One Piece Demon

Chapter 117 Father and Son Talking About Chapters

Chapter 117 Father and Son Conversation
Yang Tian followed Siritos back to the family. As soon as he arrived at the gate, he was attracted by the look of the guards in front of the gate.

There were four people standing on the left and right sides of the door. These four people were all black and hideous. They stood like sculptures. Even though mosquitoes bit them, they didn't move at all. Their eyes radiated the murderous aura of iron and blood, as if they had been on the battlefield for many years. soldiers.These eight people standing in front of the door were like eight door gods, Xiao Xiao's generation was probably so frightened that his legs went limp when they saw it.

Siritos glanced at Yang Tian, ​​frowned and said, "Come in quickly, what are you doing at the gate?"

Annie hid timidly behind Yang Tian, ​​tugging at Yang Tian's clothes with her small hands.

Yang Tian seemed to have just reacted, and lowered his head to look at Annie, and then at his father with a serious face.Then he raised his legs and followed.

After walking along the path for a long time, passing through pavilions and pavilions, passing by artificial mountains and green waters, and finally walking through a promenade, Siritos stopped.He turned around and looked at Annie who was hiding behind Yang Tian, ​​and said, "Annie, go back to your own room, I have something to say to your brother."

Annie reluctantly let go of the hands that grabbed her brother's clothes. Although she didn't want to, she didn't dare to resist, at least she didn't dare to resist now.She lowered her head and walked silently towards her hut.

Seeing that Annie had gone far away, Siritos looked at Yang Tian again, and said softly, "Come with me!"

Yang Tian didn't know what he was going to do, he turned a thousand degrees in his mind, but still had no idea.Only a little vigilance is ready to shoot at any time.

After leaving Annie's residence, the two twisted and turned along the road, and finally stopped in front of a study.

Siritos pushed open the door and looked back at Yang Tian, ​​walked in, and Yang Tian followed closely.

The room is so strange that there are no windows, and the walls are the same color as day, giving people the illusion of iron walls. What's even more strange is that there are no chairs in the room, only a table in the middle, and a word is lying on the table. The inkblot looks like it is today.

Only one kind of person would arrange it like this, that kind of person who thinks that as long as a person sits down, he will relax his spirit, and if a person's spirit is relaxed, it is easy to make mistakes.One tiny mistake, and several things may fail—just as a small breach in a dike can cause it to collapse.His spirit never relaxes.

For this kind of person, Yang Tian has always preferred to be a friend rather than an enemy, because the horror of this kind of person is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine, and the father who is looking at him in front of him is exactly this kind of role.

The night fell early, but there were no lights in the house.It was pitch black, but the eyes of the two were like four torches, burning the darkness out of a hole. The two stared at each other quietly. From entering the room to now, the two of them have not said a word, and even their movements have not changed. .

The two faced each other like this, but the moonlight couldn't bear the loneliness, and came in through the only ventilation hole.It happened to fall on Silritos.

Siritos seemed to be awakened by the moonlight, shaking his eyebrows, and said, "Who the hell are you?"

Yang Tian's heart bulged, and he wondered if he saw something. He was a little flustered, but he quickly calmed down again, and he said calmly, "Father, I don't understand!"

Siri Tospi smiled and said: "He didn't dare to look at me like this, but he was able to, after I became so, so powerful."

Yang Tianli said straightforwardly: "I didn't dare to do it before, but it doesn't mean I don't dare to do it now."

Siritos stopped talking, as if he was waiting for Yang Tian to continue. After a while, he saw that Yang Tian hadn't spoken, and then continued: "Indeed, time can change many things, but you are indeed not my son. He never Don't call me father." His eyes widened instantly, he stared at Yang Tian, ​​and began to question him.

Yang Tian panicked, and immediately clenched his fists. He didn't know what his son called this guy. It was really a bad start. It seemed that he could only fight. If he had known that Annie would not come back with him, it was a big failure.

Seeing him clenched his fist, Silitos twitched his mouth slightly, and said, "This impatient temper is a bit similar. I won't do anything to you, and you don't have to be nervous. Whether you are my son or not, I don't care at all, as long as you are my son now."

Yang Tian was puzzled, but he vaguely sensed something, and asked: "What do you mean, do you have something to ask me for?"

Silitos smiled and said: "I like to deal with smart people. I can tell you very clearly that my fruit ability can see through a person's soul, so I recognize that you are not my son, but they don't I know, your mother doesn’t know, my request is very simple, take your mother and your sister out of here, go to Shura Island where I have prepared everything for you, and don’t come back after you go.”

His words were a bit sad, but they were firm, as if he had made this decision very early.

Yang Tian was confused again, and asked: "What happened and why?"

Silritos shook his head, unwilling to explain too much, he turned his back as if talking to himself, and said, "Actually, I knew your whereabouts a long time ago, and I thought you could live your life in the navy." I thought that you would come back again, but this happened again. You should leave quickly. I have already sent away your elder brother and second sister, but you... your mother said that you would not leave. Now you and Annie I'm back, I think she will leave only if you are with her!"

Yang Tian wanted to say something, but was stopped by Siritos, who continued: "Let's go, let's go!" He spoke very tightly, as if to drive him away, for fear that he would stay here for too long .

After leaving the study, Yang Tian frowned even more, and the two ravines could leap like dragons.

According to Siritos's reaction, Yang Tian can clearly feel that he cares for himself, not his family. There is no such evil as Annie said. From Siritos, Yang Tian feels even more It was mostly a kind of helplessness, which made Yang Tian even more puzzled.The clues are all messed up, and now I have no choice but to look for Anne first, and then make the next step.

Not long after Yang Tian left, the secret passage in the study opened again, and a graceful and familiar figure stepped out of the secret passage.

She looked at the man in front of her with a chuckle, and said softly, "Did you find that man?"

After the woman appeared, Siritos' gaze became dull at first, and then slowly turned into vertical pupils. The black aura leaked out from him little by little, and finally even the moonlight was swallowed by the darkness.

Siritos bent down like a servant, and said respectfully: "No!"

The woman frowned, snorted coldly, and said something useless.Then he left through the dark passage again.

(End of this chapter)

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