Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 71 The Master Begins Lecture

Chapter 71 The Master Begins Lecture
The reason why Tang Jiu gave Xiao Wu the pistol was because he hoped that when he was not around, Xiao Wu could use the pistol to save his life if he was in danger. Another reason was that he already had an assault rifle, so the pistol was very important to him. Saying it doesn't do much good.

After all, the power of the pistol was much different from his assault rifle.

The next morning, when everyone was still asleep, Tang San and Tang Jiu had already left the academy with the master.

If it were normal, Tang Jiu should be cultivating Ziji Demon Pupils at this time. Although his training time for Ziji Demon Pupils is not as long as Tang San's, his progress is also very fast. It won't take long. You can also reach the second level.

Because Tang Jiu knew that cultivating Ziji Magic Eyes would be of great benefit to him in later-stage snipers. To be an excellent sniper, one must have very strong eyesight.

Tang San didn't cultivate Ziji Demon Eyes today either, compared to seizing the spirit ring, Ziji Demon Eyes didn't seem to be that important to him for the time being.

I saw his face was full of curiosity, "Teacher, where are we going to find the soul beast?"

Tang Jiu on the side smiled faintly, and said in his heart: "You brat, the one who slept with you yesterday is a soul beast."

The master said: "The purpose of our trip is the Hunting Soul Forest, four hundred miles northeast of Notting City. There is a place where the empire raises spirit beasts in captivity. We will definitely be able to find a suitable spirit ring for you."

There was no expression on the master's face, it looked very stiff like facial paralysis.

"Captive breeding? Like raising pigs and cattle?"

It was the first time Tang San heard that spirit beasts could be kept in captivity, so he said quickly: "Teacher, please tell me about spirit beasts."

The master nodded and said: "Of course those high-level spirit beasts cannot be kept in captivity, because the higher the level of spirit beasts, the higher their intelligence will be. How can ordinary spirit hunting forests hold them? But Those low-level soul beasts have relatively low IQ and low cultivation, so they can be raised in captivity for breeding. To put it bluntly, they are the same as raising pigs. The so-called soul beasts are actually beasts that possess soul power and can cultivate soul power. Under normal circumstances, the longer they exist, the stronger their strength. Therefore, we divide the soul beasts into 5 levels according to the years of their existence, namely, ten-year soul beasts, hundred-year soul beasts, and thousand-year soul beasts. Ten-thousand-year soul beasts and 10-year soul beasts. As the name suggests, soul beasts with a cultivation period of 10 to 99 years are called ten-year soul beasts. Those with a cultivation period of 100 to 999 years are called century-old soul beasts. Soul beasts with a life span of 1000 to 9999 years are millennium soul beasts. Soul beasts with a cultivation base of 10000 to 99999 years are ten thousand-year soul beasts. Soul beasts with a cultivation base of more than 10 years are called 10-year soul beasts. Soul beasts with different ages , they have soul rings with different ages. The longer the cultivation time of the soul beasts, the better the effects attached to their soul rings. The age of the soul rings and the age of the soul beasts are distinguished in the same way, and they are also divided into ten years. There are 10 levels of soul rings, 5-year soul rings, 10-year soul rings, [-]-year soul rings, and [-]-year soul rings. The method of distinguishing the levels of soul rings is also very simple. You can judge by color. The soul ring of a ten-year soul beast is white Yes, the soul rings of century-old soul beasts are yellow, the soul rings of thousand-year soul beasts are purple, the soul rings of ten-thousand-year soul beasts are black, and the soul rings of [-]-year soul beasts are red. However, Hunting Forest Most of the soul beasts raised in captivity are ten-year soul beasts and century-old soul beasts, and soul beasts over a thousand years old are very rare."

Tang San asked: "Teacher, just now you said that the longer the cultivation time of spirit beasts, the better the effects attached to their spirit rings. What are the main manifestations?"

A stiff smile appeared on the master's face, he nodded slightly to Tang San, and said with some appreciation: "That's a good question. The differences in the soul rings produced by soul beasts of different ages are mainly reflected in two aspects, one is The effect of the soul ring on improving the attributes of the soul master itself is the power of the soul skills attached to the soul ring. Let me give you a simple example. Take your blue silver grass martial soul as an example. It is the development route of the control system. If you absorb a ten-year spirit ring with a control effect, then the control ability of your Blue Silver Grass will be increased by 10 times. However, if you absorb a century-old spirit ring with a control effect , then the control ability of your blue silver grass will increase by 100 times, and so on! The higher the age of the soul ring, the stronger the improvement effect, so under normal circumstances, the soul master will choose to absorb the soul ring with a higher age. "

Hearing this, Tang San couldn't help frowning, and said with a puzzled face: "Then according to what you said, the stronger the people behind them, the higher the level of spirit ring they can obtain, and those with power Noble students can use the power of the family to help them obtain high-level spirit rings, is this fair?"

There was a faint light in the master's eyes, and he looked at Tang San with some appreciation, "Yes, you can think of this, which shows that you are a person who is good at thinking. However, taking the spirit ring is not that simple, because the addition of the spirit ring The requirements are very strict. The first point is that only the soul beast killed by the person can absorb the soul ring produced by the soul beast, that is to say, the soul beast killed by others cannot absorb the soul ring. Moreover, the existence time of the soul ring is also limited. The soul ring is different from the crystal nucleus. The crystal nucleus can be stored for a long time, and can even be sold to others for refining and upgrading. absorb it inside, and it will disappear."

"The second point, soul beasts are very proud creatures. Most soul beasts are not willing to be captured by humans. This is why few people can tame soul beasts as mounts. Once they are injured by the enemy, When they knew they couldn't escape, they would rather choose to self-destruct and destroy the spirit rings in their bodies, and would rather lose their lives than be captured. Therefore, even if there are experts to help kill the spirit beasts, they may not be able to obtain the spirit ring."

"Of course, there is no absolute in everything! How can the IQ of those soul beasts compare to that of humans? Humans can always come up with various ways to deal with it. It takes a certain process for soul beasts to reveal themselves, so sometimes they can use methods. Forcibly interrupted, the self-disclosure is interrupted, and the soul ring is saved. The best way to hunt the soul beast is to form a group to enter the location of the soul beast, let others control the soul beast, and complete the final blow by yourself. Make up the knife, end the life of the soul beast, and then you can get its soul ring. So what you said just now is correct, those nobles with power, whether it is in cultivation or in capturing the soul ring, do occupy a lot This is undeniable, otherwise no one would be willing to spend a lot of money to ask thugs to help obtain the spirit ring."

"However, just because it is easy to obtain a spirit ring does not necessarily mean that it is stronger than others, because each spirit ring has different attributes. The number of years will affect the effects attached to the spirit ring. Before absorbing it, no one can be sure whether the spirit ring he absorbs is really suitable for him! No matter how good the spirit ring is, if the attribute is incompatible with his martial spirit, it will not be able to strengthen his own strength. ability, it will also have a counterproductive effect..."

(End of this chapter)

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