One Piece Demon

Chapter 130 Awakening from Dream 1 Yejian

Chapter 130
Even though Shun has the appearance of a human, he is still as rigorous as a machine. The scale, distance, and time of attacks are all well-crafted, which makes people feel scary.If Yang Tian's strength hadn't been continuously increasing, he would have been pierced through the throat with one finger at the time of [-] moves.

"The time has dragged on for too long." Yang Tian looked at the remaining 3 minutes and secretly said, at the same time, he did not dare to slack off in the movements of his hands. The Flames of King Quan and Longyan turned into two tongues of fire and licked Shun's skin. Soaring into the sky.

Shun looked obviously worse, not a single part of his body was still intact, and the few exposed thread ends were flashing like electric sparks, half of his face had completely collapsed, and he was able to live entirely because of his special physique.

Below the battle between the two, Saint Siritos and Saint Tian Yashas fought fiercely with the eight general-level patriarchs with the power of two people, and the scattered energy inadvertently destroyed the surroundings at an alarming speed, and the earth cracked The ravine ran madly towards the distance, with no purpose and no end. For a while, the entire Red Earth Continent trembled in front of the twelve terrifying combat forces.

The scope of the battle at the general level is really huge, and Natsume Yado is annoyed at Yang Tian's appearance, otherwise Youshun's sneak attack would have ended. Seeing that the ground is devastated at this time, even if they win, the eight family patriarchs will find it difficult to explain to other families.

The two sides looked at each other, and they seemed to have made up their minds, intending to use their strongest means to decide the outcome. Natsume Yato had eight generals on one side, and the power of using the hole cards together was unimaginable, but Siritos Saint The two top-level generals are also completely worthy.The two sides are ready to wait for the opportunity.

Shun suffered a sudden pain, and a dark red sword pierced through his right arm. Shun's reaction was extremely quick, and he directly abandoned his right arm. A blue and white energy shot out from the palm of his left hand and hit Yang Tian's chest.


Although Yang Tian was aware of it, he drew his sword and retreated violently, still hurting deeply, a ball of dark red blood spewed out from his mouth, making his sweaty cheeks a little paler.The battle between the two did not involve a tug-of-war, and they did not plan to fight for a few days and nights. After all, this is a holy place, and no one can be sure of the result if there is a slight mistake.

As if to verify this plan, Shun suddenly launched a fierce attack as if flashing back, shooting out streaks of blue and white energy at no cost, forcing Yang Tian to dodge again and again, the roaring and explosion sound was a bit stronger than thunder, and the Cangshu Palace continued to explode. It collapsed and evaporated, and it was hard to hide the momentum. Tianlong people from other families in the distance heard the sound and sent out spies one after another.

The aura that suddenly appeared and disappeared around the crowd of Saint Siritos and the others was quite uncomfortable, knowing that the news of their battle was about to spread, if someone fished in troubled waters, then...

Natsume Yato stroked the white beard with only a few strands of life left, and felt anxious in his heart, so he had no choice but to launch the final attack.

Asura and angels, darkness and light.When the eight-armed Shura and the twelve-winged angel stood side by side, they fought against eight ancient animal fruit abilities.The scene was really spectacular, even the roar of tigers and the chants of dragons could not be described.The scene is completely a collision of muscles, all the power is swimming in every inch of their skin, every muscle, every cell, the fast healing ability and the fearless attack method are completely fighting with the instinct of beasts.

Saint Siritos and Saint Tianyashas broke into the ancient deep forest like two giants, only to see that the jaw of the giant crocodile was broken abruptly, the bright red blood and saliva were mixed together, and the white eyeballs proved that he had already Fainting, no one expected that the one from Don Quixote's family would be the first to be eliminated.

At the same time as the members of Siritos Shengji fought in a melee, the battle between Yang Tian and Shun gradually approached the winning point.

Yang Tian let out a low voice, his voice was deep and deep, but the attack was so powerful that everyone couldn't help but look sideways.

The Dragon Flame and the Flame of King Quan are constantly transforming into forms in Yang Tian's hands, and finally merged into one, turning into a majestic Eastern Dragon Dragon. The dragon's beard is rolling, exuding a fierce holy fire, and tongues of flame rise from where the pupils are looking. Before the dark clouds in the sky overwhelmed the thunder and the thunder was even worse, the dragon shuttled among the clouds, adding the majesty of the thunder, as if the real god had descended.

Under the great terror that forced his body and mind, Shun didn't feel the slightest fear, and even his expression didn't change in the slightest.He slowly stretched out his movable palm, covering the position of his heart.Although everything in the past was short, it came to his mind one by one. The arrogance and indifference of Ai Mier when they met for the first time made his mechanical heart beat like a human heart. He couldn't help but fight with him for [-] rounds.However, at this moment, he was already out of control. He was a weapon. In this moment of sobriety, he couldn't help but look at Natsume Yato who was fighting. He hated this bad old man. If he hadn't controlled himself, then... …

Shun felt that there is a god in this world for the first time in his thousand years of existence, because he would rather believe that all this is the injustice of God.Thinking about this, I can't extricate myself.But the nature of being a weapon once again oppressed his rationality, and the blood-red color of killing once again occupied his pupils. At this time, he had no more emotion, and pressed lightly on his chest. With the sound of mechanical twisting, Shun's chest cavity Slowly opened, a crystal-clear and beautiful 'heart' was exposed in the air.

"Bastard, do you want to die!"

Just when Shun activated his self-detonation system, a roar that made the heaven and earth tolerate him interrupted his actions.

With the help of his scarlet eyes, Shun looked towards the source of the sound, and even Saint Siritos and the others, who were fighting to the climax, couldn't help but stop what they were doing, and looked in the direction of the sound as if they had agreed.

"Shun, is this what you use to defeat me! Ah, Shun~ talk!" Yang Tian pointed at Yu Shun angrily, and felt a kind of unhappiness welling up from the bottom of his heart when he wanted to blow himself up to disappear.

Although Yang Tian doesn't have the fruit ability, he has a system, he has Xiaoan to deal with the machine~ no, he is not a machine, but a life. In Yang Tian's eyes, Shun is a real opponent. It was this feeling that even Xiaoan in the system woke up early.

The four eyes met each other, but without words, Shun's scarlet eyes gradually faded away, and the slight strength to hold his heart was gradually dissipated.

"I~" Shun regained his senses, his eyes filled with tears, and he said tremblingly, "Why, you care about me."

"Hmph, I'm not in the mood to care about you, but as my opponent, I won't allow you to die like this." Yang Tian's eyes were rounded, his disheveled hair was even more arrogant and unrestrained due to blood stains, and blood flowed from the roots of his teeth. From the corner of his mouth, although his clothes were torn, his aura was like a god of war who would never fall under the roar of dragons and thunder. Although his words were extremely rude, Shun couldn't help but burst into tears.

(Shun's setting, as the supporting role of the king of heaven, has a high degree of humanization, and he basically has some human emotions, including the basic quotation marks, wow.)
(End of this chapter)

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