Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 72 Ready to Enter the Dungeon

Chapter 72 Ready to Enter the Dungeon
"The third point, which is the most important point, is that there is a limit to the number of soul rings that a soul master can absorb at different stages. It doesn't matter how many years you want to absorb. For example, you If you are a soul warrior with a soul power of level 3, you can only absorb ten-year soul rings and century-old soul rings. If you try to absorb a thousand-year soul ring in vain, then there is only one end, that is, the powerful soul ring attached to it. The power is alive and well. When absorbing the soul ring, outsiders can't help you, you can only rely on yourself. It is conceivable that those people who need the help of others to obtain the soul ring will be stronger than themselves. Where are you going? I have seen a nobleman who was pampered and spoiled since he was a child. All his soul power was raised by refining crystal nuclei and rare herbs. I didn’t expect him to absorb the first ten-year period of 10 years. Soul ring, his martial spirit was also exploded, not only did not succeed in advancing, but lost his life. So, Tang San, you have to remember that in some respects, this world is still fair, you want to What you get, you must put in the corresponding efforts, and you can't take chances, and you will get rewards if you pay. And the Wuhun theory I studied is not for people to take chances, but to let everyone avoid detours, so that soul masters The process of this effort has become easier, and it has become stronger with considerable strength, can you understand what I mean?"

Tang San nodded earnestly. Although the master said a lot this time, although he didn't fully understand some of them, he did understand the last few sentences. Tang San has always been a very down-to-earth person, opportunistic and opportunistic. It's not his style, only by being down-to-earth can we go further.

And when he said this, the master still glanced at Tang Jiu from time to time.

Tang Jiu smiled indifferently. He knew that the master's last few words were actually meant for her. It turned out that the master was saying that he was opportunistic.

He shook his head, didn't bother to explain, just quietly followed behind Tang San and Grandmaster, the purpose of his going to the Hunting Forest today was to protect Tang San, and to try his luck to see if it suits him soul ring.

After leaving Notting City Soul Master Academy, he did not rush to take Tang San and Tang Jiu out of the city, but walked towards the trading market in the city.

Seeing Tang San, he couldn't help asking.

"Teacher, aren't we going out of the city? Why are we here to shop?"

The master said: "We are going to hunt soul beasts. Of course we can't go empty-handed. We have to prepare some things. Moreover, there is a distance of 400 miles from Notting City to Hunting Soul Forest. We can't go on foot, so we You'll have to hire a carriage."

The sun gradually rose, and the trading market in Notting City became lively, with the sound of shouting and selling.

"Seed cakes, sell sesame cakes..."

"The radishes are for sale. Fresh big radishes are thick and long. They only cost two copper coins each..."

The things prepared by the master are not complicated. I bought two water bladders specially used for drinking water. Each water bladder can hold five liters of water. I also bought some bacon, bread and fruits, which are full of two water bladders. Big bag, like going to a picnic.

Master bought these things, Tang San could still barely understand, it was quite normal to travel far to buy some dry food and water.

But what made Tang San extremely puzzled was that the master actually bought one more thing, and the quantity was quite a lot, it was a whole 20 catties of white radishes.

Tang San asked: "Teacher, is your martial spirit a rabbit? How did you buy so many radishes?"

The master was startled when he heard the words, his expression immediately became serious, Tang San shut his mouth in fright, obediently followed behind the master with 20 catties of white radish in his arms.

After purchasing the goods, the master hired a carriage and spent 5 silver coins.

The currency exchange in Douluo Dalu is like this, 100 copper coins are equal to one silver coin. 100 silver coins are equal to one gold coin. 100 gold coins are equal to one soul coin.Soul coins are the main transaction currency between soul masters, but soul masters are a very rare profession in this world, so most people use gold coins, silver coins and copper coins. One gold coin is enough for an ordinary family of three to live for several months up.

Tang San sweeps the floor at Notting College, and his daily salary is 10 copper coins, so 10 days is 100 copper coins, which is one silver coin. 100 days is 10 silver coins, one year is 36 silver coins, and three years is about 100 silver coins, that is, 1 gold coin.So, one gold coin is equivalent to Tang San's income from working in Notting College for three years.

And 100 gold coins can be exchanged for one soul coin, so how can ordinary people refine soul coins to improve their cultivation?
But this also shows the nobleness of the soul master profession from the side. After becoming a soul master, you will have the strength to kill soul beasts. If you are lucky and explode a crystal nucleus or soul bone, you will really get rich overnight up.

Even a 10-year crystal core can be sold for 10 gold coins, but the probability of a 10-year soul beast dropping a crystal core is 20%, and the probability of dropping a soul bone is even lower, probably less than 0.1%.

The probability of a century-old soul beast dropping a crystal nucleus is 40%. The price of a century-old crystal nucleus is 100 gold coins, which can be directly exchanged for a piece of soul coin. It may not be able to beat, once lost to the soul beast, it will lose its life, so although the crystal core is valuable, few people dare to gamble with their lives.

Of course, there is another most important reason why soul master is called the most noble profession. Even if you are promoted from soul master to soul master, you will get a subsidy of one soul coin every month.

A piece of soul coin can be exchanged for 100 gold coins, which is a lot of wealth for ordinary people, but for a soul master, it only takes a few minutes to refine it, because soul coins can quickly improve the soul power cultivation. Because, for a soul master, there is nothing more important than improving the soul power and obtaining the soul ring. Only by continuously improving the soul power and continuously obtaining the title of soul ring promotion can one become a great soul master from a soul master. From a great soul master to a soul master.

It is said that after becoming a soul master, he can register in the Wuhun Temple, and then he can change his identity, no longer a commoner, but can be conferred with the title of the country and become the lowest nobleman.The higher the power of the cultivation base, the higher the title level of the nobility, and the same income also rises.

Tang San in the previous life was no different from a piglet raised in captivity, he had never even been in a carriage.

So today is Tang San's first time riding in a carriage. Although it was a bit bumpy, the freshness of the outside world still refreshed him, and he was full of curiosity about everything. Looking at the bustling people and the dazzling array of shops, he couldn't help but Some longing, his life may be different from the last one, and I don't know how exciting it will be?
But Tang Jiu was different, not because he was pampered, but because the era in his previous life was different. Tang San's previous life was in ancient times, so naturally he had no concept of transportation.

And Tang Jiu had never taken any kind of transportation, ranging from motorcycles to high-speed rail spaceships, which were not only fast, but also very comfortable.

The carriage he was riding in now had the most traditional wooden wheels without any shock-absorbing effect. Coupled with the bumpy road, he soon felt a sharp pain in his buttocks.

(End of this chapter)

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