Chapter 5
In Yang Tian's memory, it should be a cat, and it is indeed a cat.However, the cat's speed and sharp claws showed that it was definitely not an ordinary hunter.And what surprised Yang Tian was that the cat had a bone mask on its face.The fur on the body is purple and shiny.Even the claws are purple, which looks very strange.

The cat demon that just disappeared is currently entrenched in the canopy directly above Yang Tian, ​​and his eyes condensed into vertical bars are watching Yang Tian's every move vigilantly.The ten sharp blades protrude from the cat's claws, reflecting a cautious light in the sun.

The purple cat demon perfectly fulfilled the role of a hunter, calmly looking for Yang Tian's blind spot, or waiting for Yang Tian to show his flaws. In the absence of a face-to-face confrontation at all, one person and one cat actually confronted each other invisible. Yang Tian was waiting for the cat demon to show his head, and the cat demon was waiting for Yang Tian to show his flaws. The two actually stalemate each other like this. After a long time, the cat demon with a restless personality couldn't help twisting his neck and making a clicking sound, although the sound was very Weak, but still captured by Yang Tian, ​​Yang Tian's figure disappeared in place at once, and the Nirvana in his hand stabbed towards the position of the cat demon.

"Meow..." The cat demon who had just given himself a hard time didn't react at once. Although he dodged the sudden attack, Ji Mi still left a fresh scar on one of the cat demon's front paws. The cat demon lay prone on the ground, sticking out a strange purple tongue to lick the injured sole, and let out a low warning sound from his mouth.Yang Tian didn't expect that he could hit with one blow, he couldn't help feeling his good luck, and the Ji Mie in his hand trembled slightly, reminding Yang Tian to focus on fighting.Looking at the cat demon whose speed was slowed down due to injury, Yang Tian naturally would not let go of this opportunity to beat the "cat" who fell into the water, and the continuous attacks were like a tide, wave after wave, until the aftermath of the new attack head on On the top, the cat demon was embarrassed by Yang Tian's successive attacks, and the cat's paws waved quickly and tried to resist.

Although the battle seems to be Yang Tian's one-sided advantage, but if you look closely, you will find that no matter how sharp Yang Tian's attack is, the cat demon will always dodge or block it.Yang Tian, ​​who had been unable to attack this phenomenon for a long time, also felt a little bit of awareness, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The corner of the cat demon's mouth curled up into a weird smile, and his figure disappeared in a flash at a speed that Yang Tian couldn't react to. Seeing the cat demon disappearing in front of his eyes, Yang Tian got up all of a sudden.Looking around vigilantly, at the moment the cat demon was licking its paws leisurely behind a bush, with a playful smile on its face.His squinted eyes cast a dangerous light.

Yang Tian was still watching nervously on the spot, for fear that the cat demon would attack suddenly.After licking its paws, the cat demon shook its body, loosened its hair and looked at the nervous Yang Tian with a contemptuous smile, waving its sharp cat claws and rushing from behind Yang Tian at an astonishing speed.Yang Tian, ​​who has been carefully paying attention to the movement around him, naturally did not miss any place, but the speed of the cat demon attacking him was too fast, and in desperation, the scarlet color filled Yang Tian's eyes. During Yang Tian's dynamic observation, The movement of the cat demon suddenly slowed down, Yang Tian's body paused, and Ji Mi slashed at the abdomen of the attacking cat demon. The beast's keen intuition made the cat demon feel uneasy, and the sharp claws that attacked Yang Tian suddenly became short. After scoring three points, Ji Mi and the cat demon's sharp claws collided, and then they both burst out.

"Meow..." the cat demon who landed screamed in dissatisfaction, and continued to attack unbelievingly. The identities of the two were suddenly reversed. It was Yang Tian who was pressing the cat demon just now, and now it is the cat demon who is pressing Yang Tian .The cat demon's sharp claws waved airtightly, pressing towards Yang Tian like cutting machines.Fortunately, Yang Tian had scarlet eyes, and the two reached a certain balance for a while, and neither could fight the other.The impatient cat demon suddenly pulled the distance away from Yang Tian, ​​and after landing in the distance, the cat demon bent his entire back forcefully, his face was gloomy and terrifying, his eyes were filled with purple solution rolling out, and his body was also a little bit Red patterns emerged, and coquettish patterns bloomed on the purple fur. The ten sharp claws grew a little bit sharper, and the limbs also grew a few inches. Seeing the change of the cat demon, a sense of crisis came from Yang Tian Heart pops out.The scarlet eyes froze, reflecting the surrounding light into red.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." The transformed cat demon bared her teeth and emitted a red aura from time to time, and there was another barb on the four sharp claws.Jumping towards Yang Tian like a tiger pouncing on its prey.Even with the scarlet eyes open this time, Yang Tian only caught a purple-red figure. It only took a blink of an eye for the cat monster to rush from Yang Tian to behind Yang Tian. Looking at the cat monster behind him, Yang Tian raised his trembling hands. His hands slowly approached his chest, and then grabbed his own chest violently. Three scars with deep bones were exposed in the air, and the shavings of flesh showed the freshness of the wounds.

Sensing the changes before and after the cat demon, Yang Tian frowned closer. The cat demon arched its slender waist, walked around Yang Tian in a leisurely manner, and then disappeared in front of Yang Tian again. Then it appeared on the opposite side of the position just now, accompanied by several scars on Yang Tian's body. Yang Tian observed the behavior of the cat demon and knew that this is a game that every cat likes to play. Wait for it Having played enough is the moment when he dies. At this point, to be honest, Yang Tian regrets that he barged in without knowing the severity. Looking at the cat monster who was staring at him, Yang Tian smiled wryly and clenched the Nirvana in his hand, rather Death in battle would not be such an insult, Yang Tian's scarlet eyes rose with an indomitable fighting spirit, and he roared towards the cat monster, but the gap between Yang Tian and the cat monster cannot be broken by a moment of enthusiasm, sharp The demon claws left traces on Yang Tian's body continuously. On the chest, on the arms, on the thighs, the scarlet color gradually covered with blood. Under the pain and bleeding, Yang Tian's consciousness has gradually dissipated. , now Yang Tian is a man of one blood, the wounds on his body are still oozing blood, his scarlet pupils are shaking a little, and the Nirvana in his hand has already changed to its original appearance, it seems that Yang Tian has already restrained himself I did my best.

But just when Yang Tian was about to fall, the blood all over Yang Tian’s body boiled, black lines covered his whole body, his muscles were swollen, his veins were bulging, and his body was filled with a black breath. Yang Tian stood up straight again, and opened his eyes violently. Although they were still scarlet, they looked devilish with no brilliance at the moment.Tilting his head slightly, his lifeless eyes stared at the cat demon who was staring blankly at the side. When he was stared at by this gaze, the cat demon instantly frowned, and all the hair on his body stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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