One Piece Demon

Chapter 6 Advancement·Bloodthirsty

Chapter 6 Advancement·Bloodthirsty
"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" who felt the threat, and lowered his head to give a warning.

Yang Tian held Ji Mie in his hand, and casually slashed a black light across the space to come in front of the cat demon. The cat demon's body jumped up high, as if avoiding some kind of disaster, just as the cat demon jumped up. At that moment, Yang Tian moved, and his figure came to the cat demon in a flash. His white and tender hand stretched out from the dark mist, grabbed the cat demon's head, and slammed the blood and filthy mixture with his fingers. Things fell to the ground.

After dealing with the cat demon, Yang Tian seemed to run away violently, using all his strength to destroy everything around him. The island is not very big, and it was almost tossed by Yang Tian in a short time. At this moment, the island is no longer A complete tree, there is no living animal except Yang Tian.The blood dyed the originally golden beach red, and the island was destroyed, so the exploration was completed. The system reminded Yang Tian that the mission was completed, but Yang Tian probably couldn't hear it at this moment.After finishing all this, Yang Tian didn't seem to be enjoying himself enough, and rushed towards the sea again, but when Yang Tian ran halfway, he lost his strength and fell down stunned.Completely passed out.

The sea today is quite calm, and the delicate sea breeze blows over Mihawk's slashed cheeks with a salty taste. Mihawk's boat is parked on the sea, and it hasn't floated for a long time because there is an extra boat on his boat. A man, and a well-known figure, with a big dog hat, white beard, and deep eyes.It gives people the impression that he is a very mysterious, connotative, and deep person.

"Hawkeye-Mihawk, even a strong man who can run rampant in the new world, why did he cross the great route to this small East China Sea. Can you tell me a thing or two about this old man, or this old man might get angry " The man's eyes were covered by a dog's head hat, and he couldn't see his emotions clearly in the darkness, his tone was neither sad nor happy, but the content seemed a lot more arrogant.

But looking at Mihawk's frown, he knew that although this man was arrogant, he had the strength to match his arrogance.Otherwise, according to Mihawk's character, he would have already killed him with a single sword.

"If I remember correctly, you are a naval hero, right Garp! I came to the East China Sea without any malice, just to find an old friend." Mihawk answered Garp's question neither humble nor overbearing.

"Oh, is that right? Tell me earlier. Hahaha! Then I really made a mistake." Karp laughed heartily when he heard Mihawk's answer.Because the contrast between Garp's front and back was too great, Mihawk was stunned for a while before he realized it.

Mihawk has not yet become the world's number one swordsman, so there is still a short period of time before he becomes Shichibukai, so he naturally does not understand Garp's personality.

As for Garp this time, it was indeed because of Mihawk. Mihawk disappeared after a sudden visit to the East China Sea a year ago, and now he immediately attracted the attention of the high-level navy as soon as he appeared. As for Wuhai's affairs, Mihawk, as one of the important targets, naturally has to pay close attention to his movements. During this period, he disappeared for a whole year. Even the Warring States period was not sure whether the situation would change to another candidate. Now Mihawk suddenly appeared again. After coming out, Warring States immediately contacted Karp, who was going home to visit relatives, and asked him to go and find out about the situation.So there was a scene where the two confronted each other.

Garp stood back on his warship, looked at the direction of Mihawk's departure and nodded with satisfaction. If it was the other Shichibukai candidates, Garp would not be willing to come to contact him, but Mihawk, who had never had Karp will be interested in observing candidates with the slightest bit of negative news.

After solving this matter, Garp was planning to go back to see his lovely grandson, but found that Mihawk, who had left, turned back.

"Your Excellency Garp, drive from this position to the direction of three o'clock for half a day, and there will be a small island through a layer of fog. I will spend the disappearing year there." After speaking, Mihawk turned around, coldly Disappeared in front of Garp.

Garp lowered his head as if he was in deep thought, staring straight at the floor with a gloomy face, "Snoring~" Karp, who lowered his head, actually snored, if Mihawk knew that Karp actually fell asleep when he was talking just now I'm caught, I don't know if I will jump up and chop directly.

"Lieutenant General Garp, should we go and have a look." The deputy general at the side saw Mihawk leave, and then carefully stepped forward to wake up Lieutenant General Garp, who had no image of himself.

"Go, go, where are you going?" Karp who was woken up was a little confused about the situation.

"Mihawk stayed on the small island in the East China Sea for a year." The lieutenant explained helplessly.

"Oh, go. The old man would like to see what a small island that can leave the big shots of the new world for a year looks like."

The vice-admiral received Karp's reply, and the order was conveyed in an instant. In the afternoon, the warship adjusted its direction and headed towards the small island Mihawk said.

On the small island, Yang Tian was still lying face down on the beach, the moon hiding behind the clouds, peeking out two small corners to observe, and two or three moonlights cast straight on Yang Tian's small body, "Gulu Huh!" A burst of urgent sound broke the tranquility of the night, scaring the moon into hiding behind the clouds even with its two small horns protruding outside.The sky also suddenly darkened.

Yang Tian, ​​who was lying on his stomach, was abruptly awakened by the protest of his stomach, and he tried his best to lift his lead-like eyelids, his dizzy head and the severe pain from time to time made Yang Tian almost faint again.

"Hmm! It hurts, what happened, why am I here, wait, what's going on, what~" Yang Tian, ​​who woke up slowly, pressed his dizzy and swollen head, and couldn't help being frightened by the scene in front of him. It would not be an exaggeration to describe this scene with corpses strewn across the field.There was really not even a complete place on the scene. Yang Tian tried his best to recall what happened at that time, but in the end he only returned bursts of severe pain.

Yang Tian only remembered that he was so embarrassed by the purple cat demon at that time, he was almost killed by it, and then he lost consciousness, but now there is no scar on his body, and his skin is as smooth as a newborn baby Generally speaking, the most other thing besides Yang Tian is that there is a magical power in his body, it is this power that Yang Tian's injured body recovered. Since he couldn't get the answer, Yang Tian's first reaction was to seek a systematic answer. help.

"Xiao An, come out quickly. Can you explain to me what happened just now?"

"The host asks for permission, please watch the video."

A light curtain appeared in front of Yang Tian, ​​and the image played on it was exactly what Yang Tian did not long ago.Yang Tian looked at himself like a demon king in the video, with an unbelievable expression on his face, his originally fair face became a little paler, and asked in a somewhat uncertain tone: "Xiao An, what is going on here?"

"The first stage of the Demon King's body, bloodthirsty state." Xiao An replied in a natural tone.

(End of this chapter)

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