One Piece Demon

Chapter 121 Secret News

Chapter 121 Secret News
Seeing that Aunt Ai Mier didn't intend to refute, Yang Tian continued in a deep voice: "Also, if I remember correctly..." As Yang Tian spoke slowly, Ai Mier couldn't help but fell into the past. In memory.

That year she was as beautiful as a flower, and he was in his prime.She was simple-minded, intoxicated in the candied fruit of love, and his tenderness was wonderful.I thought time would stand still at this moment.

I thought, but in the blink of an eye, it's only a day.The patriarch actually ordered her to marry someone she didn't know, and sacrificed her love for, for the prosperity of the family.She didn't want to, she sneaked out of the mansion in the dark of night, and had a private meeting with him under the moon, she held his hands tightly, and begged: "Let's elope!", but what she didn't expect was that blossoming The flickering sparks tore up the night, and also tore up my dreams.

She didn't know why the family could find this place, this secret base that only he and herself knew.Maybe she was being followed, how could she be so careless, she couldn't help feeling annoyed, and also resented why she was born into a powerful family.

That night, she will never forget it in her life. He was pressed to the ground and reached out his hand desperately to grab her. Unfortunately, at that time, she only felt a pain in her neck, and her head was dizzy. The moment she closed her eyes, she exhausted her last strength Let go of the tears.When she woke up again, she was already on the bridal sedan chair, surrounded by drums and cheers... And the family Ai Mier married into was the Tian Yashas family, and Ai Mier's other identity was the Tian Yashas family. Mistress of the Ashas family.

As Ai Mier came back to her senses, Yang Tian also came to the end: "The hatred brought about by love has not dissipated over the years. An ugly place. Years of grievances gave you the idea of ​​revenge on the two families, and at the moment the old patriarch passed away, a plan was born spontaneously, didn't it!"

Ai Mier twisted the prayer beads in her hand: "I have to say, you are very smart. Back then..."

Yang Tian smiled politely, listening to Aunt Emily telling the secrets that he didn't know back then.

It turned out that after the old patriarch of the Siritos family, that is, Yang Tian's grandfather passed away.As the eldest daughter of the Siritos family, coupled with the old patriarch's guilt towards her, the old patriarch handed over the dark guards and deacons to Emily before he died.And the appearance of a woman in the deacon group made everything connect.

The woman's name really surprised Yang Tian, ​​but it wasn't a surprise, it was just a surprise for some reason. After all, if it wasn't for this woman, he wouldn't have discovered that the conflict between the two Tianlong clans was actually his own. What my aunt did.That handsome person is naturally Karina, the owner of a Nine-Tailed Fox of the Phantom Beast, her charm is naturally unmatched.And the first thing Emily did was to let Karina seduce her husband, and she used this as an excuse to leave the Tianyashas family and return to the Siritos family to worship Buddha and pray for scriptures.

As for the second seducer, it is unexpected that it is Yang Tian's eldest brother. The reason is that an ignorant boy is always easier to deceive than an old man, but the ultimate goal is her patriarch's younger brother. After the elder brother was seduced, using this soulless elder brother, Karina quickly got on line with her father and gradually took him down. The elder brother who realized all this was unwilling but really powerless. Lived a life of debauchery.

When he heard this, Yang Tian couldn't help interjecting amusedly: "I didn't expect that the source of elder brother's depravity is actually here!"

Ai Mier didn't care that Yang Tian interrupted at will, and continued to talk, as if she didn't care that her plan would be leaked.

From what Aunt Ai Mier said next, Yang Tiancai knew that under Aunt Ai Mier's schemes, the relationship between the two families was getting worse and worse. Shura fruit was actually eaten under the charm of Karina. In order to let the two families have equal strength to consume, and even a series of things such as Yang Tian being injured and losing his memory, it was all in the hands of Aunt Emily. Under control, even if he comes back today.

Ai Mier suddenly raised her head and looked at Yang Tian: "Don't be surprised, your memory loss was not caused by the erosion of the Shura fruit, it was me who deliberately confused your memory, if you don't do this, your mother will not send you away, let alone Put it on you." Emily laughed out of control for the first time.

"It? Could it be?"

Yang Tian's right hand involuntarily held the pendant on his chest.

"That's right, it's it. It seems that you don't know it yet, oh, that's right! Your mother will definitely not tell you, after all, the more natural it is, the more difficult it is for people to believe that such a precious thing will hang on such an eye-catching place."

Looking at Aunt Emily walking towards him, Yang Tian had the feeling of being seen through for the first time, as if he was stripped naked and surrounded by a group of strangers, it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Know why I tell you so much?"

"Why?..." Yang Tian suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

"It seems that you have already thought about it. That's right, your memory has recovered. You must be unable to hold back. In addition, you have learned some skills. You must come back with confidence to investigate clearly, but your return is the beginning of a real disaster. I think Now the war has begun!"

Yang Tian pulled off the pendant on his chest, "Is it just for this!?"

"Just!" Ai Mier's face suddenly turned cold, and she pointed at Yang Tian excitedly, even her body trembling a little: "Just, this?! You really underestimated the Celestial Dragon of the Siritos family in your hand The name of the chip is: Satan. On your neck is the Tianlongren chip of the Tianyashas family: Holy Lord. And what I have in my hand is the Tianlongren chip of the third family, which is my former lover's family: Fanxin. You know why it is urgent Do you want to get the two chips in your hand?"

Without waiting for Yang Tian to answer, Ai Mier continued: "Because these three chips are different from the chips of the other 17 families, other family chips are just a symbol of the family's nobility, and they were made according to these three chips in order to prove the dignity of the family at that time. It's..." After saying a bunch of words, Aunt Emily's mood had calmed down, and she returned to her previous calm demeanor.

"It's so important, but I don't know what it's useful for."

"Oh, you want to know. Leave it to me and I'll tell you."

Ai Mier stretched out her slender palm with a smile, as if asking Yang Tian to hand it over obediently.

Yang Tian shook his head helplessly: "Aunt Ai Mier, you seem to have me determined."

Under Yang Tian's self-confidence, Aunt Emily showed a meaningful smile to Yang Tian at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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