One Piece Demon

Chapter 101 Supernova

Chapter 101 Supernova

Walking to the justice square of the navy, the word navy is on the head. The justice of the navy is well written, but the complex meanings in these two words are far from what two words can express.Navy, justice, when something happens, Yang Tian thinks of all kinds of "justice" in the navy, and his brows can't help but frowned.

Under the two large black navy characters, everyone's behavior unconsciously corrected.Yang Tian walked in the front, Taotu was on the left, and Annie was on the right.Ah Jin and the tea dolphin followed closely behind.Walk towards the naval core, the Marshal's office.

In the marshal's office, Ghost Spider and Volcano are being trained.It is said that it was because of a pirate.

Akaken slapped the table and stood up angrily, his face turned red because of anger or ability: "Hmph, you two lieutenant generals were teased by a supernova! What is the face of our navy?" !"

Sengoku propped up his chin, tapped the tip of the pen on the table twice, closed the pen with a click, and said to Akainu, "Sit down, Akainu."

"Ghost spider, the volcano is burning. How much do you two know about this Jem?" Zhan Guo adjusted his glasses and asked the two of them.


The ghost spider and the volcano looked at each other, and the volcano smoked a big cigar twice before taking a step forward.Spit out a cloud of smoke that does not dissipate for a long time.

"This pirate's name is Jem, but it is understood that this is not his full name. According to the current information, he has not yet obtained his full name.

Sex: Male.

Age: three, about 40 years old.

Origin: East China Sea.

Ability: superhuman fruit hot hot fruit.

One of the supernovas, with a bounty of 3000 million.

Deeds..." Speaking of this, Akainu snorted coldly. The volcano couldn't help but lowered his face. He sipped his cigar twice: "New World deeds [-]: Attacked the base of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, And get out of the way.

Deed [-]: Escaped in my hands.Hehe." Before he finished speaking, Huoshan scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Hmph, let a mere pirate nova escape in the hands of two lieutenant generals in succession. Where did you put the word lieutenant general?" Akainu stood up again, fiddling with his absolute justice.However, a pirate star actually escaped in the hands of the lieutenant general, and it was still the two lieutenant generals with the highest strength, which is worth pondering.

"Akainu, sit down. I came to you to give you advice, not to scold others. Sit back in your seat." Warring States bit the word "position" emphatically. Although Akainu is tyrannical, but The current Akainu is still very obedient in front of the Warring States Period.Akainu blackened his face and sat back unhappily.

From a thick stack of documents, Zhan Guo rummaged through and took out one, opened it and looked at it twice, then turned the document around and put it on the table, pushing it in front of Ghost Spider and Volcano: "Ghost Spider, I know best Your strength, let alone a [-] million new star, even a big pirate with more than [-] million, you have the power to fight. But in your report, it is a complete defeat. Explain these two words!" Zhan Guo pointed to the two complete defeats Word, said vigorously nodding on the table.

"I did lose, but I was defeated not because of his strength, but because dozens of hostages were kidnapped on his pirate ship. As long as we attack him, they will take out the hostages as a shield. This makes our attack The most important thing is that there are some nobles from big countries among the hostages. These nobles are greedy for life and fear of death. They insist on asking us to save them, and we are not allowed to attack them.

When did my ghost spider fight and was threatened, but there was no order from the Navy Headquarters, and I didn’t dare to make a private decision. For the sake of fame, this pirate walked around the base twice before leaving, which did not cause too much damage to personnel. "The ghost spider became more and more angry, and the legs of the spider behind him appeared, and the ghostly air was truly terrifying.

After hearing the ghost spider's narration, Zhan Guo looked at the volcano again: "What about you?"

Asked this, Huoshan Shao's always cheerful smile disappeared, and said in a deep voice: "Me! It's almost the same."

Sengoku heard the two finished talking, and then asked Akainu: "This pirate named Jem has so many hostages in his hands. Akainu, what's your idea, you can catch him."

Akainu was called to stop by Sengoku again and again, and he was already upset. When Sengoku asked this time, Akainu said with anger mixed in: "It's over if you kill the hostages and pirates directly. A mere hostage can tie the hands and feet of justice. After that, what deterrence does justice have?"

"Akainu, your justice is too extreme. I have told you several times that justice is not for deterrence, but for reassuring the people. When will you understand Akainu?" Sengoku sighed, knowing that Akainu It's because he couldn't listen to it. In fact, the Warring States Period didn't want him to participate in this matter.Who knows that there is only one general in the navy headquarters, Akainu, after Aokiji finished solving Yang Tian's matter, he rushed to the new world.Azalea has been busy dealing with the emerging pirate stars in the Chambord Islands recently.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, this is my justice. If I don't die, my justice will not change." Akainu finished speaking expressionlessly, stood up and walked out of the Marshal's office without looking back.

As soon as the door opened, Chiquan bumped into Yang Tian and others who were walking to the door.

"Isn't this Admiral Akainu? Why did he come out angrily?"

Seeing the immature boy in front of him, facing the coercion of his general so easily, Chiquan couldn't help being curious, paused, and stopped in front of Yang Tian.

"Who are you? I don't remember anyone like you in the Navy."

"Haha, General Red Dog was just joking, you are so high up, why would you pay attention to such a small person like me?" Yang Tian didn't expect that Red Dog, who has always been violent, would stop to chat with him, and smiled lightly.

"Small man! Hmph, although this old man is not talented, he is not blind. The teafish and the peach rabbit are both rear admirals, and they are both geniuses. You..." Speaking of the teafish and peach rabbit, Akaken suddenly thought of something, He squinted at Yang Tian and said, "You are Yang Tian, ​​right! The titular grandson of Lieutenant General Karp."

"It's me, I didn't expect General Akainu to really know me!"

"I didn't know you at first, but now I do. But your face is different from the portrait, otherwise I should have recognized you at first sight. Go in, Marshal Sengoku has been waiting for you for several days." Akaken finished. , flicked his sleeves and strode away.

Seeing Red Dog's talkative appearance, Yang Tian himself felt that it was not true: "It is said that General Red Dog's personality is upright and irritable, but now it seems that he is also quite talkative!"

The tea dolphin also frowned suspiciously "" "We don't know about that! Let's go in first, we've been standing at the door for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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