Douluo: Nine heavens, dragon and phoenix

Chapter 81 I Became a Soul Lord at the Age of 6

Chapter 81 I Became a Soul Lord at the Age of 6

And Luo Sanpao's original intention was not to fertilize it, but because its urine had a unique smell, so that it could find this place again through its sensitive nose.

After doing all this, the master let Luo Sanpao continue to lead the way, and they walked deeper together.

The master gave Tang San a lively practical lesson. Luo Sanpao was working very actively in front, completely unaware that he was being forced to open a business, and even had a great time playing.Through its keen sense of smell, it can easily find those soul beasts hiding in the dark, but they are all low-level soul beasts, almost all of them are ten-year-old soul beasts, and they are not aggressive. Tang San introduced the names and characteristics of those spirit beasts in detail, as well as the method of distinguishing the years of cultivation.

I don't know how long it took, the sky gradually darkened, and the forest gradually became a little dark.

The master raised his head, glanced at the sky, and said: "It seems that we are going to spend the night in this hunting forest tonight, let's find a safe place to live first!"

Tang Jiu looked a little excited, "That's right, we can go camping now."

In fact, they met many spirit beasts along the way, and there were also spirit beasts that matched Tang San's Blue Silver Grass.However, the master did not rush to do it, and was still searching patiently.So it was getting dark, and Tang San hadn't obtained his first spirit ring yet.

And Tang San was not in a hurry, because he believed that the teacher's decision was not wrong.

In the end, the master chose a low-lying valley and planned to sleep there. The valley is like a small basin surrounded by towering peaks. The terrain is complex and surrounded by countless towering trees.

But looking around, he nodded with some satisfaction, then raised his wrist, revealing a strange bracelet.There was a flash of blue light on the bracelet, and a bottle came out of it, "Xiao San, sprinkle the powder in this bottle around these places, remember, it must be as small as possible and evenly distributed."

Tang Jiu opened his eyes, "Good guy, it's another soul guide, this little guy is quite rich!"

"Okay, teacher!" Tang San quickly caught the bottle that the master handed over.Pulling out the cork on the bottle, I saw that there were some powdered medicines inside, not pepper or chili powder, and it smelled a little pungent.

Tang Seng inhaled lightly through his nose, and immediately recognized that what was in it was a medicine similar to realgar.

Tang San in his previous life was a disciple of the Tang Sect. Although he was said to be best at concealed weapons, he also had some research on the use of poisons, so he was able to identify them so easily.Right after Tang San entered the Hunting Soul Forest, he was surprised to find that there were also many poisons in this forest, so he quietly picked some and put them in his belt.Master's study of martial spirits must be much smarter than Tang San, but in terms of poison use, master is definitely not as good as Tang San, and Tang San also knows how to combine various poisonous herbs to refine more powerful poisons .

Soon, Tang San used the medicine powder, evenly sprinkled it around, and then returned the medicine bottle to the master.

The master caught the medicine bottle, his face became a little serious, he wanted to test Tang San, so he asked: "Little San! Do you know why the master asked you to scatter these medicines around here?"

Since Tang San was able to identify the ingredients of the bottle of Chinese medicine powder, how could he not know the purpose of the master?So he replied without thinking: "Spreading the powder should have two functions, one is to cover up the breath on our body, and the other is to drive away the poisonous insects around us."

Hearing Tang San's answer, the master showed a gratified smile on his face. It could be seen that he was very satisfied with this answer. It seemed that Tang San was still very smart, but it was a pity that his cleverness was covered up by Tang Jiu.

"That's right, the name of these powders is snake-repelling powder, and it is a must-have artifact for traveling and home. You have to remember that in such a forest, fire cannot be used lightly. Do you know why?"

Tang Jiu on the side smiled lightly, "If you accidentally set this forest on fire, it would be strange if Wuhundian didn't settle accounts with you!"

"Cough cough!"

Hearing Tang Jiu's words, the master suddenly became embarrassed.He shook his head, "What your brother said is only one of the reasons. Although flames can drive away most beasts, there are also some powerful soul beasts that like flames, and it is night, as long as the flames appear, even if they are far away We will be seen by them from far away, once they are attracted, if our cultivation base is not strong enough, then we will definitely die!"

Sure enough, as the sky got darker and darker, not only did the hunting soul forest not become quiet, on the contrary, the soul beasts that were dormant in the forest during the day also started to move out, roaring one after another.

Master and the others did not light a fire, but simply ate some dry food, and then rested against a big tree.

And the master can be regarded as a very competent master, even now it is the rest time, he did not stop giving Tang San supplementary lessons, and also asked Tang San about the spirit beasts that Tang San saw during the day, See if Tang San listened carefully during the day, deepen his impression and consolidate his knowledge.

Tang San's memory is really good, plus he is full of curiosity about this world, so he is very interested, naturally he remembers it well, nine out of ten he has answered correctly.Although a few of them were wrong, the master helped him correct them in time.

"Little San, do you know that cultivation in childhood is the most important thing in a person's life?" The master's voice was a little hoarse, mixed with some sad emotions.

Tang San shook his head slightly, "I don't know."

The master looked at Tang Jiu at the side again, "Old Jiu, do you know?"

Tang Jiu replied without hesitation: "Because childhood is the golden period of cultivation in life."

"Golden period? That's a good word! I'm going to incorporate it into my theory."

As soon as the master opened his eyes, he didn't expect that Tang Jiu could always sum up a lot of theoretical explanations with a few very simple words, "Your brother is right, the golden period of cultivation is when you are young. In terms of the entire cultivation career, before the age of 20 is a very important cultivation stage. It can be said that the cultivation results before the age of 20 will determine the future achievements of the entire life! The bottleneck of soul power at level 30 is the most difficult to break through in the cultivation process A bottleneck, this bottleneck is like a threshold of ice and fire, if you can cross it before the age of 20, your future is limitless. Your brother has already obtained three soul rings, which means that he has already crossed the threshold. After passing this threshold, you will be awarded the title of Soul Master!"

(End of this chapter)

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