One Piece Demon

Chapter 122 The Mysterious Land

Chapter 122 The Mysterious Land
Emily beckoned to Jess playfully, and Jess immediately opened a hidden compartment under the ancient wooden table behind him, and took out a document from it.

Jess took out the folder and never handed it to Ai Mier, but walked directly towards Yang Tian.

Looking at the document handed in front of him, Yang Tian followed the trend and casually flipped through it, but he couldn't hide the shock in his heart at this moment with his light glances. This document recorded everything from his birth to the present. , and even studying with Hawkeye, being taken in by Karp, and the encounters in the legendary secret realm are all recorded one by one.

However, through this document, Yang Tian also discovered that Ai Mier was not omniscient. First of all, she did not know that she was no longer the former Tyrell but Yang Tian from a foreign land. Secondly, she did not find the existence of the system. Finally, Yang Tian was sure Most of the assassination plans in the secret realm were done by this aunt, and the reason could not be more obvious.In her eyes, anything that deviates from her expected track is extreme and needs to be erased.

However, Yang Tian's disappearance in the secret realm disturbed her plan and delayed her plan for a whole year. When she was planning to give it a go, she saw Yang Tian saw the pendant from the newspaper, so In addition to being excited, Emily restarted the previous plan.

Yang Tian returned the document to Jess, and stood there without making a sound, as if waiting for Aunt Emily to speak.

Sure enough, seeing Yang Tian was silent, Ai Mier smiled and said, "What, you should hand it over obediently, or do you want me to do it."

Yang Tian pretended to be embarrassed and put away the folding fan: "You don't need to do it, but I don't want to hand it over. It's really embarrassing!"

"I know you won't be obedient, but you also know that I know your details very well. Do you think that you have just stepped into the general's strength with one foot, and there is no storm here?"

"Can't you? I'm very confident!"

"Really? Then my aunt wants to learn something!"

Suddenly alert in his heart, Yang Tian secretly thought that something was wrong, and the feeling of surprise was gradually amplified by his constantly stiff limbs: "This..."

Ai Mier still smiled dignifiedly and elegantly, and walked slowly in front of Yang Tian, ​​stretched out her finger and pointed between Yang Tian's eyebrows: "Naughty, do you really think that my aunt chatted with you so much to reminisce about the old days? Remember, sometimes bad people talk too much and don't Must be a waste of time."

Speaking of which, Ai Mier took out the two chips from Yang Tian's arms, and Ai Mier put the chip that she had been dreaming of day and night in the palm of her hand, and laughed foolishly.

Jess couldn't help being stunned by this smile. After following Emily for many years, it was the first time he saw his master smiling so happily.

Ai Mier put away her smile and walked quickly towards the back room of the Buddhist hall. When she was about to step into the stone gate, she turned her head and sneered and said, "Little guy, just lie here for a while, and come back after you recover." Judge whether I am right or wrong."

Yang Tian watched the stone door slowly close, circulating the energy in his body trying to break through the confinement in his body, but no matter how hard Yang Tian tried, there was no response at all.

"Xiao'an, come out..." Yang Tian called telepathically.

"Meow~" Xiaoan strolled leisurely on the beams of the house, seeing Yang Tian's unlucky appearance, sat down on his buttocks, and licked his paws leisurely.

"I didn't expect her to have such a skill. I didn't expect her voice to imply a strange power, and she unconsciously paralyzed the nerves through the dialogue. It was beyond my expectation."

"Meow, do you want me to help you recover? But should you chase after her now? Her fruit ability seems to be very troublesome."

"No problem, the same method won't work the second time."

Xiao An raised her haughty little head, nodded slightly, and jumped down: "Okay then!"

A bloody mouth suddenly opened wide, swallowing Yang Tian in one gulp.After Xiao An chewed, the negative state of Yang Tian's body was swept away.

After moving his hands and feet, Yang Tian brought Xiaoan, who replaced him, into the system space.He searched in the direction where Emily left.Seeing Ai Mier open the stone door with his own eyes, the switch was easily found. Yang Tian gently twisted the third hand of Avalokitesvara on the left, and the stone door opened slowly at random.

behind the door
Looking at the scene in front of him, Yang Tian was really surprised.

The back door did not lead to the outside world or get lost, but came to the underground, to be precise, it was an endless underground space, and my position was like the entrance of a stone cave on a cliff, looking at the lush forest at my feet, if I didn’t know this door The door has no teleportation function, Yang Tian really thought that he had traveled through it.

However, the current situation in front of him caused a big problem for Yang Tian. Looking at the seemingly endless boundary line, he sighed, "Where can I find the trace here?"

As if sensing Yang Tian's thoughts, frightened birds suddenly appeared in the distance.

Yang Tian looked in the right direction, ejected his body, and left a series of sonic booms in the air with his moon steps.

Looking down, in the gap between the tens of meters of big trees, a woman is walking slowly with graceful steps. Although her movements seem to be walking like ordinary people, her speed is surprisingly fast. If it weren't for Yang Tian I got rid of the obstruction of the trees in the air, and it will take a while to catch up.

Ai Mier had obviously discovered Yang Tian's existence, but she didn't care, and still walked slowly. Jess was not by her side at this time. As for where to go, Yang Tian didn't have that kind of thought at this time. .

Lightly tapped the void under his feet, and was about to land in front of Ai Mier.Suddenly, Yang Tian turned 360 degrees in the air, and the Ji Mie in his hand also came out of the sheath. A huge force followed and collided with Ji Mie. Yang Tian felt a tightness in his chest, and he flew upside down. Gliding in the air for tens of meters before he managed to stabilize his figure.

Before Yang Tian could take a closer look, the next attack came again.Yang Tian, ​​who was on guard, didn't let this attack do anything, and cut down with Nirvana in his hand, directly cutting it in half.

At this time, Yang Tiancai could see the whole picture of the attackers clearly. It turned out to be a group of tree monsters, with vine whips dancing up and down around their thick bodies, and Yang Tian's blow to them had no obvious effect.

Ai Mier still walked forward slowly, she seemed to know that she had the help of the dryad, and ignored Yang Tian's intention.

Yang Tian looked down at the huge vines coming towards him, and thought to himself, "It's really troublesome, it seems that these vines need to be dealt with first."

Although the vine tree was huge in size, its movements were astonishingly nimble, and the domineering long whips kept waving towards it.The huge force made Yang Tianjing overwhelmed for a while.

After fighting for a long time, the two sides came and went but were deadlocked. Yang Tian looked out from the sky and saw Ai Mier walking towards the steps of an altar, Yang Tian felt something bad in his heart.

 In the following plots, as long as it is a Tianlong, everyone will call the protagonist, Tyrell Saint, and non-Dragon people will call Yang Tian.Because considering the nature of Tianlong people, this point is inherent in the arrogant character.It is also for the reader to have a good experience

(End of this chapter)

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