One Piece Demon

Chapter 118 Escape

Chapter 118 Escape
Yang Tian sat beside Ji Zi stiffly, and Ji Zi's gaze was really hard for him to resist.When Ji Zi stared at him, Yang Tian felt that he had become a helpless baby who could only lie in his mother's arms and act like a baby.

Ji Zi suddenly laughed and said, "You are still as shy as before."

After she finished laughing, she continued, "How did you come back? I thought, I thought..." As she spoke, she couldn't help biting her red lips tightly.It took a while before she continued to speak, and said: "But it's good if you come back, our family will definitely return to the harmony before, for sure." She was a little excited, and even the hands holding Yang Tian trembled because of too much force.

Feeling the pain, Yang Tian withdrew his hand reflexively, because her strength hurt him.

Seeing Ji Zi's sudden flustered eyes, Yang Tian hurriedly said, "I'm fine, I've got something to do here today, and I want to take you out of here."

Ji Zi smiled cleverly, and said, "Is this going to elope with mother? Hehehe~" She giggled twice, but she showed her majestic beauty.

Yang Tian said, "Stop making trouble, mother~mother."

He felt that those two words were a little awkward, so he had to add the word "adult" to ease his embarrassment.

The smile on Ji Zi's face gradually dissipated. She lowered her head so that no one could see her expression. She said calmly, "Leave, where are you going. This is my home! Why..."

Her eye circles were red again, tears were about to flow down, she said sadly: "If I leave here, I will never see your father again, do you know?"

She quietly wiped away her tears, and continued quietly: "I don't blame him, no, I did blame him when he injured Riel, but now I understand, no matter how great the next crisis is, , I will not let him face it alone."

Yang Tian didn't say anything more, from his mother's face, he had already seen her determination.That firm belief is absolutely unshakable for him.

Ji Zi turned her eyes to her son and daughter again, and her eyes suddenly became friendly. She wiped away her tears, stood up with a smile, put her arms around one, and embraced the two brothers and sisters into her arms .

Ji Zi leaned against Yang Tian's head gently with his side face, and said softly: "Although mother will not leave here, you must leave. This is the only request mother makes to you."

Is this the warmth in mother's arms?Yang Tian leaned in Ji Zi's arms and thought, at this moment he only felt that everything became peaceful, as if even time had been slowed down.

Yang Tian's sharp heart gradually relaxed, and Yang Tian, ​​who had just been a little relaxed, immediately became alert and hurriedly broke free from his mother's arms.

Yang Tian looked at the weak mother in front of him in disbelief, softening his rock-solid heart and letting him relax his vigilance towards the outside world.

Seeing Yang Tian's reaction, Ji Zi's eyes suddenly became more painful. She didn't know how much her son had been wronged and suffered. She just felt that he was on guard all the time. Yang Tian, ​​she only felt that she was dying of pain in her heart, it was a feeling of suffocating herself.

Yang Tian didn't dare to look directly into his mother's eyes, he only felt that it was the strongest sunlight, and Yao's eyes hurt.He hurriedly grabbed Annie's little hand and walked towards the door, apparently planning to leave.

Looking at the backs of the two, Ji Zi opened his mouth to keep them there, but in the end he didn't make a sound, and his outstretched hands curled back to his chest, with a distressed expression on his face.

After leaving the door, Annie asked in confusion: "Brother, aren't we going to take mother away? Have we given up?"

Yang Tian narrowed his eyes, smiled lightly, and said: "My lord mother is very clear, I can't persuade you to leave."

Before Annie could speak, Yang Tian continued, "Don't worry, I still have other ways."

The two turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

It was already halfway through the night, and the moon seemed to be tired, hiding behind a cloud and planning to take a short rest.

It was getting darker.

The lights in Jizi's room had also been turned off, and she was lying on the bed tossing and turning, but she didn't fall asleep for a long time.She murmured to herself: "I don't know where the two of them have gone, whether they were discovered. Hey, my poor child." She thought of Yang Tian's guarding eyes, and her heart ached again. Thinking of a strange fragrance, her heart suddenly relaxed, and she fell into a drowsy sleep.

"Squeak", there was a cautious sound of opening the door in the silent midnight, it turned out that the door of Jizi's room was opened.Immediately afterwards, two figures, one big and one small, got in through the crack of the door.The two figures tiptoed to Ji Zi's bedside, looked at each other and smiled with satisfaction.

Among them, the shorter one whispered: "Brother, you still have a way!"

The tall one put his fingers to his lips and said, "Shh, let's do it!"

The short man nodded hurriedly, took out a piece of soft rope from his arms, and tied Ji Zi to the tall man.After testing the firmness, the short one made a good deal of the tall one.

Silritos stood in front of the window, and under Karina's warning, he unconsciously felt the aura of danger.Since he returned to the bedroom, he has been paying attention to Jizi's situation. When he found that only Riel and Annie left, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.It was a wonderful feeling, a feeling he had long forgotten.He stood there numbly, not moving for a long time.

But just now, he found two black shadows approaching Ji Zi's room furtively, and his heart was filled with anger, but when he was about to make a move, he felt a familiar aura from the two black shadows.Silitos, who had turned off the flame in an instant, was closely watching every move of the two shadows. When the short figure spoke, he suddenly showed a long-lost smile.

Under his perception, two figures shuttled across the roof like spirit apes, and they left the family territory not long after.Silitos breathed a sigh of relief and closed the window.

After leaving the family territory, Yang Tian summoned Xiaogui and Yimo and asked them to escort Annie and his mother. Although Annie couldn't bear to separate, she knew very well that this was not the time for her to act like a spoiled child.She showed strong eyes like an adult, hugged her mother, and rushed towards her own secret base.

Looking at the equally solemn back door of the family behind him, Yang Tian murmured: "Just now my mother said she understood everything. What did she understand? It seems that there are still many things I don't know!"

Yang Tian let go of his senses, slowly approached the illusory sky, and said coldly: "I felt something was wrong just now, as expected, the whole family is being monitored."

As soon as Yang Tian's perception met with the perception in the air, he immediately retracted it. Siritos looked in the direction Yang Tian was in half doubt, and shook his head.Back to the previous sluggishness.

(End of this chapter)

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