One Piece Demon

Chapter 114 Holy Land

Chapter 114 Holy Land
The sea soldiers opened the door and welcomed Yang Tian and his party in.

The major general came out laughing, and came up with a warm hug, and the teal pig coughed dryly.

The major general pinched his waist and said proudly: "I haven't seen you for a long time, kid, why did you run away and I came here today.",
He raised his head and looked at the pirates tied in a row, and then said: "I also gave a big gift!"

Tea dolphin, said: "This time I came with a mission, and these pirates just dropped by."

The two chatted for a while, and the tea dolphin thought of Yang Tian and the others.Busy introduced embarrassingly: "This is my boss Yang Tian, ​​this is Ajin, this is Al, and lastly, this cute little sister is called Annie."

The major general smiled and nodded with everyone, and said: "The friend of the tea dolphin is my friend, if you have anything to say, just say it."


The warship set off again, and after handing over the pirate to the interesting major general, Yang Tian and the others left directly, because there was no reason for him to stay here.

The sea breeze is still cold, and the rising sun is still bright, but Yang Tian can no longer feel that kind of warmth.That sweet sleeping person lay quietly in the system space, his cool skin was slowly freezing, freezing his fiery heart.

Annie stared at her brother sitting in the bow. This was the first time she saw her brother like this. His handsome face had a sense of vicissitudes, and his expression was a little dazed. His eyes were not as sharp as before. She was all haggard, and her eyes were a little sour.

Annie walked up to her brother with red eyes, obediently stretched out her little hand, put it in Yang Tian's hand, and shook it twice.

Yang Tian, ​​who was staring blankly into the distance, lowered his head, smiled, stretched out his hand, touched Annie's head, and said with a light smile, "What's the matter, Annie?"

Annie raised her head like a good baby, and said, "Brother, don't be sad, sister Taotu is not gone forever, she definitely doesn't want her brother to become what he is now for her."

Yang Tianchang sighed, withdrew his hand, continued to look into the distance, and stopped talking.

Annie lowered her head and walked away silently, but she couldn't help turning her head to look twice, Bei Chi couldn't help biting her pink lips, trotted two steps, and got into the cabin.

Al and the others hiding in the kitchen saw that Annie's attack had no effect, they looked at each other, and spread their hands helplessly.

The tea dolphin said: "The current state of the boss is not very good!"

Al nodded, and said: "Yes, I have been holding back like this, maybe something serious will happen, I will take care of my body sooner."


Under this strange depression, the outline of the red earth continent gradually appeared in front of the warship.

Looking at the Red Earth Continent, there was a gleam of light in Yang Tian's eyes.Dry lips twitched, and he said to himself, "It's been a long time, it feels like we've been apart for a century."

After finishing speaking, Yang Tian was also surprised for a moment, he didn't know why he said this sentence, it seemed that someone controlled him at that moment.But that feeling disappeared in an instant, and his eyes returned to the plainness just now.

The warship was placed in the seaport of the world government, and the group set foot on the red earth continent where there are as many dragons as dogs, and where the Holy Land Mariejoa is located.

The compartment is huge.

Five people sat inside, and it was much more free and empty.And besides the five of them, there was one who was standing.

It was strange that he refused to sit down when he was in the car.No matter how violent the carriage was, the man stood upright, like a gun.

This person is Jiayi, who was dispatched by the world government to help Yang Tian solve the checkpoint problem after receiving the report from the navy.After all, there are Tianlong people everywhere here, and any problem must be looked at ten times.

Jia Yi is like a dead waiter, he will never say a word, and he will not make an extra movement. If it is not because breathing is a necessary life activity, he will probably save this energy.

With Jiayi, everything is going smoothly, and the journey is unimpeded, but Yang Tian found a very interesting thing, that is, all the checkpoint personnel will show instinctive fear on their faces after seeing Jiayi, just like a rabbit found out. Eagles and deer are like seeing lions. What they show is the subconscious reaction of avoiding danger.

The carriage stopped, Jia Yi opened his closed eyes and said, "Here we are, get out of the car!"

Annie lifted the curtain of the car, looked around, and saw a tall wall, majestic and full of menace.

Annie said nervously, "Brother, where is this place?"

Yang Tian smiled, held her little hand, and said, "Master, let's go and have a look."

In front of the city gate, stood a child, about the same age as Anne, standing upright.

As soon as Jia saw him, he bent down to salute, and said, "Master, I've been waiting for a long time."

The boy looked at Jiayi coldly, without expressing the slightest expression.Still standing quietly, Jia Yiyi stood behind the boy.

For this boy, Yang Tian couldn't help but take a second look.Although this boy is small, he is full of popularity, as if he has been through a lot of vicissitudes.

When Yang Tian approached, the boy spoke, his voice was still a little immature, but with a touch of majesty, he said: "Annie, long time no see."

The boy turned his head and stared at Annie who was hiding behind Yang Tian.

Yang Tian frowned. He knew Annie in the Holy Land. Doesn't it mean that this person is also from Tianlong? His eyes narrowed, revealing an extremely dangerous light.

The boy raised his head slowly, looked at Yang Tian who was twice as tall as him, and said, "Brother Tai, you won't forget me, right? You actually look at me with such dangerous eyes. I will be scared."

Jia Yi said, "Master, let's go in and talk! Be careful that the walls have ears."

The boy nodded and said, "Let's go!"

Seeing the boy turn his head, Annie immediately got out from behind Yang Tian, ​​sticking out her tongue mischievously.

Although Yang Tian was puzzled, he also knew that now was not the time to ask. He took Annie's hand and followed the little boy into the courtyard with high walls.

The ground is paved with gold, the rockery is carved with jade, and the lights along the road are high-quality luminous pearls. In the house, there are massage stones on the back of the chair, but these stones are top-notch opals... …

Several people have been stunned by the luxury of this road.

The maid served hot drinks to several people and retreated.

The boy said: "Brother, Annie, you didn't tell me in advance when you arrived, and you asked me to check it myself, it has no conscience."

Annie raised her mouth arrogantly, and said, "How did you find out? My father didn't even find me!"

The boy laughed and said, "What are you thinking? Your family is so much stronger than mine. How could you not be found? If it weren't for your mother..." He suddenly realized something and covered his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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