One Piece Demon

Chapter 115 Behind the scenes 1

Chapter 115 Behind the Scenes [-]
Annie suddenly became nervous, jumped off the seat, and said, "What's wrong with my mother."

The boy twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment and fell silent.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Annie grabbed his collar angrily, shook it vigorously, and said, "Speak! You are talking!"

Yang Tian hurriedly stepped forward to hug Annie, after all, it was really rude to do so.

The boy took a long breath, straightened his clothes, glanced at Anne, then at the others, and said, "Is it okay if they listen?"

Yang Tian said bluntly, "Your own person, just say what you want."

The boy paused and said, "Oh, you guys go down first!"

Except for Jia, the servants in the room retreated one by one.

Seeing that there were no outsiders, the boy said: "Aunt Jizi is under house arrest, but don't worry, she is not in danger. She is just under house arrest. As for the reason, it starts with Annie's escape from Shura Island. Your virtual phantom was arrested within a few days. It was exposed, your father was furious when he found out, and ordered you to be arrested and brought back. It was then that Aunt Jizi found out that Brother Tai was alive. In order to prevent your father from taking drastic actions, Aunt Jizi threatened you with her life. Fortunately, your father His sanity took the upper hand, and that's how he saved you."

The boy's mouth was a little dry, and he couldn't help drinking, and then continued: "However, it is too risky for you to come directly to the Holy Land this time. Fortunately, my aunt secretly sent me a message, so I have the opportunity to send someone to pick you up first." .Otherwise, hehe..."

Yang Tian's eyes flashed, and he asked, "You mean that Siritos knew about our visit?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders and said: "It's not a secret at all. After all, Annie is so eye-catching, and to make Annie so well-behaved, apart from Aunt Jizi, only Brother Tai seems to be the only one, so your identity is not difficult to guess. In addition to your reputation in the navy, your whereabouts have always been under the control of Uncle Siritos."

Yang Tian said slowly: "Then why did you help us?"

The boy glanced at Annie, blushed, and stammered, "Aunt Jizi is my teacher, and my teacher is like your mother, of course I am obedient!" Just let it go, and you can tell that he lied at a glance.

At the same time, Patriarch Siritos was there.

The room is big.

In such a big room, there are only air vents the size of a human head, which are very close to the ground, just enough to be seen out.

The door is spacious, as if it was purposely opened wide and very high.

There is only one table in the room, and a person is standing in front of the table, holding a small pen in his hand, writing something on the paper, his expression is very focused, and the pen is strong and powerful, as if what he holds is not a pen, but a weapon It was like a sharp weapon, the last stroke hadn't fallen yet, but the stroke stopped, the door opened, and someone came in.

Thor is the big steward of the family. In this family that has undergone sudden changes, his status has not declined, but has risen a little.But his heart was always tense, because he was afraid, afraid that he would become a Shura one day, not because Shura was weak, but because that kind of belief was really heart-wrenching.

At this time, he was very terrified, he said cautiously, "Master Patriarch, the young master and young lady were picked up by that little genius from the Tian Yashas clan."

Siritos looked at the butler with serious eyes, and said, "I can't do this little thing well!"

Seeing the change in the patriarch's face, Thor fell to his knees, not even daring to beg for mercy. Only trembling could comfort his terrified heart.

Siritos snorted and said, "Go down, don't come in if you have nothing to do."

Thor, as if pardoned, crawled out on his knees.

He was alone in the room again.

Silitos held the inkstone on the table, twisted it three times to the left and three times to the right.The mural on the wall was split from the middle, and a deep tunnel led to nowhere. Watching the candles on both sides of the tunnel light up one by one, Siritos' eyes showed tenderness.

Even Ji Zi had never seen such a rare emotion after he changed.How ridiculous tenderness sounds.

At the end of the tunnel, there is no gold or silver as expected, nor rare treasures. There is only a thatched hut. The hut is not big. There is a shelf in front of the hut where small dried fish and bacon are dried. Inside the hut are simple furniture, mostly bamboo. It's made, but the interface is very well done, very delicate as if it came from a woman's handwriting.A fluffy puppy is lying on the side of the bed made of thatch. It is sleeping soundly with its beautiful feet on its pillow.Not even the arrival of Cilitus woke it up.

Seeing the woman sitting beside the bed earnestly embroidering, Siritos felt a sweetness in his heart.Seeing her serious appearance, he couldn't bear to disturb her, sitting on the bamboo chair and watching her quietly, as if intoxicated, without even blinking his eyes.

The needle and thread are dancing in the woman's hands, the palm-sized white tulle gradually becomes more colorful, butterflies are dancing, and a hundred flowers are blooming. Who would have thought that such a small tulle can make a long painting.

The woman bit off the needle and thread, looked at the work in her hand, and showed a pure smile, like an unborn child, fascinating and unable to extricate herself.She put away the tulle, and then she raised her head and saw Siritos looking at her stupidly, and couldn't help laughing.

She said, "You! When did you come here? It's so quiet."

Siritos felt embarrassed, it was unimaginable that a ruthless eight-foot man who had killed countless people would show such a disgusting attitude towards his daughter.

He said: "Seeing that you are busy, I don't have the nerve to bother you."

The woman smiled sweetly, and said: "It's just right that you are here, hey, it's for you."

The woman put the newly embroidered tulle into his hands, and she looked at him quietly. She liked to see his flustered expression, especially when he was shy, because she thought he was very cute at that time.

Silitos held the tulle in the water, as if afraid of losing it, he put it on the end of his nose, took a deep breath, and a refreshing feeling rushed up.

He looked at her lovingly and said, "Thank you!"

Seeing him smile, the woman also smiled and said: "What is there to thank me for? How long are you going to stay here this time?"

He paused, because he wanted to stay, wanted to stay here for the rest of his life, but.

He was silent for a while, and said, "I'm leaving now, and you know there's a family behind me!"

She didn't speak, as if angry.

Silritos panicked and said, "Don't be angry, I will definitely come to accompany you after I finish my work."

She smiled flatteringly, like a little girl who succeeded in pranking, and said, "You lied to me, why would I be angry?"

He felt relieved and tentatively said, "Then I'm leaving!"

She smiled sweetly and bowed to him.

Siritos left here, and the innocent smile on the woman's face disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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