One Piece Demon

Chapter 100 New and Old Acquaintances

Chapter 100 New and Old Acquaintances
"Boss, you don't know that Ah Jin can see through my thoughts, how interesting you say!" The tea dolphin said first, as if he was so powerful.

"I know?"

The tea dolphin, who choked to death with a single sentence, scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly: "Oh, yes! After all, the boss knew me before me. Haha"

"Come on, sit down! Two~"


The three sat around a table and added three glasses of water and wine.

After three or two cups, the chatterbox of the three of them also opened up.

Ah Jin hugged the jug, already a little drunk: "Brother Tian, ​​I didn't say that I was right when I got on your boat. Hiccup~" Ah Jin blushed, and the more he talked, the happier he said: "Now I even met Brother Tea Dolphin, and I clearly felt that he didn't have the slightest strange emotion towards me, because I saw through Boss Yang Tian, ​​so really, really~ let's not talk, let's drink this cup!"

"Haha, do it!" The tea dolphin was also happy. Seeing Ah Jin toast, he was naturally not to be outdone, hugged Ah Jin, and directly picked up the wine bottle and started to fight.

Yang Tian planned to drink this wine slowly and enjoy the afternoon, but the two people in front of him didn't mean to taste wine at all, they were just trying to compete for wine.They couldn't get enough of the drink, and when they got drunk, the two punched and guessed characters, which made them happy.

Yang Tian would inevitably be persuaded to drink, and after several times he was still drunk.


The steel fence of Judiciary Island has appeared in front of the warship. The tea dolphin smelled of alcohol, stood up and looked at the steel outer wall of steel thorns, and said drunkenly: "The front is Judicial Island, pass through the gate of justice, about evening You can go back to the Navy headquarters!"

The warships of the Navy Headquarters are still Garp's direct warships. Judicial Island doesn't even censor, and directly opens the door to justice.

Looking at the cold and huge steel gate in front of him, Ah Jin felt a sense of admiration and shock in his heart.A Jin asked the tea dolphin: "Is it the headquarters of the navy? I have never been to it. Tea dolphin, do you think the headquarters of the navy is as majestic as it is in the legend?"

"Hey, you'll know when it arrives!"

The warship passed through the gate of justice smoothly, and the moment the gate behind it was closed, the warship sailed into a huge smooth vortex, sailing in the vortex, even saving power.Following the current, the warship sailed slowly towards the headquarters of the navy.


"Kacha~ This is the command room of the Navy Headquarters, who are you looking for?"

"I am Rear Admiral Chapo, please open the justice gate of the Navy Headquarters! The warship is expected to enter the Navy Headquarters in 10 minutes."

"Yes! Major General Chapo. Click~"

"Ah Jin, take care. The Navy Headquarters will be here soon."

The cold sea breeze blew away everyone's miscellaneous thoughts, and also blew away the drunkenness of Yang Tian and the others.

Counting it, he hasn't come back for more than a year, but in fact Yang Tian hasn't been back for ten years, and ten years really makes people feel that it's a very long time.For the long-lost Navy Headquarters, it is inevitable to have deep thoughts for those who have been away for a long time.

Tao Tu didn't know when she came over, she stood beside Yang Tian quietly, watching him quietly.It has the meaning of what a husband thinks and what a wife hopes for.

Naturally, Annie accompanied Taotu, but Annie was completely curious.

The justice door of the Navy Headquarters was slowly opened, and the warship rushed out along the current, and the overall appearance of the Navy Headquarters appeared in everyone's view.

For those who have never been to the Navy Headquarters, they will inevitably be shocked by its majesty and solemnity when they arrive at the Navy Headquarters for the first time.

On the island, four peaks enter the clouds, and groups of seagulls hover over the square. The word justice on the city wall seems to be written in people's hearts, which can stimulate the justice in people's hearts.As the warship approached, bursts of powerful roars during training pierced the sky and shook Ajin and Annie on the warship.

"This is the Navy Headquarters?" Annie jumped up and down curiously, and climbed onto Yang Tian's body two or three times, holding Yang Tian's shoulder and sitting on his neck.Exclaimed and pointed to the front, very happy.

"It's really ~ spectacular!"

Ah Jin opened his mouth with a look of shock.

Annie was just happy but didn't feel the slightest shock.Seeing that Annie didn't look shocked, the tea dolphin felt that she had lost face, and couldn't help asking: "Sister Annie, why are you so calm! Apart from being happy, you are not even surprised!"

"Tch, what is this? Miss Ben has seen something even grander than this. There is also a tea dolphin called Her Royal Highness, Miss Ben. The only ones who can be called Miss Ben's sister are my dear brother and Sister Taotu." Annie proudly Pushing up his chin, the queen's breath suddenly rose to his body.


Yang Tian didn't expect Annie to have such a side. After all, he only met a few times. He really didn't expect Annie to have the potential of a queen. It's quite interesting to look at her eyes and her arrogant little chin.

When Annie's small eyes stared at the tea dolphin, the tea dolphin really seemed to have met a noble princess from some country, but the tea dolphin thought again: "His Royal Highness, which princess are you from!"

At this moment, Annie choked, saying whether or not to say this is a question. She said that she could prove that she was indeed a princess, but she also explained that she was a Tianlong person in a disguised way. It's better to hide it.

As for worrying that Ajin would know, didn't you see the cassava hanging around Annie's neck? It was a miniature anti-eavesdropping cassava, which could completely block Ajin's skills.

Annie, who was questioned by the tea dolphin, faltered for a long time in her mouth, finally uttered a "hum", and pursed her mouth reluctantly.

"Since I can't say it, then I'll still call you Sister Anne!" The tea dolphin looked smug, grinning to make him happy: "Sister Anne, Sister Anne! Sister Anne!"

Seeing that Annie's little face was getting redder and redder, Yang Tian could clearly feel the slight trembling of Annie's body, and an invisible thermometer next to Annie's head began to soar, rushing from the green zone to the red zone and directly breaking the sky: "Get out, don't let me See~ see~ you...!"

With this roar, the navy in the exercise stopped, and the patrols were dispatched. I didn't know that I thought a terrorist incident had happened!
When the warship docked, Annie hadn't let go of the tea dolphin. During this short distance, Annie almost scolded the tea dolphin like a dog.

"Princess, princess, can you be a princess, keep your word! I admit that you are a princess, okay?"

"Admit it?"

"Admitted!" The tea dolphin nodded dejectedly.

"I said, Annie, where did you learn these nonsense?"

Annie, as the princess of the big family of Tianlongren, Yang Tian was really puzzled by the words of this local ruffian.

"This! There is a storyteller at home, and the storyteller likes to yell when he gets excited. So I learned it." Annie said embarrassingly, sticking out her tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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