One Piece Demon

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

Ai Mier looked at Yang Tian who was struggling to deal with it, and laughed lightly, as if mocking his overreaching: "I wanted you to go through this change quietly, but you are so naughty, I don't know how you can get rid of it." I am in the prison of Buddha Yin, but you should not have chased after me. You know, after today, you will be the only seedling of the family, and my aunt still wants you to carry on the family, but... ".

Ai Mier shook her head with some regret, and moved her thousand hands three inches in front of her eyebrows to condense a nine-foot-long light blade. The black and white of the light blade looks very ordinary, and even when it flew out, it didn't fluctuate at all. .

The Guardian of Hell has already been turned on, and Yang Tian's feet are connected, just ignoring Ai Mier's words just now, holding Nirvana tightly with both hands, and turning into a black meteor.

Ai Mier saw that Yang Tian was overpowering himself to resist her attack, she showed a helpless smile, but her hand didn't stop at all, and she fired three light blades in a row, followed the trajectory of the first light blade, and sent Yang Tian Hold on to the direction of progress.

The four light blades gathered together, but Yang Tian didn't care about their sharpness, and let them stick to the shield of the guardian of hell, resisting the attack. Yang Tian looked exhausted, and the guardian of hell seemed to be broken at any time.

Ai Mier laughed lightly, looking at Yang Tian's distressed appearance was quite amusing, with a few drops of sweat oozing from her forehead, Ai Mier sent out a light blade again.

But at the moment Ai Mier launched the attack, the five attacks were still contending with the shield, but Yang Tian's figure disappeared.

A red flame cut through the air, causing a sonic explosion that pierced the eardrums.

Ai Mier turned her hands into one, a pair of white jade-like skillful hands grabbed the lava-like sword body.Ai Mier kicked Yang Tian who was attacking him with a flying kick.Yang Tian's reaction was not slow either. He held the sword in one hand and punched Ai Mi'er's foot with the other. As a huge force spread, the two of them retreated tens of meters each, and finally broke through several big trees. Hold on tight.

Each of the generals has a natural disaster-like combat power. It is too difficult to win a battle, let alone subdue it.The red dog and the green pheasant fought for several days and changed an island. Although Yang Tian and the two are not natural fruit capable people, Ai Mier, who is a Bodhisattva who can save everyone from evil, and Yang Tian with strange abilities, the two produced The destruction is also absolutely stunning.

On the battlefield, the two did not stop.Once again fighting together, sand and rocks flew away for a while, the ground where the two fought, the ground cracked, trees broke down in the middle, and even the air continued to make trembling and cracking sounds.

The two fought for more than half a day, and Jess finally ushered in a breakthrough. The mechanical door made of metal seemed to come alive, and began to twist continuously, and the middle of the door collapsed, revealing a bottomless black hole. Then a roar of a strange beast came from the cave, like a cat's paw glass neighing, Jess, who was standing by the door, had to cover his ears tightly.

The battle between Yang Tian and Ai Mier also stopped with this roar, and the two of them looked at the entrance of the cave together. Surprisingly, there was no sound in the cave, and it suddenly became quiet.

Jess bravely walked to the edge of the cave, took out the Molotov cocktail from his pocket, and threw it into the cave. Relying on the faint light of the fire, Jess could vaguely see that there was a well-like cave under the door, and the walls of the cave were engraved with Weird words, but the flames disappeared in a flash, and Jess had no choice but to take out a Molotov cocktail from his arms again in order to see it clearly, and was about to throw it into it.A strong gust of wind came from the bottom of the cave, and even blew Jace three times.

The sound of the wind did not stop, and before Jess could stabilize his body, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. Jess only felt a mouthful of heat overflowing from his chest, and then poured it into his mouth. He opened his mouth with difficulty, and the red heat had already filled his mouth. , so that he no longer even has the ability to speak. When Jess lost consciousness, what was reflected in his eyes was a long metal barb, and this barb was connected to a long tail.


The metal monster flapped its wings and roared excitedly. After a burst of roaring, it looked down at Jess who was pierced by itself, and flicked his tail to throw him out like throwing garbage.

Yang Tian, ​​who was far above the forest, frowned, looked at this huge metal monster about 20 meters high, and asked Emily, "What is this!?"

Ai Mier didn't pay attention to Yang Tian, ​​but took out the three chips from her bosom. As soon as the three chips were taken out, the metal monster seemed to receive the induction, and its eyes immediately converged.


The metal beast roared up to the sky, its wings lashed out, and it turned into a shooting star and flew towards Emily.

Seeing this scene, Yang Tian instinctively stepped back to distance himself from Ai Mier.

The metal beast stopped five meters away from Emily, flapped its wings obediently, and then slowly approached its head.

The three chips turned into two parts under Yang Tian's gaze, two of them flew into the body of the metal beast, and the remaining one returned to Ai Mier's palm.

Two chips entered the body of the metal beast, and the metal beast changed drastically. After a sound of mechanical rotation, the size of the metal beast was miraculously only three meters high, and its figure also turned into a human shape. The metal texture and the armor connected to the skin separate him from the word human, and the metal tail behind it that is as long as his body makes him completely cut off from the word human.

"Little Yang Tian, ​​watch carefully. This is made from the leftovers of the Heavenly King when he was born in the past. Although he is not as invincible as the Heavenly King, it must not be underestimated." With the metal beast disappearing in place.

Looking at the disappearing Ai Mier, Yang Tian knew the huge power hidden in the metal beast's body, so he stayed where he was for a while.

"Cough cough~"

When Yang Tian fell into thinking, a light cough interrupted Yang Tian's train of thought.Returning to his senses, Yang Tian touched Xiao An on his shoulder, and sighed lightly. He was not a reckless person. He knew that he was invincible, so he would not make unnecessary sacrifices, but when he thought of the possible destruction of his family, he couldn't bear it He was so manic that he wanted to die on the battlefield. This kind of complicated emotional intertwining made him in a dilemma for a while.

Xiao An looked much better, licked the cat's paw, and said slowly: "I have two plans, but it's up to you to choose."

Yang Tian seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw suddenly, and his attention was instantly focused on Xiao An.

Xiao An didn't seem to be in a hurry, but still said slowly: "Although the system is not omnipotent, it also takes into account that the host will encounter absolutely powerful enemies, so there are two sets of options that the host will only choose in times of crisis."

When Xiao An said this, he suddenly closed his mouth, he didn't know if he didn't want to say it, or there was something really hard to say, but from his tangled face, Yang Tian already realized that what Xiao An said next was definitely not a good strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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