One Piece Demon

Chapter 27 Fighting Nagri again

Chapter 27 Fighting Nagri again

After getting Long's affirmation, Yang Tian smiled happily, pressed close to Long's ear, and whispered: "As for your decision, I think Luffy will be very happy too."

After speaking, Yang Tian's figure floated up straight, and with a cool smile, he flew towards the direction of the garbage mountain.

Long looked at the kid who was leaving, with a cracked smile on the corner of his mouth.

It was the first time Ivankov saw his boss smiling, and he couldn't help but walked up to him and asked curiously, "Long, what did that brat tell you just now? Is it funny?"

"It's nothing funny, it's just funny. Well, do your best and remember to put this kid in place."

"O" Ivankov looked at the dragon who suddenly lowered his face, and became even more curious. He picked up Sabo on the board, followed the departing dragon in three or two steps, and then began the daily battle of the revolutionary army. come busy.

At this time, Yang Tian has already returned to the garbage mountain, but the garbage mountain is no longer the garbage mountain it used to be. After burning, the smell is disgusting to Yang Tian. Even the soil has changed color, and some places are even covered with a layer of sticky black slime.

Yang Tian glanced at it and continued walking towards the direction where he was separated from Nagli, only to see a petite figure quickly passing by the garbage mountain, rushing across the snow to reach the forest.

Yang Tian looked at Na Geli who was still snoring under the tree, and smiled reassuringly.

"Master Nagle, the sun is drying your ass! Are you still sleeping? Master Nagle?"

Seeing that Nageli was sleeping so dead, Yang Tian suddenly became interested in a child, picked a fluffy grass, held it in his hand, and fought with Teacher Nageli's beard with great interest.

"Hulu huh~huh~huh~~! Mmm~"

Nageli was dreaming of a happy place, when he suddenly felt the itchiness of his beard, he slapped him with a slap, he didn't mean to keep his hand at all, but fortunately Yang Tian flashed fast, otherwise his little hand would have been in pain even if it wasn't hurt meeting.

But for some reason, Yang Tian's mood suddenly relaxed a lot, and he just sat on the grass that was free from the oppression of snow. In Yang Tian's eyes, the sky was surprisingly clear. The sun shyly hid behind the floating clouds, and the wind gently caressed the earth. , from time to time twice, the blowing leaves rustled, and occasionally there were two leaves that were unwilling to be lonely, boarded the windy coach and wanted to take a look, Yang Tian brushed his hair, and the melancholy accumulated in his heart all of a sudden Dissipating with the wind, at this moment he merged with this piece of heaven and earth, quietly feeling the grass and leaves, enjoying the touch of the wind, the care of the sun, and smelling the favor of nature.

"Ah, comfortable. Kaka~"

After being molested by Yang Tian, ​​Na Geli could never return to the dream just now, sat up and twisted his stiff body.

"Hey, it turned out to be my little god, what happened last night, such a big fire, there should be nothing left now!" Nagri looked at the garbage mountain covered in black in the distance, occasionally there was a wisp or two of green smoke Emerged, sighed helplessly.

"Well, it's gone, but is Mr. Nagri planning to go back?"

"Go back, I can't. The thoughts here have dissipated, and for you, to be honest, I am not a good teacher, and I can't teach you anything. I am also worthy of the word teacher. Next, I plan to go back To the place I dreamed of in the past, the sea, to the great route to the new world, the old man intends to use his last strength to re-experience the old vigor."

"Just leave like this? Teacher Nagri, let's fight! Just treat it as your last lesson for me!"

"Oh, this is the old man who just wanted to try how much strength I still have after the restriction is gone."

Before Nagri's voice fell, Yang Tian directly entered the bloodthirsty state, and at the same time, the Ke Ji Mie in his hand also changed back to the original body. As for Ji Mie Nagli, he was also very curious about this weapon that can change the shape at the beginning. .Yang Tian showed his 100% state from the very beginning this time, because Yang Tian always felt that the current teacher Nagli had undergone a huge change that was completely different from before.

A red shadow flashed behind the scarlet eyes, and with a "bang", the Ji Mie in Yang Tian's hand shone with red light, brushing the air and chopping the Buddha, while Nagri took a step back calmly, the crutch in his hand The sword showed its sharpness, and the green shadow like a jasper lotus leaf easily blocked the red light that was devouring someone. Seeing this, Yang Tian used the scabbard with his left hand, and used "Death Cut" against Nagli's body.

Facing the imminent attack, Nagli held the crutch sword with both hands, pressed Nirvana with the blade of the sword, and turned his whole body up. At the same time, he stepped hard on his feet hundreds of times in an instant. The air was evacuated in an instant, and Nagli used the reaction force to lock Yang Tian firmly like a mountain pressing down on him.

Yang Tian, ​​who was originally upright, had unconsciously straddled his horse, struggling to support his trembling legs.And Nagli above him still tirelessly stepped on the air, forcing Yang Tian's feet to sink deeply into the mud.

"Ah!" Yang Tian looked at the disadvantaged situation when he came up, and roared furiously. Using the explosive power of the "Shadow-Flash" skill, he was temporarily tied with Nagli. Next, the death cut swung out like a spider web, which could force Nagli back.

Nageli glanced at Yang Tian in the air with satisfaction, and his gratified voice resounded throughout the forest: "Use whatever moves you have. You are still far behind!"

Yang Tian watched Nagli's emerald green sword climb up to a layer of black and bright color, his eyes were fixed, knowing that it would be difficult to deal with it even more.He thought to himself that it seemed that some tricks would be needed. Due to the scarlet purpose, everything around him slowed down. The flying insects flapped their wings, and the swaying range of the leaves could be seen clearly.With the help of his own power of observation, Yang Tian carefully observed the blind spots of Nagli's field of vision, and took advantage of the terrain of the forest to start a guerrilla war with Nagli.But this is just some cleverness. Under Nageli's sword strike, the big trees fell one by one, and it became more and more difficult to find the location of the dead corner. Yang Tian, ​​who couldn't hold back, finally couldn't help Out of their last resort.

"Four stacked waves - death cutting", Yang Tian used "shadow - flash" to reach the next blind spot, and directly used the attack at the bottom of the box, a wave of black and red sword waves rolled over its body like a wave. Horror, sweeping away all the obstacles in front of him, the big tree surrounded by several people will be broken at the touch of a touch, and the bearer is indomitable and fierce.

This move is Yang Tian's improvement on the basis of the triple wave.Although there is only a numerical difference, but when it comes to attack power, it is estimated that the current teacher Nagli will have a deep understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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