One Piece Demon

Chapter 125 Changes

Chapter 125 Changes
Yang Tian didn't want to urge Xiao An, but now time is more stressful than money.He had to speak and urge.

Under Yang Tian's urging, Xiao'an seemed to have made up his mind, and finally said: "The first choice is to give up this mission. There is a saying that is good, if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood. When we grow up Get up and call back again."

Yang Tian kept silent about this choice, if this was the choice given to him by the system, he couldn't accept it no matter what, and waited for Xiaoan to say the second choice.

Xiao An was not surprised by this, and continued: "The second option is the Great Terror option. The reason why it is called Great Terror is because it is an extremely terrifying thing regardless of its effect or to the host itself. This option can only be turned on if the host and the manager, i.e. me, have passed the double verification, but what will happen after it is turned on, no one can predict."

Xiao An's expression was very heavy, Yang Tian could see this, but he didn't hesitate at all.

"It's not advisable to make a reckless move, but I will not give up if I have a certain hope. Although I don't have any hard-pressed memories of the family affection in this world, it can't stop my love for him."

Seeing that Yang Tianyi has made a decision, Xiaoan sighed softly: "Well, fortunately, there is another thing to be thankful for. Since your current strength is not strong, the counterattack will be relatively weak, but please do it well. The worst plan. Comparing this weakness is compared with your perfected Demon King form."

"Xiao An, if this battle is invincible, it may cause huge waves that will shake the whole world. At that time, there were too many uncertain factors, and everything was difficult to control. Now we can only slay the boat and kill a bright future. Avenue."

Xiao An nodded approvingly, the two met each other, and took a deep breath at the same time.

Say "Qi" in unison.

As soon as the words fell, the clothes on Yang Tian's body turned into dust and dissipated with the wind, and his whole body was exposed to the air naked. At this time, Yang Tian didn't feel ashamed, because a terrifying breath was about to break through his heart. In the middle of the chest, the skin began to fester, and then the muscles, bones, all turned into minced meat.The frightening thing is that in this bloody flesh hole, not a single drop of blood seeped out, but strands of black gas continuously rolled out, and then the pitch-black liquid gushed out like a fountain.

Yang Tian didn't struggle. In less than half a moment, his whole body was covered by black liquid. Countless black lines were pulled out from his body like silk, and then bounced back. Repeated this hundreds of times, a black gem-like Insect eggs floated in front of Xiao An's eyes.

It was also the first time for Xiao An to encounter such a situation, so she was unavoidably surprised.Through the light, the central part of the black gem can vaguely discern a heart still beating.

"Bang bang~ bang bang~ bang bang~"

After half an hour, changes gradually appeared in the eggs. Strands of thick black liquid gathered in the eggs, and soon formed the shape of a body, after which the hands and feet could be distinguished.After the final masculine characteristics were condensed, a small hole was opened in the outermost egg shell, which then became bigger and bigger until the last bit was swallowed by the person in the egg.

The newborn Yang Tian is exactly the same as before, the only change is that he is handsome, he looks more manly than before, his skin is a bit darker.The eyes are like devouring the entire night.

Yang Tian twisted his body full of explosive power, and when he looked up, he realized that there was a light curtain in front of him, which had been staying at the front left 45 of his field of vision.A red time is constantly beating, 10 minutes, if Yang Tian has not misunderstood, he can only maintain his current strength for 10 minutes.

Realizing that the time was urgent, Yang Tian didn't have time to explain to the curious little An Duojia, picked him up and stuffed him in his arms, and returned to the spot.

At the entrance of the secret room, there was a sudden explosion in the Buddhist hall.The entire Buddhist hall then collapsed and disintegrated, turning into ruins.

"Ahem~ What a fucking pit, I didn't control the strength well, and almost killed myself."

A figure flew out of the smoke complaining non-stop. Looking closely, it was Yang Tian who had just run out of the secret realm. It turns out that this sentence of powerful physical strength has not been familiarized, and Yang Tian's control is not yet handy. degree.

At this time, in the Heavenly Dragon Temple not far from Yang Tian, ​​when the battle between the Siritos and Tianyashas families was drawing to a close, a war force with the core of the eight Heavenly Dragon families in the Holy Land Mariejoa suddenly struck.

At this time, both Siritos and the Tianyashas family were at the end of their battles. Shuras and angel stumps were scattered all over the place, and Saint Siritos' eight-armed Shura had three arms cut off. Only one of the three heads remained.Looking at the wings of the holy angel of Tian Yashas, ​​which had already been stained with blood, the broken wings seemed to have been plucked. The chicken that was about to be slaughtered, the holy sword in his hand was also full of gaps, and it seemed that it would break at any time.

The two nobles of the family looked at the sudden appearance of the eight Tianlongren families who fell into the water, how could they not know that this was a trap that had been arranged long ago.The two patriarchs, who had struggled to stand up, actually stood on the same front at this time. No one knew what they were thinking, resisting?It's too vague to see the form, and the eight Tianlong patriarchs couldn't help laughing.

"The two big patriarchs still want to resist desperately, but they are too arrogant. They still look down on the strength of our small families, ah ~ you say so, Saint Roswald!"

"Hmph, people who are dying. As long as your two families give up their rights and agree to give up their status as Tianlong people, we can still let you go." Saint Roswald seems to be quite afraid. He set out his own conditions when he came up, and he didn't care about the face he just refuted Charmac Saint.

Saint Charmark snorted coldly at this, he didn't know if he was dissatisfied with Roswaal's attitude towards him, or he blamed him for putting forward the conditions so early.

Saint Siritos and Saint Tianyashasi ignored the intentions of the eight patriarchs. They stood with their swords in their hands, their feet slightly apart, their backs straight, and their eyes were gloomy and terrifying.

Seeing that the two did not answer, Chalmak Sheng was about to make things difficult.A shout suddenly sounded from the mouths of Saint Siritos and Saint Tian Yashasi at the same time.

"Sister Ai Mier (wife), the show is satisfying. Now that you're here, why don't you come out and talk about it? It's okay to end the grievances for many years. I think the blood in this place is enough to show our hearts."

(End of this chapter)

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