One Piece Demon

Chapter 112 Doomsday

Chapter 112 Doomsday
Judging from the friendliness of the scene, the best thing is the battle between the tea dolphins. Two tough guys are immersed in the two-person world, which has the least impact on the outside world. The worst thing is the battle between Al and Cyclops, and the scattered poison The pirates couldn't survive, they couldn't die, and those pirates who were scalded by the bursting steam had their faces ruined one by one, and they really suffered.

Soldiers are soldiers after all, so how can they participate in the battle between generals? Hundreds of soldiers are no more than a cup of tea, and none of them is safe and sound.

The pirates were dizzy, dying, screaming, screaming, and wailing, it really seemed like they were on the battlefield.

Now, only Kells and Yang Tian did not make a move. The two stood in their respective camps, as if this battle had nothing to do with them. However, this calmness is the most dangerous on the battlefield. The speed is comparable to that of the yellow ape, which makes the ordinary dagger in his hand no longer ordinary, making Yang Tian dare not take his eyes off him for a moment. The dagger looks like the best fish under the moonlight, white and soft as if It will sink into a person's throat.

Kells looked at Yang Tian jokingly, turning the dagger in his hand deftly.

He moved, and Kells couldn't stand this kind of depression anymore. Even if he took the initiative, Yang Tian's eyes were too terrifying, staring at him only made him feel hairy. Now he just wants to end it as soon as possible, but he really doesn't want to. Suffered.

As soon as Kells moved, Yang Tian turned into a shadow and disappeared in place like the wind. Kells' target was Ajin. It may be because of Ajin's weak physical skills, and Ajin has been fighting for a long time, and his physical strength has already weakened. .

With a movement of Kells' wrist, the dagger was like a shooting star, slashing towards Ajin's neck. Yang Tian secretly thought that it was not good, so he quickly called Yimo out, and threw Yimo at Ajin, and Yimo speeded up. Yang Tian's outburst made Yimo catch up with Yimo just in the nick of time, and Yimo's legs turned into sharp blades to face the dagger.

However, as if Kells had expected all of this, he saw the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and he smiled strangely, and the speed doubled. It has already disappeared before my eyes.

Yang Tian was deceived from the very beginning. Kells' speed at this time was not at the same level as Yang Tian's. This made Yang Tian wrongly predict the strength of Kells. Taotu's Kells, Yang Tian's heart bulged, but he couldn't stop him from thinking too much, so he turned into a red light and rushed towards Taotu.

Taotu and Captain Asako were fighting fiercely, and they were all focused on the battle. They didn't have any precautions against Kells' arrival, until Kells' murderous dagger pierced her tender skin. Only then did I feel someone behind me, but it was already too late———

Yang Tian, ​​who arrived behind him, opened his arms and caught the peach rabbit that fell from the sky like a fairy. It's just that the fairy had peach blossoms on her face and golden lotus at the mouth, but now the peach rabbit was dying and spitting blood.

Yang Tian, ​​who was kneeling on the ground, put his hands tremblingly on Taotu's face, trying to wipe away the blood from the corner of her mouth, as if as long as he wiped it off this time, it would stop bleeding, but the blood continued to flow from her It gushed out of his mouth, and he only felt that his heart was suffocated by the blood, he couldn't breathe, he was so uncomfortable that he was dying.But he still held back his tears, because he wanted to give her hope, even though the dagger had pierced her heart, but at this time, who else could give her hope except him.

Taotu wriggled her blood-stained lips, as if she was saying something, her voice was very soft and small, but Yang Tian felt like it was ringing in his ears, he hugged her hand tightly, and responded in a low voice She, his voice was also very soft, for fear of scaring her.

Taotu said: "I didn't expect to be separated again after we met just now, but this time, I have broken the promise, which will cause you to be sad for a long time. If you knew this, it would be better not to meet each other, so you won't be sad." !"

Yang Tian said: "Silly girl, you will be fine! No~ We haven't traveled around this beautiful world yet, we still have too many adventures to experience, I still want to hold your hand forever, Go to the ends of the earth! How can something happen to you, you won't!" He was laughing, but the smile was so, so stiff, but he couldn't help laughing, he could only laugh.

After Taotu was attacked, the tea dolphin suddenly broke out and quickly resolved his battle with both sides hurt. He was furious and was about to rush over, but was held back by Al who had just finished the battle. Er's severely scalded upper body immediately swallowed it back, and under Al's soft sigh, the clenched fist was lowered again, and Ah Jin also broke out suddenly, and solved the opponent. They looked at the two from a distance, But Kells fainted at some point and was lying not far from Taotu.

There was too much blood, and the lips that were rosy just now have turned waxy white, which looks so pitiful, but now is really not the time to be sad.

Taotu smiled wryly, and said, "Look at you, you're still crying at such a big age!"

Yang Tian didn't speak, because now he couldn't speak except choked up. At this moment, he realized his incompetence, arrogance, and blind self-confidence.He felt that everything was his fault, if, if he didn't provoke these pirates, so many incidents wouldn't happen, and she wouldn't lie in his arms laughing and crying.

Tao Tu seemed to see what was on his mind, and said with one last breath, "Are you blaming yourself? Please don't do this. My man is a fearless man. He is strong, brave, and cute. You are not him now, please let me go."

Said Tao Tutu struggled out of his arms.

Yang Tian hurriedly hugged him tightly, and said: "Don't move, don't move, I beg you! I haven't changed, I'm still the same him. It's still yours."

His eyes are changing, I don't know if it's because of his determination or his love, in short he is still the same him, that's all he needs to be, Taotu closed his eyes contentedly, because she felt so tired and her eyelids were so heavy, And it seems that many people are calling her. There is a bright door in the sky that is slowly opening, full of laughter, beautiful flowers, and bright sunshine. It seems that as long as you walk through this door, there will be no more. Same trouble.

The feeling in his hand suddenly became a little lighter, and Yang Tian quickly shook her body, trying to wake her up, but no matter how much he called, she didn't respond at all.

Yang Tian cried, and said: "Don't pretend to be asleep, get up, get up." He leaned into her ear, his voice was very soft, as if he was really going to wake up his sleeping lover, and she really seemed to be pretending to be asleep, Because no matter how he called, she didn't open her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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