One Piece Demon

Chapter 113 Miko

Chapter 113 Miko
Al smiled contemptuously, and said: "I advise you not to move around. The more you move, the more itchy you will get. Don't expect to pull out the nail. Because it is not a nail, but a nail mushroom. A fungus stronger than steel, the most important thing is that it can make people...hehe..." He laughed as if he was talking about something happy, but the smile was terrifying.

Kells' dry lips squirmed twice, and said, "Let me go, let me go, and I will tell you a secret."

The tea dolphin punched Kells in the stomach, beating him into shrimps.

The tea dolphin said: "We are not interested in your secrets, we just want you to taste what life is better than death."

The tea dolphin punched Kells, and Kells was like a leaf drifting in the wind and rain, twisted and crooked——

Kells gritted his teeth and said, "You... are definitely interested, ahem... Don't you want to know what happened to that female navy?"

Yang Tian appeared in front of Kells in an instant, grabbed him, and said, "What did you say?"

Kells had a smug smile on his face, and said, "I knew she was important to you, how about a deal?"

Yang Tian stared at Kells viciously, trying to see something from his expression, but Kells was very indifferent, as if he really knew something, so Yang Tian had scruples.

Yang Tian let go and didn't speak for a long time. After a while, he raised his head and said, "What deal, tell me."

Kells became a little agitated, his voice became hoarse, and he said, "Kill me, this is what you need to do for me, but I want a happy death, agree?"

Yang Tian frowned and nodded slowly.

Kells laughed very happily. After laughing, he continued: "If you don't ask me, I will tell you that I want to die because I don't want to live like a walking dead. In fact, I am already dead. Many years ago. Do you remember the dagger I used?"

He looked at Yang Tian with such relaxed eyes.

Yang Tian nodded again. In retrospect, it was indeed a strange-looking dagger, as if it was made of the teeth of some wild beast.

Kells said to himself: "That dagger was the beginning of my nightmare. I encountered it by accident in an adventure last year. On that day, I possessed strength beyond my imagination, but I also fell into hell..."

The story of Kells is very long. After he finished it in detail, the sky has already turned white. Yang Tian will pick out the key points. To put it simply, the dagger is the sealed devil's fang. It survives by devouring the soul of Kells To this day, and Kells has also obtained the speed of the wind through it. As for the devil fruit, it is completely to hide the secret of the dagger, and the reason why the dagger gave up everything to assassinate Taotu today is because the dagger feels the past from Taotu's blood. The aura of the maiden who sealed it makes the enemy meet, which can be said to be extremely jealous.The dagger directly raised a strong killing intent, and this assassination scene appeared, as for Kells, he was like a puppet.

Now the dagger turned into a ghost and continued to fight in Taotu's body. Although Kells escaped from the devil's fangs, his soul was already broken and incomplete. Dare to imagine his own life after being abolished. Now his heart is dead, and now he only wants to die with dignity.

When Kells was telling, Xiao An had already come out and told the details. As Kells said, there was a black unknown energy in Taotu's body, fighting with her.

Before he died, Kells said: "I'm about to die, but I don't feel any fear. Regarding that navy girl, I give you a suggestion to find her people. Only witchcraft can save her."

It's always good for a person to say something before he dies, and Yang Tian didn't want him to suffer any more, with a flash of sword light in his hand, Kells left with a smile on his face——

Yang Tian caressed Xiao An, and said in a deep voice, "Is there nothing you can do?"

Xiao An shook his head and said, "I've tried my best, but the power system is different, so I can't do anything."

Yang Tian was silent.

The tea dolphin couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "Let's tell Marshal Warring States to help him find someone who knows witchcraft!"

Yang Tian said, "Tea Dolphin, go back to the boat, but don't talk about Taotu, I'm afraid of Vice Admiral He...he's not as strong as Karp!"

The tea dolphin clenched its fists, looked at Yang Tian, ​​nodded vigorously, and rushed towards the direction where the warship was berthed.

Yang Tian said to the rest of the people: "We also have to make two-handed plans. Our hopes for the Marshal are actually not great. The navy has been established for so many years, and I have never heard of that general who knows witchcraft. According to Kells, the new There are some hidden wizards hidden in the world. We will set sail tomorrow, with the main purpose of finding wizards."

Everyone said in unison: "Yes!"

The sky was also turning bright, and there were pedestrians on the street one after another. Yang Tian's team was really eye-catching. Hundreds of people were tied by an iron chain, like a parade in the street. It didn't take a moment for the entire Lawless Zone to know that five pirate groups had been wiped out.And the names of Yang Tian and the others became popular all of a sudden.

Inside the naval base.

The guard on duty saw a large group of people walking towards the base from a long distance away, all of them were vicious. The guard thought that the pirates were coming to attack the base, so he hurriedly rang the alarm bell.

The navy of the Chambord Islands is fairly efficient, and the army was quickly assembled. As soon as the gate was closed, the artillery was set up, and the guns were loaded.

On the fence, the major general rushed over, and while trotting, he muttered: "What are you doing so early in the morning, I didn't sleep well, ah~"

The navy on the side hurriedly said: "Major general, this is a big deal. Now the base doesn't even have a lieutenant general. If you are really beaten down by pirates, it's no wonder you don't get demoted."

When the major general heard this, he immediately regained his energy, and said, "It's true, it's strange for you to say that, as soon as the lieutenant generals left, there were pirates coming out of him. Could it be that they negotiated it?"

The soldier secretly rolled his eyes at the major general, and said: "Major general, if you slander the lieutenant generals like this, be careful that they will send you to a military court."

The major general shrugged unhappily, and took out the binoculars from his pocket: "Why do you think those pirates are all tied up, who is walking in front of them?"

The soldier shook his head with a puzzled look on his face, but what had to be done was still to be done. Everyone tensed up and waited quietly...

Hundreds of people had already come to the door, Yang Tian looked at the navy waiting in full force, frowned, and said with a smile: "When did the navy change the way of greeting, why didn't I, the major general, know?"

With one word from Yang Tian, ​​he had already revealed his identity, and with the presence of the tea dolphin, a naval genius, they would make a joke if they couldn't figure it out...

(End of this chapter)

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