One Piece Demon

Chapter 44 Duel

Chapter 44 Duel
When the tea dolphin returned to Lieutenant General He's office, he looked very restrained, his chubby hands were covered with tiny beads of sweat. He chatted about the mission first, and after the atmosphere calmed down a bit, the tea dolphin brought the topic to Tao Rabbit body.

In fact, when the tea dolphin opened the door for the second time, Crane already knew what the tea dolphin wanted to do, but Lieutenant General He still waited patiently for the tea dolphin to finish his performance, and then said slowly: "You said Tao Rabbit Ah! I just left, it seems that I went to find someone to fight a duel, I guess this will already be in the duel field, I think this duel should be very interesting!"

The tea dolphin was basically in a trance when he got the news, and his heart was in a turmoil. Someone had a duel with Taotu, and the tea dolphin couldn't help but huddle together. Why didn't he know such a big thing? The tea dolphin hurriedly bowed and said goodbye He got Lieutenant General He, and as soon as he went out, he went straight to the duel field with full power.

The tea dolphin who had just arrived at the scene just happened to hear the whispers of the three marines, and gave the three of them a vicious look. Seeing that the three of them did not dare to look directly at him, he snorted arrogantly and rushed into the duel ring from the outermost edge with his moon steps. .

Yang Tianzheng on the duel stage looked helplessly at the enthusiastic Taotu.

"Peach Rabbit, let's stop fighting! Didn't the old man Garp already say that your mission is completed. The duel between you and me is meaningless, really I'll give it a shot." Yang Tian said symbolically Made a swear gesture.

Taotu pursed her mouth directly, and hummed softly with dissatisfaction: "No!".

And the tea dolphin rushed into the duel arena when Yang Tian was struggling with how to end this boring drama, and his obese body directly occupied the center of the duel arena.

As soon as he landed on the duel field, the tea dolphin stared straight at Taotu, as if he had been hooked into his soul, there was a trace of confusion in his eyes, and he tried to lift his chubby little hand several times, but was caught by Taotu indifferently. His eyes were suppressed, he opened his mouth helplessly, and choked out a few words.

"Peach Rabbit~Me!"


The tea dolphin just wanted to say a word to Tao Tu, but before the tea dolphin finished speaking, Tao Tu gave a cold snort and choked back abruptly.Chafu has long been accustomed to Taotu's attitude, but this time it made him feel jealous, because just now he clearly saw Taotu smiling gently at Garp's grandson, but being so indifferent to himself, and in such a sharp contrast, The tea dolphin was burning with jealousy, his eyes glowed coldly, he turned his head and stared at Yang Tian coldly, as if he wanted to smash Yang Tian into pieces with his eyes.

"It's you, the mouse, who is looking for a duel with Peach Rabbit?" The tea dolphin's voice was mixed with a trace of anger, pointing arrogantly at Yang Tian.

At first, I thought it was a savior who could help him end this boring duel, but I didn't expect that the fat pig would point his sword at him as soon as he came up, and the provocative spearhead directly stunned Yang Tian, ​​but Yang Tian could He is not a good old man, he has experienced life and death several times, his heart has long been as firm as a rock, and his face is so calm that no one can see the slightest change.The corners of his mouth curled up in a playful arc: "Where is the pig, it sounds really ugly." Yang Tian clicked his ears, as if something unsavory ran into it just now.

The tea dolphin was already exhausted by jealousy, and couldn't stand the stimulation. His anger crept into his heart without any restraint, and his chubby face was rounded out by the veined forehead.He tensed the muscles on his face, thinking he was domineering, and his eyes were gloomy and watery under the haze.

"Hmph, little mouse, if you dare to rob me of a woman, you are looking for death."

"Steal it with you?! Are you talking about Taotu? Don't say whether you have snatched it, I just want to say do you deserve it? Ah~hahahaha."

Following Yang Tian's loud laughter, the duel field was already in chaos, and such explosive gossip news spread in the navy in an instant.Especially the Gossip Navy just now, the three of them got together again, and the Gossip Navy started its own wonderful analysis: "Hey~ Did you hear that? It turns out that this is an emotional problem. I analyzed the reason why Taotu and Garp's grandson The duel was purely for performance, to lure the tea dolphin out, and then severely humiliated the tea dolphin. Marriage proposal, I guess it was all planned by Taotu himself, and the appearance of Lieutenant General Karp's grandson happened to give Taotu's plan a perfect start."

"Wait, didn't you just say that this duel was to make Garp's grandson famous?"

"Ahem, that~ Didn't the tea dolphin not come just now? Now that there is one more person, it must be different. But this also improved the reputation of Lieutenant General Garp's grandson in a disguised form, and my analysis is not wrong." The gossip navy will naturally not destroy the newly established sense of reality, and try its best to smooth things over.

"That's right." The two navy people felt that they had been fooled into losing their self-analysis ability.As long as he thinks it is feasible, he nods in agreement, which greatly satisfies the vanity of the gossip navy.

on the duel arena.

The face of the tea dolphin who was humiliated by Yang Tian turned red, his anger drove him to clenched his fists, his voice was lowered, his shoulders trembled slightly, more like a volcano about to erupt: "How dare you say it wasn't you, if it wasn't Your appearance. Can Taotu ignore me? Today I must let you taste what suffering is, what pain is."

"Finger Gun - Overlord System"

Unable to suppress the anger, the tea dolphin stopped talking. Although Liu Shi was a bit jerky, there was a complete resemblance in sensuality.

And Garp, who didn't see Yang Tian when he went out not long ago, learned about Taotu's invitation to fight from the guard, and patted Garp on the shoulder when Yang Tian's strength was uncertain, and Garp laughed knowingly, Then the figures of the two appeared together in a viewing area of ​​the duel field.At this time, it happened to be the time when the tea dolphin launched an attack. Seeing the tea dolphin's attack, Warring States showed satisfaction on his face, and he praised the strength of this batch of graduates in his heart.

When Yang Tian saw the coming attack, he swiped his finger unhurriedly, and a black silk thread appeared silently. In front of "Finger Gun", the energy wave of the finger gun seemed to be fixed on the black line. Above, he couldn't advance an inch, and then Yang Tian waved his hand again lightly. The black silk thread became thicker in an instant, and the attack of the finger gun immediately collapsed and disappeared. cross out.

Seeing that his blow had no effect at all, the tea dolphin became even more ashamed and angry. The bloody thought of tearing Yang Tian into wicker filled the tea dolphin's brain.

"Lanjiao - Battle Axe"

Although the tea dolphin was controlled by anger, its judgment should not be underestimated. The tomahawk collided with the black silk thread.

(End of this chapter)

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