One Piece Demon

Chapter 119

Chapter 119
The figures of Jizi and Annie had disappeared into the night.

Having Yimo and Xiaogui escorting Yang Tian felt at ease, suppressing the joy of reuniting with his mother after a long absence.Yang Tian disappeared into the night in a flash.

At the same time, there was a hasty knock on the door of the hut where a certain woman lived in the suburbs.

"knock knock"

"Who! Knocking on the door of my slave's house in the middle of the night, I'm not afraid of being gossiped."

The woman in the room groaned in dissatisfaction, and accompanied by the sound of dressing sparsely, the woman dressed up for a while.

The person who came didn't seem to hear the woman's dissatisfaction, and the knock on the door became more urgent: "Knock, knock, knock, knock", but the knock seemed a little impatient.

Under the repeated knocks on the wooden door, it was a bit unbearable and already made a distorted creaking sound. Perhaps the woman was also afraid that the door would be broken, so she moved her hands and feet a little faster, and rushed to the door after hurrying small steps. forward.

Standing in front of the door, the girl didn't forget to straighten her appearance before opening the door.

Seeing the person coming, the girl immediately put on a smile: "So it's the young master, why can't I bear the loneliness and finally come to visit my slave's house. Giggle~" The girl covered her mouth and smiled lightly, pointing her onion-like fingers at the visitor's Chest, quite a tease.

But the person who came was unmoved, his face was as stiff as a sculpture, he stepped up his legs, and walked in unceremoniously, ignoring Karina.

Karina looked at both sides of the door without any surprise, and closed the door gently.

The originally extinguished candles in the house reappeared a charming halo. Homu Mao glanced at the man, stretched lazily, lingered at his feet, and used his long tail to wrap around the young man from time to time. calf.

"Humu, I really like you."

The person who came did not change his stiff face because of a cat, and said indifferently: "How is the matter going?"

"Go back and tell the queen that everything is going well. I, Karina, have no reason to fail."

"Hmph, as long as it goes well, if you miss the important event of the Lord, you will be the first to be damned."

Karina was not impressed by the cold tone of the visitor, and she looked indifferent, fiddling with the blade in her hand to show off her nails more beautifully.

"What about things?"

"What?" Karina's hand suddenly stopped, and she frowned.

"The family chip you stole from the Tian Yashas family, didn't you say you already got it?!"

Karina's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a bad picture seemed to recall in her mind. The knife in her hand burst out through the wind, and nailed to the red heart of the distant bid with a "snap".

After a short period of silence, Karina said: "It was destroyed by a kid who didn't know who came out."

"Boy!? Is there anyone else who can sabotage your plan?"

"The kid who knows where, suddenly broke into my garden. Before I can't figure out his identity, I can only postpone the plan." Karina couldn't help but think of the sudden visit in the afternoon. A handsome young man, Karina felt full of danger in him. Karina, who has always been cautious, felt that she would not allow any deviations in her plan. She originally thought that adding some medicine to the vegetable soup would solve the problem. matter……

But it got more and more complicated. The look in the boy's eyes when he left seemed to see through everything. This unrealistic feeling drove Karina the most crazy.

Seeing that Karina suddenly fell silent, the visitor also knew that Karina did not get the chip, so she couldn't sit still and got up to break the silence: "Since you didn't get it, I'll leave first. But the Lord I'm still waiting, the old man is not as patient as I am, and in two days it will be the time limit, if you don't do it, there will naturally be a lot of people who can take your place."

The black robe's words obviously irritated Karina, and Karina immediately replied not to be outdone, "Hmph, you need to talk to my old lady about these words, go back and tell Her Lady Queen, the Queen will be the real Her Lady Queen within two days at most."

"It's good that you have this confidence!" The black robe glanced at Karina, and the black robe got up angrily and left.

Karina was the only one left in the room again, but she didn't look as relaxed as she said. Although the lines between her eyebrows added a little sadness to her beauty, they couldn't hide the uneasiness emanating from the bottom of her heart. .Ever since meeting the boy at noon, Karina always felt a thorn growing in her heart, and she wanted to pull it out but it hurt so badly, so Karina couldn't let go of him for a long time.

At this time, the person Karina cared about was running towards the Tian Yashas family.

Yang Tian withdrew his consciousness from the territory of the Tian Yashas family, and narrowed his eyes as if enlightened.


The tea dolphins who stayed in the Tian Yashas family fell from the sky, and they reunited.

"The two big Tianlong clans have been monitored." Yang Tian whispered.

The tea dolphin looked around and said in a low voice: "The boss is right. Since the boss secretly gave orders when he left, we have secretly observed that there are at least three different forces in the Tian Yashas family mixed in the patrol team." After speaking, the tea dolphin looked up at Ajin who was thinking deeply.

Seeing the tea dolphins, Ajin came back to his senses and said, "Yes, I found that these forces seem to be in an alliance, and they seem to have made big moves recently. It's very curious."

After listening to the speeches of the two, Yang Tian couldn't help but nodded in approval: "Now we can only wait and see what happens, let Al cook us a delicious meal first! Let's go, how about going to have a supper tonight."

Al shrugged his shoulders, and walked to the front indifferently, as if he already had a place to go.

For Yang Tian's big heart, the tea dolphin and A Jin are also helpless. This is related to the Tianlong family, and even involves the interests of the Tianlong family. A slight change may cause huge waves in this world. vibration.Actually think about what to eat for supper, hey.

However, the shabu-shabu is really good.Both Ah Jin and the tea dolphin thought this way, and then they followed up with their arms around each other.

A peaceful night spent in a churning shabu-shabu meal.

The two families were still as calm as water, until a woman in a black robe flowed into the Siritos family, and an undercurrent surged under the calm lake.

Under Yang Tian's entrustment, Ah Jin and Cha Dolphin kept an eye on the two big families respectively, and kept in touch with each other through phone bugs.

Al doesn't like fighting, so he proposes to take care of sister Anne, and Yang Tian agrees.After all, Yimo and Xiaogui have temperaments right there, and Yang Tian is a little worried about entrusting them. This worry is not because of lack of strength, but because the two little guys are too playful and easy to make mistakes.Then the three performed their duties.

After they separated, Yang Tian mysteriously disappeared again under the guidance of Xiao An.

(End of this chapter)

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