One Piece Demon

Chapter 129 The Battle Begins

Chapter 129 The Battle Begins

"Oh, did I bother you all? I'm really sorry, but there are important things first. After all, there is not much time. Look, there are still 8 minutes and 59 seconds, 58 seconds, 57 seconds, oh my God, what am I doing ? Closer to the point, have you ever seen a beautiful woman with a metallic beast?"

The man's elegant question surprised a few people. Natsume Yado didn't want to provoke this strange man. Besides, since his goal is Emily, let him go and get rid of him. A "traitor", why not do it.

Natsume Yato stood leaning on his sword, with a smile on his face, and he was very kind. If it wasn't for his unshakable nature, maybe he could really be a kind grandfather and greet him in a friendly way. Yado smiled and said, "It's right behind you!"

Yang Tian looked in the direction of Natsume Yato's finger, and it was right that it was Ai Mier, the aunt who forced him to run away.

"It's been a long time since I saw my aunt, so it's really easy for me to find."

Time waits for no one, as Yang Tian spoke, the palm of his hand with a phantom of the dragon's claws directly grabbed Ai Mi'er's fair neck.

"Tyrael, stop!"

"Nie Zi, stop!"

Tyrell was said by Saint Tian Yashasi, and Nie Zi was naturally said by Saint Siritos. The two of them were ashamed of Emily. If Yang Tian hurt Emily again, their efforts would be in vain. .

Yang Tian glanced at the position of Saint Siritos from the corner of his eyes, frowned, and the Dragon Claw turned aside fiercely. Coincidentally, the ever-enlarged red Dragon Claw, with the momentum of rushing thunder, bit at Natsume Yato.

Natsume Yado is also a scheming figure, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and a ferocious look burst out from his eyes, the red long-bladed rapier stabbed out, and the soft edge of the wrist was constantly changing, trying to It was torn to pieces.

But it’s really pitiful for Natsume Yato to be so troublesome. Yang Tian will continue to increase his strength after he goes berserk, and his attacks will also continue to increase. The only shortcoming is that he will gradually lose his mind, so he has very little time. Although the time limit is very short, but It's really exhausted, Yang Tian also... In short, it was an unimaginable ordeal.In the equivalent exchange, Yang Tian's strength has already surpassed the generals. The eight patriarchs are no more than three senior generals, and the others are all at the intermediate level. It is difficult to distinguish between the two peak generals, Siritos Saint and Tian Yashas Saint. Negative, let alone facing Yang Tian. (I hereby declare that regarding the positioning of generals, they are divided into quasi-generals, junior generals, intermediate generals, advanced generals, and peak generals. The strength of Karp and the Warring States Period surpasses the strength of generals.)
Natsume Yado only realized what kind of monster he was facing when he attacked Yang Tian. The energy hidden in the dragon claw shattered all his assumptions. As if it was about to collapse at any time, Natsume Yato had to use this moment of resistance to find the right time to stagger the threat of the dragon claw. Fortunately, the dragon claw has no so-called soul.

Natsume Yato was in a bit of a panic at this time. It took only a moment from arrogance to despair. When everyone just reacted, everything was settled. Amid the deafening explosions in the distance and the roar of houses collapsing, everyone They all looked at this young boy with surprised eyes.

Since Yang Tian released the dragon claws, he has been looking at Saint Siritos, his father, with inquiring eyes. Although he is calm on the surface, he is already very anxious. After all, time will not be tolerant to him.

At the moment when everyone was amazed, Yang Tian understood everything from the eyes of Siritos, maybe this is the magic of the blood.

Yang Tian glanced at Ai Mier quite meaningfully, he was also very helpless towards this aunt Yang Tian, ​​he was dazzled by love, it must be the craziest thing to do, Yang Tian thought so.

Now that the enemy is clear, Yang Tian doesn't stop for a moment, and whispers the dragon's voice in silence, the dark clouds in the sky roll and sweep countless dark crows, and the thunder turns violently into thousands of thunder gods competing to roar.Its power is so strong that it changes the color of the heaven and earth and covers the entire holy place, everything is terrified, and there is no abnormal sound in the air except for the roar of dragons and thunder.

Seeing this, Natsume Yado and the others had already been prepared for battle, but the disparity in strength made their expressions look extraordinarily gloomy.Even the violent patriarch of the Don Quixote family restrained his temper.

Several patriarchs looked at each other, their eyes crossed, and finally they all looked at Natsume Yato, and nodded in unison.

Natsume Yato took a deep breath, raised his left hand, and split the hilt of the sword in two before Yang Tian approached. A dazzling light dispelled the darkness under the dark clouds, and a golden chip flashed slowly. Slowly revealing his figure: "The hidden hand who was planning to win the most decisive victory, I didn't expect this accident to happen to you, that's all. I have to get things done early to prevent accidents."

Natsume Yato muttered to himself, and at the moment when Yang Tian lost his mind, he turned the chip into a beam of light and flew into the body of Metal Beast Shun.

Shun, who was guarding behind Ai Mier, didn't dodge at all, allowing the light and shadow to scurry in his body, "bang, bang, bang" the sound of a human heartbeat came out of Metal Shun's body, and his metallic skin instantly turned white His skin and sharp metal tail also turned into bone-like weapons.The whole body, except for the slender ears and the tail wrapped around the waist, is completely standard human.

Seeing Shun's changes, Ai Mier's first reaction was very happy.However, Shun looked at Ai Mier's eyes suddenly burst into hostility, his fingers clicked, and he slapped Ai Mier's face with a palm against the wind's obstruction.

Ai Mier was taken aback, but because the distance between the two of them was too close, the time for Ai Mier to react was too short, and there was no time for Ai Mier to react.Just when Ai Mier was about to lose her fragrance, a black energy shield enveloped Ai Mier. Shun felt a numbness in his palm, and slowly raised his head and looked angrily at Yang Tian with a pair of beast-like vertical pupils. With the sound of Emily falling to the ground, the figures of the two disappeared in place at the same time.

Saint Siritos was a little surprised seeing this scene, surprised by Yang Tian's strength, and also surprised that Natsume Yato actually hid such tricks under their noses. If Yang Tian didn't appear, Shun suddenly rebelled after the fight , Then... Silitos didn't dare to think about it, but the anger in his heart had already swept through his internal organs.

Saint Siritos said in a deep voice: "Hmph, a group of villains. Now I will let you know the gap between us." Saint Siritos said something serious, as if Yang Tian's appearance was arranged.

Natsume Yado and the others didn't know the reason behind it, and they were also taken aback by Siritos San's methods, and at the same time, they were grateful for the decision to let Emily release Metal Shun first.But at this time their aura has dropped a little, after all, the strength of the general at the peak is not blown out.

The situation on the battlefield is changing, except for Ai Mier who has lost her mind, everyone is caught in a stalemate battle, and the fierce battle between Yang Tian and Shun is the most intense.

(End of this chapter)

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