he saw the black muzzle of the gun When aiming at himself, he hastily cast a strange trace and avoided it.

There was only a gunshot, and a bullet flew out, hitting the tree behind Tang San just standing.

This loud noise not only startled Xiao Wu and Tang San, but also alarmed other students and teachers in the academy.

Tang San turned his head to look at the tree, when he saw the bullet deeply embedded in the trunk, cold sweat could not help oozing from his forehead, fortunately, he dodged in time just now, otherwise he might have been killed by a Gun headshot.

"Brother, what is that?"

Tang San was startled and angry, he never expected that his brother would help outsiders and almost killed himself, and what he didn't expect was that Tang Jiu's hidden weapon was more lethal than his sleeve arrow.

"This is called a firearm. Its principle is similar to that of a hidden weapon, but its power is much stronger than that of a hidden weapon. A hidden weapon is just a cold weapon, but this is a hot weapon!"

"Hot weapon?" Tang San heard this term for the first time, seeing the gun in Xiao Wu's hand, she instantly felt that her hidden weapon was no longer good.

At this time, Xiao Wu also had a proud face, she pouted and looked at Tang San with disdain, "How about it, Xiao San, shall we continue?"

Tang San hastily waved his hands, originally he just wanted to learn martial arts with Xiao Wu, he never thought of using weapons at all, even though he could kill Xiao Wu by surprise with the sleeve arrow, he didn't want to do that, they were just competing That's all, there's no need to kill you, so I had to admit defeat, "Okay, you win, you win."

Seeing that Tang San had conceded, Xiao Wu kissed Tang Jiu excitedly on the cheek, and said, "Brother Jiu, you are amazing, you are so powerful..."


"Yes, pistol, your pistol is very powerful."

Seeing Xiao Wu waving her pistol around, Tang Jiu was so frightened that he quickly held her hand, "Don't move around, be careful not to go off!"


Hearing Tang Jiu's words, Xiao Wu nodded sensibly. He had already experienced the power of the pistol just now. If he accidentally injured himself or someone else, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Come on, let me teach you how to use it. There are a total of 5 bullets in this gun. You have already used one just now, and now you have 4 bullets left, so you can't use it casually, because the bullets are also very precious, and it is less if you use one." One, this is a safety lock, close it when not in use, and open it when you need to use it, so as not to accidentally injure others..."

Tang Jiu explained in great detail, and Tang San on the side listened more seriously than Xiao Wu, because he was surprised to find that the pistol Tang Jiu gave Xiao Wu was really similar to the hidden weapon, but until now he hadn't I didn't want to understand, why does a pistol that looks small have such powerful power?
Tang San walked past, and asked curiously: "Brother, what do you use as a spring for this weapon of yours, how can it be so powerful?"

Tang Jiu patted Tang San on the shoulder, "Little San, I have already said that this is not a concealed weapon, but a hot weapon. Its lethality does not come from the spring of the mechanism, but is propelled by gunpowder."


Speaking of gunpowder, Tang San was no stranger, because he had seen such items in the Tang Sect where he was in his previous life, "Isn't that something used to make fireworks?"

"That's right, that's it, but gunpowder alone is not enough. There is a lot of scientific knowledge involved in it. I can't tell you clearly for a while, but I suggest you don't study this."


Tang San originally wanted to borrow some things from this gun and integrate it into his own hidden weapon, but Tang Jiu snuffed out the idea that he just had.

Tang Jiu sighed, "Because mine is a hot weapon, not because its concealment is not as strong as a cold weapon, but because it has nothing to do with the martial spirit we cultivate. I know you have been studying it. Hidden weapons, as far as I know, some high-level hidden weapons are driven by soul power, that is to say, the higher the cultivation level of soul power, the stronger the power of hidden weapons will be, so I hope you will not forget your original intention, warm Weapons are not suitable for you, but will waste a lot of your time."

Tang Jiu was telling the truth. It's not that firearms cannot be made, but it would really waste a lot of time. Moreover, ordinary firearms may really have a very considerable killing effect on ordinary people, but when encountering Title Douluo and above If you are a character, it won't have much effect, they can easily dodge bullets, even cannons may not be able to break their defenses, but hidden weapons are different, its lethality will increase with the improvement of soul power And lift!
"Thank you brother for reminding me."

At this time Tang San was already admiring Tang Jiu.

Tang Jiu raised his head, "Okay, let's all go back and rest. There was such a big commotion just now, the teacher will probably come soon."

(End of this chapter)

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