One Piece Demon

Chapter 116 Behind the scenes 2

Chapter 116 Behind the scenes II

In front of the thatched cottage, the stunning girl smiled obsequiously, and a hint of ruthlessness appeared in Amber's eyes.

The girl covered her vermilion lips lightly, and said softly: "A man is like a dog, as long as he is given some good looks, he will be obedient, hehe. Xiaobai, you are awake, come and hug me!"

The fluffy puppy who had just woken up was held in the arms of the woman with a dazed expression, yawned, its head arched on the pair of jade peaks, and fell asleep again.

She gently stroked the sweet pet in her arms, and smiled lightly, which made people's hair stand on end.

Yang Tian doesn't want to stay here for a long time, he still has tasks and people to look for.He looked at a pair of house sparrows outside the window and was stunned.He has his own ideas, after all, there is still a long time before the crisis of the family, and he doesn't worry about anything, but when he stepped on this red soil, deep in his heart, he was constantly urging him, urging him to investigate the truth.

Looking at the bright sunshine outside, Yang Tian suddenly came up with the idea of ​​going out for a walk, regardless of other people, stood up and went out.

Seeing that Yang Tian was gone, the boy naturally had nothing to say, and ordered his men to tidy up a few houses so that they could have a rest.

These few days the tea dolphins are tired enough. Counting from the Chambord Islands before, they have not rested for a long time, and they fight every day, and they are also sleepy, and Yang Tian didn't say anything, so let's stay for now down.

Of course, the little boy was the happiest. Seeing that everyone had left, he bounced up to Annie, grabbed Annie's little hand, and said, "Let's go, Annie, let's go play too!" The boy, he still looks like an adult before.

Annie broke free first, and seeing him grabbing harder, her nose twitched, and said: "It's cheap for you, where do you want to take me to play, I want to see my mother!"

The boy's expression froze, and he stammered in embarrassment: "This, this..."

Annie raised her head arrogantly, and said, "Forget it, I know you can't do it."

The boy said: "Annie, don't be angry, although I can't help you, you will definitely like the places I take you..."

The soil on both sides of the road is very fresh, as if someone has been taking care of it frequently, and even the air exudes a faint aroma of soil.Along the Qingshi Road, Yang Tian had already left the manor, and he couldn't tell where he was at this time, but he walked in because of the grass and flowers.

After walking for a long time, he became thirsty. There was a hut in front of him, so Yang Tian wanted to borrow a bowl of water to drink.

Yang Tian stepped forward, and happened to meet the owner who was playing with fruits and vegetables. It was a woman, with her back to Yang Tian, ​​reaching out to pick peas from the vine.As soon as the hands stretched out, they seemed to be able to speak. They used the most beautiful words to describe their perfection. Yang Tian had never seen such perfect hands. Black, with a touch of wheat-yellow to make the hands perfect, which made Yang Tian look forward to her appearance a little bit.

Those hands dexterously slid across the vines, and the pea pods were broken off one by one. It was not so much that the pea pods were broken off, it was better to say that they fell off the vines because they were crispy.

Looking at the vegetables in the basket, the master nodded in satisfaction and walked towards the hut.

Seeing this, Yang Tian hurriedly said: "Excuse me, I came here by mistake and wanted to ask for a glass of water."

The master, who had just stepped out of the field, turned around when he heard the voice behind him.

The moment the woman turned around, in Yang Tian's eyes, it seemed that everything in the world slowed down. Because of inertia, the black and white skirt was higher on one side and lower on the other, but it just modified those slender legs. An eggplant in the vegetable blue proudly exposed its purple buttocks, and it just set off the well-proportioned arms of the host. His eyes moved up to the little bowknot on the woman's collar, and he didn't know when it got into the clothes and was propped up. The collar made the pair of jade peaks indistinct, making people daydream.

When his eyes fixed on her face, Yang Tian suddenly felt that the hundred flowers just now had no taste at all. He really didn't know how to describe this face, it was as if she had been favored by God, it was so beautiful that it was breathless People don't dare to stare at it, coupled with such a body, there are very few people in the world who can resist it.Even a blind person can still smell the sweet fragrance emanating from her body...

The master stretched out his hand to cover the collar, Yang Tian realized that he had been staying for a long time, he smiled embarrassedly, and said: "Don't blame the girl, it's really the girl is too, too..."

Seeing Yang Tian's embarrassing appearance, the woman burst out laughing, the sound was like an empty valley, and the sound was like an oriole, making people unable to help but let go of their troubles.

The woman said softly: "Come in! There is water in the room!"

Yang Tian replied: "Then thank you, Miss."

The room is very simple, a few tables and chairs and a bamboo bed are all there is.Oh, there is also a fluffy puppy sitting at Yang Tian's feet, looking at him curiously.

Just as Yang Tian was staring at it, the woman came over with tea.

Yang Tian hurriedly got up to take it, and said, "Miss, please."

The woman laughed and said, "Don't call me a girl, if you don't mind, call me Karina!"

Yang Tian hurriedly said: "Why do you mind! Gu... Karina, do you live here by yourself?"

Karina picked up the little white dog and said, "There's also it, it's called Houmu!"

Yang Tian said, "Hello, Houmu!"

Hu Mu barked a few times in a friendly way at Yang Tian, ​​and even stuck out his tongue to lick the back of Yang Tian's extended hand.

Karina suddenly thought of something, stood up and said: "Are you hungry! It's already noon, I just want to cook, stay and eat together!"

Yang Tian smiled slightly, flattered and said: "That's really annoying, let me try Karina's craftsmanship!"

Karina's eyes were bent, her eyelashes seemed to be smiling, she picked up the basket of vegetables she had just picked, and walked out of the room.

Karina, whose back was facing Yang Tian, ​​had pea-sized beads of sweat on her forehead. She said to herself in a voice that only she could hear: "Scary man, but this is the fun!"

She smiled, so sweetly, the man must have seen his bones crisp and clean.But only she knew that this smile was sincere, and it was also the first time she laughed from the heart.

And Yang Tian, ​​who was sitting in front of the table, held a cup of white tea, smelled it, and sipped it lightly, as if he knew a lot, if it was wine, looking at his serious appearance, someone really believed it!

In a small thatched hut, two people have their own ghosts and cherish each other, and only Homo, who is snoozing again, is the most innocent!

Karina brought a bowl of soup.

Vegetable soup, stewed very fragrant and thick.

Yang Tian held it in his hand and sipped slowly, his eyes stared blankly at the edge of the soup bowl, his face showed no expression at all, as if he couldn't tell the taste of this bowl of soup at all.

(End of this chapter)

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