One Piece Demon

Chapter 43 Monkey d Yang Tian

Chapter 43 Monkey d Yang Tian
"Peach Rabbit is back! How did you go out this time!"

Garp carelessly stroked Taotu's head, and the most important thing was Taotu's expression of enjoyment.

"Hey, old man Garp! Long time no see."

"Hey~ Long time no see."

With a smile on Garp's face, he raised his hand and followed Yang Tian's greeting in response.But in the next second, Garp's face collapsed.

"Little ghost, what do you call grandpa! Come taste the iron fist of love."

For Karp's fist, Yang Tian felt that he was about to develop immunity. Although Garp would fight if he disagreed, the real thing in the iron fist was "love"!

"Old Garp, I didn't expect you to come to greet me. Haha"

Facing Yang Tian's weird smile, Garp rolled his eyes straight away, took out a white stone from his arms, and returned to Taotu: "Grandpa, what's so strange about caring for your grandson, Taotu. Taotu gives you this , your task has been completed, but you don't want to go back to the training camp for a while, you go to your elder sister He first. These days, He has come to trouble me every day, saying that I abducted his sister. But I am tormented broken."

Seeing Garp's painful expression, Taotu couldn't help but chuckled: "Hey, Lieutenant General Garp, I'm going to visit Sister He right now, but you'd better accept this one!" He glanced at Yang Tian, ​​stroked the hair on his temples, turned his head and ran away.

"Hey~ Little Taotu, you can't hand in the task without the token!" Karp couldn't help but reminded Taotu when he saw Taotu turn his head and run away.

The peach rabbit who was going away turned back and shouted at Garp: "Grandpa Garp, my task has not been completed yet."

"not complete?"

Yang Tian was confused by this mess: "Old man Garp, what are you performing, a new form of comedy? What is the stone in your hand?"

Karp put the stone in his hand: "You said this, this is a token. The person who issued the task will have a mother stone in his hand, and the person who receives the task will have a child stone. There is only one mother stone corresponding to a task. There are countless child stones, and the task can only be completed by handing in both child stones and mother stones at the same time. Get it! This is invented by Vegapunk. Although I don’t like that guy very much, his things are still quite practical. "

Yang Tian nodded thoughtfully: "Then what is the task you issued!"

"Pick you up and fight with you. If you win, you can complete the task! I remember that when I released this task, only graduates could pick it up. In the end, a bunch of people rushed out to pick it up, but they all With the mentality of playing, I took advantage of their graduates' final exams, and I only allowed the best to take this task. As a result, Taotu who received this task had just left for a few days, and I regretted it! "

"Why do you regret it?" Yang Tian smelled gossip from Karp's words.

"It's not the old lady He, who thinks that I kidnapped her sister and made me look like a bad old man. Now she runs to me every day, so I don't have time to eat donuts."

Yang Tian shook his head lightly, shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Hey, old man Garp, you were afraid of Lieutenant General He, so you made a special trip to wait for Taotu. I'm so disappointed, I thought Garp Old man, you have changed your sex!"

Under Yang Tian's intentional or unintentional poking, Garp's thick skin couldn't help but flush: "Huh, how could I be afraid of her, it's just my fault, I'm a reasonable person." Garp became angry from embarrassment, And rewarded Yang Tian with an iron fist of love.

Yang Tian could feel Garp's obvious lack of confidence in this punch. He touched the place where he was hit, and the corners of his mouth outlined a charming arc.

Garp didn't last long under Yang Tian's smile before he lost the battle. A rough hum came from his nose, he turned around and was about to leave: "Follow me to see Zhan Guo, and I will arrange a position for you."

"Ah, no, let me work when I first came here. Squeeze the labor force, I protest!"

Seeing Yang Tian's expression, Garp put it under his arm without saying a word, and slapped Yang Tian's ass with a big slap: "Other people can't find a job if they want it, you Send it to your eyes and don't want it."

"I'm not an official fan. I will be very restrained after I have an official title."

"Whether the contract is bound or not is up to you."

"Asshole, you're talking about you, old Garp."

In front of the Admiral's office, the two sailors were looking at the old man Garp with tangled faces: "Vice Admiral Garp, the Marshal is dealing with urgent documents now, or you can come back later."

"Go aside, is the matter of the Warring States period still a matter?"

"Lieutenant General Garp!"

Garp waved to the two guards and kicked the door of the Warring States Office open.

Zhan Guo, who was sitting in the seat, had heard the commotion outside, looked at Karp who had broken in, rubbed his painful temples: "Karp! Can you stop kicking the door next time? It's the fifth door, and you've only been here six times this month."

"Really, has the old man been on duty so many times this month? Sure enough, I am still a diligent navy! Hahaha~"

As for Garp, who was a bit off topic, even Yang Tian couldn't help showing black lines on his face, but his attendance was really unflattering.

"By the way, I'm here on business this time. I brought you people from the Warring States Period! Look at this mouth, look at this skin, look at this dick, look at these little muscles. How about it! I Cap has a good eye!"

Yang Tian, ​​who was caught in Garp's arms just now, knows what he has just experienced. After Garp's introduction, the corners of Yang Tian's mouth twitched uncontrollably: "Old man Garp, what are you doing here?" Introduce me?"

Zhan Guo adjusted his glasses, and the corner of his eyes glowed with wisdom: "Oh, this is the genius grandson you mentioned?"

"Come and introduce yourself!"

"The old man still doesn't let me go!? Old man?" Seeing that Karp seems to be lost in thought, Yang Tian raised his head and looked at Karp suspiciously, but found that Karp's expression became surprisingly serious.Yang Tian didn't urge him anymore, he stayed under Garp's armpit and watched him quietly.

Of course Sengoku also noticed Garp's change, but Sengoku's first reaction was that Garp fell asleep standing up again.Throwing the phone bug at Karp with a backhand.

The phone bug flew towards Garp in an arc, Garp shot it without a trace, and held the flying phone bug in his hand, as if he had reacted and put on a grinning smile on his face again, but this also proved that Cap did think about it.

"Warring States, let the little ghost enter the training camp first, and then give him a job after he graduates. And Yang Tian, ​​​​your name at admission is Monkey D Yang Tian."

Yang Tian, ​​whose feet felt the ground again, was shaken by Garp's words as soon as he stabilized his body, and his brows were slightly puzzled: "Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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