Chapter 99 Set Sail and Return
The wind at sea is much colder again, perhaps because of the ghost of the green pheasant, the thick sea ice on the sea surface is still cool, and they still stand firm in their own beauty under the scorching sun.

Yang Tian chatted with the tea dolphin for a while on the warship to learn about the changes in the past year. Through the tea dolphin's description, he can also feel Taotu's own love the most. If you ask Taotu directly, I think she just He will hide it in a few words, pretending that I am fine and you don't have to worry.Therefore, what the tea dolphin said is better than Yang Tian hearing a bunch of "I'm fine, don't worry." After he finished speaking, Taotu would respond with a faint smile, which made people feel even more distressed.

After Yang Tian finished chatting with the tea dolphin, they went to the island together.

"I passed by this island when I was on a mission before. But I was very busy at the time! I was on a mission, so I didn't come to the island to see it. I didn't expect the scenery on this island to be really extraordinary!" The tea dolphin walked leisurely Walking through the greenery, I was blown out of a different mood by the breeze.

"Okay, what are you feeling for running around here?! We will meet up with Momotu, and we will go to the Navy headquarters. I haven't seen the old man for a long time. I still miss him!"

"Lieutenant General Garp has been talking about you a lot since you "gone". Lieutenant General Garp's donut record has not been touched."

"Really! I didn't expect old man Karp to have such a side! Hahaha~"

In this way, Yang Tian and the tea dolphin chatted and laughed before they knew it, and they had already walked to the station.

After everyone gathered, they had breakfast, then returned to the warship and headed towards the Navy headquarters, Marineford.

on a warship

"You are sister Taotu! My future sister-in-law, hehe~" Annie learned how to hop like a rabbit, jumping up and down in front of Taotu who was leaning against Yang Tian.Laughed out his little tiger teeth.

"I'm Peach Rabbit, what are you?"

Seeing Taotu's puzzled face, Yang Tian couldn't help but patted his forehead, and said apologetically, "Oh! It's really my fault, I forgot to introduce you! This cute and beautiful girl is my sister, My sister! Anne."

"Annie, this is Peach Rabbit, I think you already know it!"

"Well, hello sister Taotu!" Annie smiled sweetly, and stretched out her chubby and cute little hand.

"Hello! Can you just call you Anne?"

"Of course! We are all a family, so we don't need to see outsiders like that."

Annie is like the cute girl next door, sunny and straightforward, and a little naughty.And Taotu has calmed down a lot since she kept her powers and bide her time for a year. The carefree woman has disappeared, leaving only a little melancholy beauty in her quietness, which makes Yang Tian like it even more.

"Sister Taotu, can you talk to me about how my sister met my brother?" Annie blinked her cute big eyes, which kept flashing, which made Taotu's heart soften all of a sudden. down.

"Okay, you really are an annoying little fairy."

Talking and laughing, Taotu stretched out his lush hand, and lightly tapped Annie's forehead.

Under Taotu's light finger, Annie stuck out her tongue mischievously: "Slightly~", she still hasn't forgotten to give her brother a cute little look.

"You two go talk in the cabin! It's windy outside!"

Taotu picked up the hair beside her ears, the sea breeze blew through her hair and danced, the breath of the sea and a faint fragrance penetrated into Yang Tian's nose, Taotu saw Yang Tian's nose tilted up, and squinted her eyes enjoying it He couldn't help but smile slightly, lowered his head and said to Annie: "Annie, are you going to the cabin?"

"No, I finally ran out, I don't want to stay in a small room."

Annie pouted with a reluctant expression.

"Then you can do whatever you want! But don't be too loud!" Yang Tian specially told Taotu, for fear that his little secret would be publicized.

"Don't worry, you can go about your business! Sister Annie and I will chat for a while!"

"Okay~Okay! Let's chat, tea dolphin, Ajin, let's go, and the three of us have a drink or two!"

"Hey, Boss, did you forget something?" The tea dolphin said in a long tone, with an expression of lovelessness.

"Forgot? Forgot what!"

"You haven't introduced me yet! Such a lovely sister, are you afraid that I will abduct her?!" The tea dolphin reluctantly raised his face: "I know that my uncle is handsome and handsome, everyone loves her, The flowers are blooming... But boss, don't worry about how I will abduct your sister."

The tea dolphin became more and more narcissistic, and Annie couldn't help retching beside her. Annie just glanced at the tea dolphin and retched, and finally made the tea dolphin smack her lips, embarrassed to continue.With an embarrassed smile, he straightened his shameless spine, faced the eyes of everyone, and finished this extremely shameless words.

"You want to abduct Annie, it's not that I underestimate you, just as long as you don't get abducted by her."

"Okay, let me introduce you. This is the tea dolphin. Annie, you have to look at it yourself. Alright, the tea dolphin is gone!" Yang Tian's introduction can be described as simple, simple, and simple.

"Hey~ Is this the end?"

"Let's go!" Yang Tian grabbed the tea dolphin by the shoulder and dragged the tea dolphin towards the attic cabin. Those who didn't know it thought the tea dolphin was some prisoner who was about to be executed.

Ajin followed Yang Tian, ​​looking at the tealfish who was dragged to the ground with tears in his eyes, he suddenly felt a sense of sympathy, and couldn't help saying hello: "Hi, I'm Ajin, you are very interesting!"

When the tea dolphin saw someone take the initiative to greet him, he was so excited, he escaped from Yang Tian's water in an instant, stood up straight, cleared his throat and said, "I'm the tea dolphin, hello buddy!" Just said One sentence is still serious, and the next second the tea dolphin makes all kinds of exclamations.

"Wow, you can actually see through my heart, so you know everything I think!" The tea dolphin, with stars in his eyes, chatted with A Jin in his heart, making the unknowingly on the side Yang Tian was depressed.

"Aren't you afraid? I can know what you're thinking?" Ajin reminded cautiously.

The tea dolphin hugged A Jin's shoulders, and under A Jin's confused eyes, said carelessly: "Afraid? Why am I afraid? This is also the serious strength of a strong man. It's too late to be envied! And This ability is really cool.”

"Really?" A Jin hugged the tea dolphin excitedly, as if seeing his own brother.

"Of course!" The tea dolphin punched Ah Jin's chest with certainty.

"Cough cough!"

A Jin rubbed his chest, he let out a breath of sullen breath in his chest, coughed twice, A Jin smiled in pain, and punched back cheerfully.



"You two, why is this! You're called brothers so soon." Yang Tian, ​​who had just cleaned up the cabin, couldn't help but teased when he saw this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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