Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 80 Luo Sanpao Fertilizes the Soul Beast

Chapter 80 Luo Sanpao Fertilizes the Soul Beast
"Okay, let's go!"

Tang Jiu didn't take the beast spirit back into his body either, because his Nine Heavens Dragon and Phoenix was the one that consumed the least soul power. Although his physique was good, there were indeed many elite soul beasts in this hunting soul forest. So he didn't dare to be careless, it was much safer to have a beast spirit to protect his body.

And Tang Jiu didn't explain too much, after all, the master didn't know what the divine beast White Tiger was, and of course he didn't need to explain anything to the master.

The master was very puzzled by Tang Jiu's behavior, but Tang Jiu was not his student, so he would not interfere too much.

So, they moved on as if nothing had happened.

And Tang San still has no concept of the age of the spirit ring, so he couldn't help asking: "Teacher, under normal circumstances, what method do soul masters use to distinguish the strength, cultivation, and age of spirit beasts?"

The master said: "There are many ways to identify the strength of a soul beast. You can sense the opponent's breath, and you can observe it with your eyes. For example, look, there is a lone bamboo in front of you. It is also a soul beast."

"Lone bamboo? Soul beast?"

Tang San's eyes widened upon hearing this.

The master said: "That's right, it is a plant-type soul beast, just like piranhas, if any animals or humans approach them, they will attack and entangle each other. Its soul ring is very suitable for you Blue silver grass, because the toughness of the solitary bamboo is very good, after absorbing it, it can improve the toughness of your blue silver grass. To judge the age of the solitary bamboo, it is mainly to observe their height. Below 10 meters is a ten-year soul beast. Between 10 and 20 meters is a century-old soul beast, between 20 and 30 meters is a thousand-year soul beast, between 30 and 40 meters is a ten-thousand-year soul beast, and between 40 and 50 meters is a 10-year soul beast Therefore, the first way to judge the life span of soul beasts is to observe their size, the larger the volume of soul beasts of the same type, the higher the life span of the soul beasts.”

"In addition to observing the size, you can also observe the color of the soul power they emit when they attack. The color of the soul power is the same as the color of the soul ring. The color of the soul power of a beast is yellow, the color of the soul power of a thousand-year soul beast is purple, the color of the soul power of a ten-thousand-year soul beast is black, and the color of the soul power of a 10-year soul beast is red."

"Of course, after some soul beasts have cultivated to a certain level, they can change their body size at will, but they don't take the initiative to attack, and they can't observe the soul power. At this time, they can only sense their breath to go It’s time to judge its cultivation base.”

Tang San: "How to sense?"

The master said: "There are two types of induction, one is passive induction, and the other is active induction. The so-called passive induction means that when the opponent does not restrain his aura, or even releases a powerful aura on purpose to deter others, he will passively feel powerful. pressure, and judge the opponent's strength."

"The active induction is to use one's own mental power to probe the other party's body and test the depth. However, this method is extremely dangerous. If the other party's cultivation strength far exceeds my own, if I can't bear it, I'm afraid I will face devastating danger, so for unknown soul beasts, don't easily use mental power to investigate. Remember?"

Tang San nodded, and then asked: "Teacher, then shall we kill that lonely bamboo spirit beast next? I don't know if we can cut off the [Punishment] you gave me."

Originally, the solitary bamboo was not very eye-catching, because there are trees around here, only it is a bamboo, it looks a bit abrupt, so it was seen by the master at a glance, the most important thing is that it is still swaying there Yes, I'm afraid that others won't see it, and I will look like a stupid child at first glance, and I don't know how to drill bamboo forests and use bamboo forests to disguise myself.However, this also just shows that the intelligence of low-level soul beasts is indeed very low. Only by continuous cultivation and becoming a soul beast of more than ten thousand years can their intelligence gradually become enlightened.

The master said: "Not for the time being, because it is only a ten-year soul beast. Of course, your blue silver grass is quite special, and this solitary bamboo is just right for it. If you can't find another better one, then you can only choose it. I have already told you that you must be cautious when choosing a spirit ring, not like your brother, because once a spirit ring is selected, it cannot be changed at will. Normally, a level 10 soul warrior wants to absorb a spirit ring, break through The bottleneck to become a soul master is to absorb a century-old soul ring. According to my research, the specific data is lower than the soul ring of a 423-year-old soul beast. This is what I have obtained through careful research on the growth and failure experiences of many soul masters In conclusion, 423 years should be the limit of the first soul ring, so, I don't want your first soul ring to be a white ten-year soul ring, I hope your first soul ring is as close as possible to the year 1. Extremely close."


Tang San didn't have the slightest doubt, he nodded with absolute certainty, because in his heart, the master's love and persistence for martial souls is just like his for hidden weapons, always pursuing precision and excellence.That's why he has unconditional trust in the master.

"It's over, my brother has become a licking dog!"

Tang Jiu on the side couldn't help sighing a long sigh. The theory the master said was actually not accurate. Fortunately, that guy added a "should", which was considered cautious.

In fact, the limit for absorbing the first soul ring is different for each person, because everyone has a different physique and talent, so the limit of the soul power they can bear is naturally also different, but Tang Jiu doesn't like being in front of his younger brother. Just hit the teacher in the face.

And the master continued triumphantly: "Do you know what it means when the first soul ring can be infinitely close to 1 years? 423 years is a century-old soul ring, and 100 is also a century-old soul ring, but there is a big difference between them The lifespan is nearly 999 years, so there is still a big difference between a century-old soul ring and a century-old soul ring. For example, the same hundred-year soul ring, one is a hundred-year soul ring produced from a 900-year soul beast, The other one is a century-old soul ring produced from the body of the 100-year-old soul beast, although they are all the same color in appearance, both are yellow, but the difference in the increase in the added attributes is vastly different!"

"So, pursuing the limit of the soul ring in the safest possible situation is a compulsory course for becoming an excellent soul master! Well, let's remember this position first, and then move on. San Pao, come here!"

The master called Luo Sanpao over, and saw that guy came to the side of the lone bamboo, making a rumbling sound, and saw one of its hind legs slowly lift up, and threw a piss at the lone bamboo. .

Surprisingly, that lone bamboo didn't attack Luo Sanpao, but seemed to enjoy it. It turned out that Luo Shanpao's urine was its best fertilizer.

(End of this chapter)

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