One Piece Demon

Chapter 42 Marlene Ford

Chapter 42 Marlene Ford
"Yeah, maybe you don't know Xiao An, but he's not a little guy."

"All right!"

As soon as Xiaoan finished speaking, a red light burst out from Yang Tian's body.Under the irradiation of the light beam, a red light beam appeared from the seven orifices on the face of the natural calamity. With the introduction of the light, the shriveled body of the natural calamity swelled up little by little. Meters, 1.5 meters, [-] meters, [-] meters. When the body of the disaster grew to [-] meters, it slowly ended the growth trend. The wings disappeared and the claws disappeared, and even the rows of disgusting teeth on the mouth also mutated. Became white normal teeth.

At the same time, there was another page on the system panel, Attendant: Scourge Pascalbro.

Ability: A person with the ability of Mosquito Fruit has awakened.

Below the name and ability is the same basic panel as Yang Tian's panel, explaining the strength of the natural disaster and the equipment it has.

"Wake up!" As Xiaoan's notification sounded, the confinement eyes of the natural disaster Pascalot opened a gap, and blood red tears flowed out, soaking the hair, and when he saw Yang Tian with his lax eyes , began to gather slowly, and put on a new look.

Scourge stood up and lowered his noble head: "Your Majesty, what are your instructions!?"

"Do you remember who you are!"

"Pascabro the Scourge"

"who am I?"

"My lord, my master!"

Seeing the natural disaster's obedience, Yang Tian nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, you go back to Kaido now and help me train a group of men!"

"Yes, I will obey your orders."

When the natural disaster woke up, the injuries on his body had been repaired by the system along with the inheritance of the ability. There was no pressure at all to return to the new world with the strength of the natural disaster. fell down.

While Yang Tian was still in deep thought, Bucky curled his fingers lightly, and his first reaction when he woke up was to press his dizzy head: "Ah! It hurts?!"

"Haha, Bucky, you're awake. You really can't drink!"

"Little ghost, you still said, I really don't know how you can drink, I still feel uncomfortable after drinking! I guess I will faint from drinking in the next two days!"

The early morning breakfast was still cooked by Al, and Bucky formally bid farewell after finishing the meal with Yang Tian.And Yang Tian and Taotu also set sail again, heading for the Navy headquarters, Marlene Ford.During the time he went to Marlene Ford, Yang Tian also learned the general appearance of this world from Taotu.

In One Piece World, the Red Earth Continent is a ring-shaped continent that divides the world's oceans into east and west parts. The Red Earth Continent is named after its appearance covered with red soil.The Great Route divides the oceans of the world into two parts, the North and the South.The two lines perpendicular to each other, the red earth continent and the great sea route, divide the oceans of the world into four, and there are four major oceans, east, west, north, and south. The two perpendicular lines intersect twice in the world, and at the point of intersection they form a The two major landmarks are the "Upside Down Mountain" and "Holy Land Mary Gioia" that we are very familiar with.

In the great route, factors such as weather, currents, magnetic fields, and air currents are all in chaos. Even navigators who are proficient in navigation will lose their way. Experience and technology are a set off on the great route. permanent pointer.Starting from Cape Twins, the great sea route radiates seven lines of magnetic force, forming seven sea routes.Every line of magnetic force connects countless islands in series.It extends to the Murloc Island, which is [-] meters below the Mariejoa Sea, and then merges into one point. After passing the Murloc Island, seven routes are formed leading to Rahudel, the dream place of all pirates.The Fishman Island is the starting point of the new world and the end of the great route.It is also possible to pass through the red earth continent where Mary Joa, the holy land of the world government, is located, and enter the second half of the great route.There are still many unknown places and mysterious areas, which deeply attracted Yang Tian.

Unknowingly, the warship has arrived in the sea current dedicated to the navy. In this sea current, there is a huge deformed vortex that connects the three major organs of Judicial Island, Advance City, and Navy Headquarters.Only by opening the huge gate called the gate of justice in each place can the current flow into the gate, so that the ship can reach the location of these three organs, that is to say, if the gate is not opened, the ship will just ride the whirlpool. hovering.At this time, Yang Tian was really attracted by this wonderful phenomenon, it was simply a natural barrier, the person who thought of building the gate of justice back then was simply a genius.

As the gate of justice disappeared from Yang Tian's sight, Marlene Ford, the Navy Headquarters not far away, officially appeared in front of Yang Tian.

Towering at the center of the world, Marlene Ford is the bastion of absolute justice.The navy headquarters completely occupied an island, giving people a majestic feeling.The island overlooking it looks like a crescent. In addition to combat facilities, there are also residential facilities on the island. The residents on the island are the families of the navy.The building of the headquarters is built on the terrain of the high mountain, and the training facilities are also very rich.In the center of Marineford is a towering tower, and many seagulls are still circling around the waist and shuttle back and forth among the clouds.On the city wall, the word "Navy" was written gracefully and unrestrainedly. The two large characters faced the scorching sun and shone with golden light.In the middle of the two big characters is a seagull spreading its wings. The four corners of Marineford correspond to a hill parallel to the city wall. The top of the hill seems to have been deliberately flattened. It has four watchtowers full of momentum.

The warship on which Yang Tian was riding gradually approached, and the speed had already slowed down. Oncoming was a warship with a red "Cha" flag. When the warship on which Yang Tian was on approached this warship, it stopped naturally. After standing next to this warship, two sailors jumped over from the red warship and gave a very serious military salute. The navy on board also returned the salute to the two colleagues. After sailing into the harbor, huge warships lined up in an orderly manner around the harbor.Teams of valiant naval patrols on the harbor straightened their backs and stared ahead, walking crisply. Just judging from these superficial phenomena, the quality of the navy is absolutely acceptable.

At the port of entry, an old man wearing a hat with a dog's head is counting senbei. Of course, if you count one, you will have one more in your mouth.But when he saw Taotu standing at the bow of the boat, he showed two big white teeth in a wicked smile.

Seeing Garp's peach rabbit also had a happy face. After getting off the warship, he trotted all the way to Garp, showing a sweet smile that Yang Tian had never seen before: "Grandpa Garp, hello!"

(End of this chapter)

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