One Piece Demon

Chapter 106 Chambord Islands 1

Chapter 106 Chambord Islands [-]
After hearing Yang Tian's words, the tea dolphin looked at the vice-captain's eyes immediately changed, no longer laughing and joking, a gloomy and cold flashed by, making people feel a chill.In the next second, a hand firmly grabbed the vice-captain's neck, lifted him up like a chicken, and then slammed him to the ground.

The deputy captain only felt his head sink, the whites of his eyes rolled out, and he passed out limply.

The cherry blossoms fell, reflecting the moonlight, and a layer of moonlight was applied to the powder, just like someone brushed it evenly with a brush dipped in the moonlight, it was so beautiful.However, no one dared to stop and appreciate it, because every cherry blossom fell, a pirate ship turned into honeycomb.These pirates probably don’t want to see such beautiful cherry blossoms in their life. The courageous pirates gritted their teeth and resisted, and the timid ones jumped into the sea directly hoping to escape from this hell on earth, some even frightened. Trembling, he couldn't even think of running away.

Compared with Taotu's appreciative sword spirit, Ajin and Al are much simpler and rude.

Ah Jin can't do physical skills at any time, but that's compared to Yang Tian and the others. In addition, his fruit can give him a top-notch ability.A pair of fleshy hands easily knocked out the attacking pirates.

Fungus fruit was even weirder. Al just stood on the bow of a ship, stood there for a while, and then left.The pirates who had just been on guard were puzzled, but before Al's figure disappeared in front of their eyes, they covered their stomachs one by one, howling, the sweat on their faces came out one after another, and the painful gums Bite is bleeding, where is the strength to resist.

Soon several people returned to the warship, looking at the few people present, Yang Tian said: "Let's go! I'm hungry, let's eat something tonight!"

Yang Tian took Taotu's soft and boneless little hand and stepped off the boat.Several people were talking and laughing as they walked towards the interior of the island. When passing by a tree with a number, Yang Tian looked up and suddenly said: "Number 13, it turns out to be a lawless zone. I said it! It's interesting."

The corner of Yang Tian's mouth curled up, and he smiled with interest, and held Taotu's hand a little harder.

This helpless place is different, walking on the street, but feeling the suburbs, the street lamps flickering dim yellow light, swarms of mosquitoes and flies buzzing around.

A bright-looking light in the distance shines through the window of a bar.The bar is not too big, but it is one of the few "peaceful" areas. Because the owner of the bar is quite prestigious, no one dares to cause trouble here.Although the bar is small, it is packed with customers and is extremely lively.

When Yang Tian came in, there was not even a single vacancy here.But he was not in a hurry, because he knew that someone would ask him to sit down soon.Sure enough, he had just stood at the door for a while when a thin man with a mustache squeezed his way through a group of big men. The little old man held on to his reading glasses and opened his narrow eyes with great effort, trying to see more clearly.

The old man stared at Yang Tian carefully for a long time, then he glanced at the people around him, and finally fell on Yang Tian, ​​and said with a ghostly voice: "You must be Major General Yang Tian! Come on, This way please, my master said. If you come, we must treat you well."

The old man bent over as if his waist was not straight at all, and smiled old-fashionedly.

The lunatics, pirates and other lawbreakers in the bar, when they heard the word major general, stopped their movements in unison, and looked at Yang Tian's group of people fiercely, if these gazes If they could be turned into knives, they would have been chopped into pieces long ago.

Yang Tian didn't seem to see all this, nodded to the old man, and followed behind him unhurriedly, the calmness in his eyes was like a long-quiet lake. Under the leadership of the old man, the six of them sat at the bar at the end. In the center, the old man smiled and said: "I don't know how many distinguished guests, what would you like to drink?"

Yang Tian frowned, and smiled again: "Your master's way of hospitality is quite interesting, serve your best wine."

The old man seemed unable to hear the sarcasm in Yang Tian's words, he still smiled, bowed his waist, and said calmly: "Okay, I'll serve wine to you right away."

As soon as the old man left, the criminals sitting around Yang Tian began to whisper.

"People from the navy dare to come here, don't you want to live?"

"I don't think it's possible that the navy wants to clean up this area."

"No way, if it's really like what you said, something big will happen."

"That's right, that's right, small characters like us, it's better to run quickly!"

A big bearded man stood up suddenly, and when he slapped the table, all the voices disappeared, only to hear the man shout: "Hmph, nonsense. Let me meet them."

The big bearded man seemed to have drunk a lot, his feet were unsteady, and he almost tripped over his own stool, the big man suddenly felt angry, and kicked his stool away, and the stool flew over Yang Tian's head, viciously It slammed into the wall, and debris was scattered all over the place.

But Yang Tian never moved from the beginning to the end, and there was still a faint smile on his face.

The old man was holding a plate with a jug of wine standing on it, and there were several high-quality porcelain cups beside the jug. The old man walked up to Yang Tian in small steps, as if he didn't know what happened just now, and he was still just doing his own thing. Responsibility: "Major General Yang Tian, ​​this wine is called Immortal Drunk, an ancient recipe. I'm afraid you won't be used to it."

The tea dolphin picked up the wine, as if there was no wine in the glass, and there was a pungent taste of the wine again, he stuck out his tongue out of curiosity, tried to lick it, and said: "Hiss~delicious enough."

Yang Tian was playing with the wine glass, he didn't look at it carefully with the light, he really couldn't see whether there was wine in the glass, looking at the wine, Yang Tian smiled and said: "It is said that when the water is clear, there will be no fish, this wine is either water or good wine .But this wine——interesting, I'm a little curious about what your master means."

If Yang Tian’s guess is correct, this bar is owned by Doflamingo, one of the Seven Martial Seas. Ordinary pirates may not know about him, but as the Seven Martial Seas, he also knows his details more or less. Doflamingo wanted to show himself off, but now——

Doflamingo supported his forehead, showing a strange and arrogant smile, and said: "Fufurfur... Yang Tian arrived at Chambord Island tonight, do you know?"

Pica said in an extremely funny voice: "The new rear admiral, the news from the navy is not that he went to the new world to catch some supernova, why did he escape to Chambord Island?"

Brother Ming licked his lips strangely, and said: "Who knows what the navy wants to do, it actually went ashore directly in the unstoppable zone, and directly destroyed more than a dozen pirate ships, including several of ours."

(End of this chapter)

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