One Piece Demon

Chapter 105

Chapter 105
The tea dolphin let out a long sigh, and said, "You really want to kill me."

A Jin said lightly: "I don't know how to copy, and I'm not a genius. I don't learn how to do it slowly."

The tea dolphin said: "That's right, it's all because Annie learned too fast, which caused me to think about comparison. After all, the six styles are the research results of the Navy for many years, so how can they be so easy to learn, I think back then..."

As he talked, the tea dolphin couldn't help thinking of the time when he was learning the six styles. It was a season of heavy snow, the wind was like a mad knife, and the snow was like the sea.A squad of them stood in the strong wind, shouting loudly one after another, as if they could feel warmer by roaring.The white snow under his feet was crushed mercilessly, although it was very bitter and tiring.But warm and full of energy at all times.

Seeing the excitement he said, Ah Jin didn't bother to sit in front of him, being a close audience.From time to time, he echoes with his emotions. The two of them don't seem to be training now, but more like storytellers and listeners.

Annie stabilized her dangling body in the air, trying to move in the direction she wanted to go.

There was a crisp sound, "bang" sounded in Taotu's ears, the sound was very close and short, Taotu looked for the sound, and a pretty person was covering his head: "Ouch~" screaming in pain.

Taotu went to Annie's side and knelt down, stretched out her jade-like hand, rubbed Annie's head lightly, and said, "You, I'm too impatient. It's very good to be able to do this at the beginning, wait for you Once the technique of shaving is firmly established, it will not be too late to practice moon steps."

Annie raised her head, her eyes were like a lake with gently swaying water, her face was full of grievances, and people couldn't help hugging her in her arms to comfort her.

Taotu looked at Annie, who was pouting her mouth and pretending to be poor, and said, "Don't look at me like that, if you want to hit two big bags again, you can just practice carelessly by yourself."

Seeing Taotu's serious face, Annie's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly said, "Sister Taotu, don't be angry, Annie just needs to be obedient."

Taotu's complexion immediately eased, and said with a smile: "That's right."

She stopped talking, found a seat and sat down, looking at Annie quietly.

Annie calmed down, stopped training blindly, and began to recall Taotu's words and deeds from the bottom of her heart.

What is the king?

King, Lord of Heaven and Earth.Orders can be announced to millions of generals, the point of the sword, the enemy, the wind is frightened.

The king is supreme, with thousands of territories, no one dares to be different.All under the knees are the subjects, and the king let the ministers die, and the ministers have to die.

The king is as proud as the sky, even if the soldiers come to the city, he still respects the supreme majesty.Even if the army is defeated like a mountain, it will not lose its majesty to look down on the world.

The devil king is evil by nature, and his power is unmatched.Thousands of demon gods respect him, and they can command tens of thousands of trillions.

The flame of kingship, called flame, is actually nothingness, it is the flame of demon king power.When the flames came out, the demon king was furious, killing millions, and everything dared not speak.

In Yang Tian's mind, there is a supreme demon king, holding an ordinary-looking sword blade, with corpses floating thousands of miles under his feet, bull-headed ghosts and ghosts.Their eyes were wide open, their expressions were horrified and horrified. Looking closely at these corpses, there was not a single scar on their bodies. They were all souls burned by the flames of power, and there was no destination after death.

The wail of the wind was like a fierce ghost, hideous and terrifying, as if there were countless sharp needles on the back of the head.The demon king on the mountain of corpses was still smiling, white teeth and red lips were drinking with the moon, just on the corpse, singing freely, suddenly the demon king seemed to have sensed something, stopped laughing, and stopped drinking.Looking behind him, he smiled strangely——

Yang Tian, ​​who had been sitting for a long time with his eyes closed, opened his eyes fiercely, gasping for breath, Yang Tian suddenly had a feeling of being seen through at that glance, and without knowing it, Dou Da's cold sweat instantly wet his spine and drenched his clothes.

Seeing Yang Tian's strange behavior, Taotu on the opposite side frowned and got up, but finally sat back.He looked at Yang Tian quietly, not wanting to disturb him.

Yang Tian wiped the beads of sweat that flowed down, shook his clothes, saw that they were soaked, so he took them off.Looking at the jacket thrown aside, soaking the floor.Can't help but think deeply——

Yang Tian clapped his hands suddenly and said, "That's right, that's right, it's it!"

Sitting cross-legged, the mind is settled.Yang Tian entered into a kind of profound and profound comprehension.

Test the world with the sword, why not be afraid of ups and downs of success or failure.Taotu looked at her sword, maybe she saw something from Yang Tian, ​​it was that momentum, or something else.Pulling out the sword, flicking his index finger, dragons roared all over the place.

Momotu got up, holding Jinpira tightly in his hand, with a light figure, and the sword dancing gave people an illusion of lightness and powerlessness, the sword was getting faster and faster, and the sword energy covered the sword without any leakage , I saw the sword shadow flying horizontally, tightly wrapping that wonderful posture, gradually the sword shadow changed, the white sword energy changed color and shape.Taotu leaped up and swung a sword, the sword disappeared under people's eyes, and turned into cherry blossoms, the cherry blossoms were like knives, killing heaven and earth, when a petal fell, a sword aura was released without a trace, making it hard to know where it came from Attacked, but full of power.

Annie was horrified, a cherry blossom was floating towards her, it was a whole cherry blossom, the umbrella-shaped cherry blossom flew towards her lightly, but Annie stood there dumbfounded, because it didn't know how to dodge, and her intuition told her that now No matter where she dodges, she always——

Taotu, who hadn't stopped the sword dance in the air, also noticed the situation here, but the sword could no longer be retracted, the cherry blossoms were about to fall, and Taotu was also sweating anxiously.

The cherry blossoms still fell, and Taotu's red lips had already been bitten off, and the bright red blood stained her white teeth, but Annie closed her eyes without panic, because a voice sounded in her mind, saying: "Don't worry!" , I'm here." The voice was soft and full of magnetism, making people unable to resist approaching and trusting.

The cherry blossoms landed between Annie's eyebrows, just like that quietly fell on it, and stopped.There was no slight movement, and when Annie opened her eyes, the cherry blossoms turned into a strange flame, flickered twice, and dissipated with a snap.

“Flowers are beautiful~”

The familiar voice sounded again, this time very close, because the person who made the voice was holding Annie's shoulder lightly at this time.

Annie raised her head, and the man was reaching out to catch a cherry blossom, and the cherry blossom stopped in his palm, so pure and beautiful.Annie couldn't help reaching out her hand to touch it, but the man slapped the back of her hand, and retracted her hand in pain. Annie immediately said dissatisfied: "Brother, I want to play too."

Yang Tian laughed, scratched her upturned nose, and said with a silly smile: "You are still early!"

Shaking his head, Yang Tian picked Annie up, and the two of them were standing under the sea of ​​flowers. Countless cherry blossoms would float by their sides. The heroic Taotu, who danced with swords, was like a dancing girl, showing off her beauty with the falling flowers. The dance, that moment was absolutely beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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