One Piece Demon

Chapter 120 Aunt Emily

Chapter 120 Aunt Emily

The black-robed girl wrapped her clothes tightly and slipped out quietly through the crack of the door.No one knows what happened during this time.

After the girl left, a moment later, the gate opened with a bang, and a warrior named Shura walked out from the dark gate of hell with neat steps. Terrifying black is the theme color of this army. Behind the long Shura soldiers , Patriarch Siritos rode a one-horned Shura beast, wearing a black chain mail, and holding a black spear in his hand. At the joint of the gun head and the body of the gun, there was a bunch of red tassels that seemed to be soaked in blood.Coquettish and terrifying.

At the same time, there was movement on the other side that Ajin was staring at.White light riding war horse, with green feathers around the waist and a long sword.They also walked out under the protection of an army, but this army was all holy white, and the patriarch of Tian Yashasi sat in it with a majestic and domineering face.

The teams of the two families headed towards the Heavenly Dragon Temple together.

There is no wave in the ancient well of the Buddhist hall, praying devoutly in front of the Buddha.Twisting the Buddha beads in the hand, it seems that the universe is boundless.The first lady in front of the Buddha spoke Zen words.The sound of tapping the wooden fish has reached the outside of the Buddhist hall.

Yang Tian came looking for the sound, and pushed open the simple Buddhist gate in front of him. The sound of the wooden fish was sudden, tight and slow, maybe it disturbed his wife, but Yang Tian didn't care. , The five sticks of incense in front of the Buddha were messed up, and my wife saw that the incense was messed up by the visitor.The movement of the hands stopped, and the Buddha's voice was silent.

"Who is the benefactor, why did you bother me to pray to Buddha?"

"Haha, ma'am, I was joking. I hope that there is no Buddha in my heart, even if the real Buddha is in front of me, it's just like wine and meat passing through my intestines."

"The almsgiver seems to think he is wise, and you are not me. How do you know that there is no Buddha in the old man's body and mind, and the wish he prayed for is in vain."

Yang Tian seemed to be pretending to be a loafer on purpose, and looked curiously at the Buddha statues around him, only to find out that the Buddha statues in this temple are all Guanyin Bodhisattva, and they all say that Guanshiyin has three thousand faces, giving birth to children and wealth. , Qianshou seems to be full of feet in this temple.

"My lady loves worshiping Guanyin the only one."

"Huh, Hugh changed the subject. You haven't answered the old man's question yet!"

"Oh, what's the problem?"

Yang Tian swayed to the futon next to his wife and lay on the side like a drunk old man, pretending to be stupid and staring at his wife, but the gleam in his eyes made her feel uneasy.

"who are you?"

The glamorous middle-aged lady who claimed to be an old woman suddenly remembered that this was the most strictly guarded forbidden place in her family, and this person came into the temple without a trace, could it be...

"What did you do to the guard?"

"What guard?"

Yang Tian frowned and recalled vigorously, pretending to be thinking hard.

Folding the fan in his hand, he patted his forehead vigorously, suddenly realizing: "You mean those men in black, they have already gone to the west to see the true Buddha."

Seeing the smile on Yang Tian's face, the beautiful woman couldn't help feeling a chill from the bottom of her heart.A pair of fairly fair hands had clenched into fists at some point.

"As for who I am..."

Yang Tian sat upright, and took out a thin slice as transparent as jade from his arms.

"You can recognize it!"

"This this……!"

The beautiful woman stared at the slice she had dreamed of in surprise, grabbed it with both hands, but was easily dodged by Yang Tian.

"Ma'am, don't make trouble, you really look down on me by grabbing in front of me!"

Hearing the words, the beautiful woman immediately restrained her emotions and continued to look calm, but at this time her heart was already full of waves.

The beautiful woman paused, looking at the sheet that Yang Tian kept playing with: "This is the Tianlongren identity chip of the Siritos family, how could it be in your hands."

"Haha, of course it was gifted to me by the patriarch of the Siritos family. I don't know how to imitate my wife. It's been a hard time for my wife who has been secretly causing trouble for the past few years. You have killed so many people and relying on these fake Buddhas can't save you. "

Yang Tian focused his eyes and hit his wife on the face.

The beautiful woman's face was indifferent, and she chuckled a few times: "The benefactor is that, the old man has been praying to the Buddha all the year round, and his main purpose is to petition for the world, and he has never harmed anyone."

"Huh~" Yang Tian's nasal cavity trembled, and the folding fan in his hand suddenly turned into a little cold light, piercing the eyebrows of the beautiful woman, at that moment of coldness, even the incense could not help but tremble a few times.

"Ding~" The sound of metal impact resounded through every corner of the temple.

"I didn't expect Madam to have such abilities!"

"Hehehe" the beautiful woman covered her mouth and chuckled, and a person walked out from the shadow behind her.

"You~" Yang Tian stared at the uncle, as if he remembered something.


This is not the rich businessman who provoked him in the passenger ship incident. I didn't expect this guy to have such a background.And at this time, Jess obviously didn't have any greasy feelings, and the weird guy who had been by his side didn't seem to appear.

"Giggle~" Jess's throat squirmed, and he let out a series of disgusting laughter.

"I didn't expect you to be St. Tyrell. You were really rude on the passenger ship! I'll apologize first here."

Jess bent down with a strange smile, exposing his back.


Two thumb-thick black snakes suddenly shot out from the crease of his neck when Jess bent over at ninety degrees.

The black snake spit out snake letter, bared its fangs and bit towards Yang Tian.

This kind of pediatrics naturally couldn't hurt Yang Tian, ​​and before the Black Snake came to him, he was forcibly shaken into nothingness by the Longwei who came out of Ji Mie.

"This kind of trick is unavoidable, don't you think? Madame! Oh, should I call you by your full name, Aunt Cilitus Emily?"

The lady whom Yang Tian called her aunt frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "Hmph, I thought you forgot about my aunt, and you are so bold to talk to me, could it be that you came here specially to tease me at the behest of your father?" to me."

"Haha, my aunt was joking. How dare a junior be like this, but as an elder, my aunt inevitably has more secret methods, which makes it difficult for a junior to be respectful!" Yang Tian incited the folding fan that changed again, with a smile on his face. Dangerous smile.

Seeing this, Jess took a step forward, ready to make a move. Amy waved her hand to signal her to back down. Jess bowed his head and retreated behind Amy regardless of disobedience.

"It seems that you know everything? But I'm curious how you found out that I did all the things you're referring to?"

Yang Tian continued to smile, and said calmly: "First, my father's attitude and behavior, as the head of the clan, the family should respect him, but he is always timid, combined with Sirito Si is so powerful among the Tianlong people, I think it will only be so if he is coerced by someone close to him, and the prayer beads in front of Karina's neck are from your hands, don't you? The power of the aunt who inherits the will is also comparable to that of your father , plus your relationship with the Tian Yashas family, everything, such as this string of prayer beads... I am right! Aunt Emily!"

(End of this chapter)

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