One Piece Demon

Chapter 26 The end of the transaction

Chapter 26 The end of the transaction
"Okay, don't cry, if you cry again, brother will really not want you!" Yang Tian said with a little teasing.

Originally, Annie was crying so much that she bit her lip directly, no matter how much the tears rolled in her eyes, they did not fall.Seeing Annie's cute appearance, Yang Tian couldn't help scratching Annie's little Qiong's nose lightly.

"Okay, Annie, listen to me, I just told you not to call me Tyrell, and now my brother has a new name called Yang Tian."


Annie suppressed the tears she had been holding back all of a sudden, and she smiled back through them.Qiaoxiaoqianxi!Looking forward to the beautiful eyes!
"Of course, how could brother lie to you!"

"Then I have to feel it to know."

As Annie spoke, she imprinted her ten fingers on Yang Tian's chest, which were as tender as thatch buds.The eyes closed slowly, and the clear and divisible eyelashes trembled from time to time.

"Tyrell~O~ should be called~Brother Yang Tian, ​​what he said is the truth."

When Annie put her little hand on his chest, Yang Tian could clearly feel that there was only an inexplicable connection between the two.Yang Tian looked at Annie suspiciously, waiting for her explanation.

"Annie, this is!?"

"Why, did brother even forget this! We have telepathy."

Seeing Annie's expression about to shed tears again, Yang Tian smiled lightly and quickly shook his head: "No, how could that be! Annie, next, do what your mother ordered first."

Just as Yang Tian was helping Annie arrange the next plan, a voice like the sound of a dilapidated radio failing to receive a signal kept echoing in Yang Tian's mind.


The ear-piercing voice made Yang Tian couldn't help pressing his temples. Annie looked at Yang Tian who suddenly stopped talking, and held Yang Tian nervously.

Save Xi~Litos~Family~, Reward: Unknown.Time: three years.


"Why is the mission released again at this time, and why is it three years, not a little longer, what happened to the family?"

At this time, apart from being puzzled in Yang Tian's heart, he also admired Xiao An's dedication.But the time limit given by the system is three years, the family is definitely in trouble, three years, three years, Yang Tian repeated it several times in his heart, under the moonlight, the wandering figure couldn't help frowning, Little Annie rested her cheeks, with two dimples hanging on her face, quietly looking at her brother who was thinking seriously, with a happy expression on her face.

Yang Tian, ​​who suddenly stopped, squatted in front of Annie, and said with a serious face: "Annie, the deal with Long will continue this time, as for the revolutionaries, it's up to them. But don't tell your mother when you go back. See me, lest mother think too much and do unnecessary things."

"Well, I listened to my brother, so this is the secret between us." Annie had unconditional trust in her brother, nodded her head heavily, and stretched out her little finger.

"Haha, good! Pull the hook."

Looking at his lovely younger sister, Yang Tian felt a warm feeling in his heart, and the original worry was washed away without a trace.

Early the next morning, Annie and Long formally concluded their meeting, and Ivankov readily contributed his hormones. The black hormones in the transparent reagent tube were like the sins of hell, viscous and thick. From time to time tumbling bubbles.

"Brother, goodbye!" Annie, who was about to leave, looked back reluctantly, and couldn't help but remind her, her little finger curled up accordingly.

"Of course!" Yang Tian stretched out his finger to Annie, as if two hands were printed together at the moment.

After the farewell, Anne put on a cold face again, and said to the bear who was still reading the Bible: "Bear, let's go!"

"Bear, step back. This time I will deliver it myself!"

With a wave of his big hand, Long restrained the bear who came forward, and walked slowly to Annie's side.

"Anni Gong, don't mind!"

"How come, Anne is very happy to be sent by the leader of the revolutionaries himself!"

Although Annie showed a smile on her face, her essential indifference did not change at all.

A gust of wind came, and Annie was gently dragged up, followed by the figure of the dragon and disappeared in front of everyone.

After the dragon left, Xiong closed the Bible in his hand and prayed devoutly on his chest. After the prayer, Xiong looked at Yang Tian with plain eyes: "Saint Tyrell, don't you want to leave? But if Terry If Ersheng wants to join the revolutionaries, I think Mr. Long will be very happy."

After Annie left, Yang Tian felt as if he had lost some beloved treasure, and his face was as cold as before, and his tone revealed an unspeakable coolness: "Revolutionaries, Forget it, I'm not suitable for such troublesome things, but I have no hostility towards you, and you don't need to take unnecessary precautions."

The shemale king Ivankov transformed from a burly man into a fair lady in an instant, crossed ten fingers covered with red nail polish, half-covered the lower half of his face, and said with a soft smile: "Oh haha~ , As expected of brothers and sisters. The same indifference! Do you want me to help you!"

Regarding Ivankov's appearance, Yang Tian directly turned his face away. At this moment, Ivankov felt the anger of being ignored for the first time.

While the few people were chatting, a wave of anger surged, and then the figure of the dragon appeared on the bow of the boat. Yang Tian narrowed his eyes at the appearance and disappearance of the dragon, and had a glimpse of the power of the dragon for the first time.

"Dragon, you're back! Why did you bring a kid with you?" It was Ivankov who was ignored by Yang Tian just now who spoke, and at this time he was holding a kid in his hand.

Blue hat, gentleman's clothing with a small bow on the neck, and golden wavy hair. Looking at these features, Yang Tian's eyes flickered, and his head slammed, as if it had been blasted.

"Sabo!" Yang Tian exclaimed, that's right, Sabo went out to sea privately today, but was bombarded by the visiting Tianlong people. Why did he forget it? Looking at Sabo who fainted, Yang Tian's figure flashed from Ivankov He held Sabo down in his arms.

"Uh!" Looking at his empty hands, Ivankov suddenly turned back into a strong man, his eyes widened in perfect circles. Long was slightly surprised when he saw this scene.

As for the changes in the crowd, Yang Tian didn't care, and was watching Sabo's state nervously.

"Sabo, Sabo, wake up Sabo!"

"Don't shake, he was bombarded just now, such a kid. He probably will sleep for a few days. Since you know him, take him away!" Long stepped forward and patted Yang Tian who was a little excited.

Yang Tian put down Sabo and stood up, his bewitching eyes flashed solemnly, and he looked into the eyes of the dragon.

"No, he has his own dream, and the ship that can take him to freedom is with you, with your revolutionary army. Long, promise me to take good care of my brother."

Long looked into Yang Tian's sincere eyes, without speaking for a long time, and the two figures, one big and one small, just stared blankly.

Finally, Longcai slowly highlighted a word: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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