One Piece Demon

Chapter 65 Chapter 1

Chapter 65
"Your Highness Markle, we are late!"

"Hmph, I know I'm late."

It was said that it was late, but actually it didn’t take a few minutes before and after. It’s just that Markle saw that the navy and army were all there, but he was the only one who was alone on the side of them, so he was upset and reprimanded a few words. I don't return to myself, and I don't want to be boring anymore.

As soon as everyone arrived, a burst of loud laughter suddenly sounded above the empty sky.

"I didn't expect that there are really few people coming this year, haha, okay, okay!"

Yang Tian frowned, not liking this superior tone.He took a deep breath and said back to the sky.

"Who are you, please don't hide your head and show your tail and dare to reveal your true body."

"Little brother, I'm joking. I can't show myself. This is the dimensional world you rumored, which is also the place of your trials. And I, a mere guide, is insignificant, insignificant! Haha."

"Since Your Excellency is the guide, then dare to ask Your Excellency what we should do next."

"Simple, simple. Just live."

Markle on the side doesn't like such quiet arrogance the most. You must know that in his dictionary, he is only allowed to be unscrupulous, and no one dares to speak in this tone.But Markle is not a brainless dude who is able to make it to this day, he just blushed and didn't stand up.This made others look up to him.

"Then dare to ask seniors, how do we survive?"

Yang Tian was not rude, after all, on his land card, even His Excellency was changed to Senior, and his tone was a little respectful, as if he had experienced the rough and tumble of the world.

"I see you have a good attitude. It's better than the ones I came last time. I remember that none of the last time I came was worry-free. The most irritating thing is that the one with the eagle-nosed monkey face is really violent. When you come up, you just put on a show." My son, I fed him to the fish within a few words."

Qi Luo, who came along with Markle, suddenly turned pale, and her big mouth seemed to be unable to close.The trembling fingers slowly pointed to the sky, and exclaimed.

"Ah! You fed my uncle to the fish! You~you~you."

"Oh, that's your uncle, but you don't look arrogant and domineering, but you are very quiet."

Qi Luo couldn't say anything harsh in front of this mysterious voice, she could only shake her head and sigh.

"Okay, it's a bit far-fetched. Now, let me explain this world to you first. It belongs to you. This place officially belongs to the Dimensional World, a small world attached to the Pirate World, and the origin of the Dimensional World. There are also many, some are formed naturally, some are created by personal strength, some are constructed through special means, etc., here is the trial dimension, the name is as simple as that, I don’t care what you call it outside, here is Created to train geniuses, I am only responsible for guiding and explaining, and I am the gatekeeper here. So I have no control over whether you will die or live. If you die, you will die, and if you survive, you will die. It depends on you Opportunity and strength. Then let's start!"

The gatekeeper did not give everyone a chance to react. Before the echoing sound in the air dissipated, the turbulent sound of "Boom~" sounded without warning. It was as deafening as the sky collapsing and the earth cracking. Everyone hurriedly stabilized their steps and observed vigilantly. Watching the movement around, afraid to let go of the slightest thing that is about to happen.

The ground under his feet was trembling, the surrounding black sea began to churn, and roads leading to the unknown gradually appeared in front of everyone.The road looks like an ordinary road, but it leads to an unknown future. The darkness shrouds the front, and it is impossible to detect where the road leads. Only the sea flowers bursting from time to time on the side of the road give people a little comfort.

"The road has been prepared for you. There are a total of eight roads, one for each person. You don't need to fight or grab it. The test of this first pass is fate. Some of these passages are narrowly escaped, and some have continuous auspicious luck. After passing through, you can enter If you can't pass the next level, you can only sleep in the sea of ​​blood forever."

"Blood sea? Where is it? Could it be~"

Everyone looked around in amazement at the boundless sea.

"Could it be this~this~"

"That's right, what's in front of you is a sea of ​​blood. This sea has turned black without blood. You can do it yourself. Haha"

"Momotu, tea dolphin, let's go! Adventure is very exciting, now is the time to see luck."

"Haha, boss, I've always been lucky. Then I'll take a step first."

Taotu smiled sweetly at Yang Tian, ​​as if all the words were contained in it, Yang Tian smiled knowingly, watching Taotu decisively choose a path and leave.

"His Royal Highness Markle, should we set off?"

"What's the rush~"

"But this place is collapsing, if you don't leave, you will fall into this sea of ​​blood."

Markle naturally didn't want Qiluo to teach him a lesson, so he snorted coldly with a straight face.

"Hmph, you're the one who talks a lot."

Dukong and Caiyun looked at each other, they chose the two adjacent roads with a tacit understanding, and their figures disappeared in the darkness.

The road is wet and soft. Yang Tian just stepped on it, and he was almost caught by the sense of difference. The road is still very long but surprisingly narrow. When I saw it from the outside, it was obviously very wide. Now that Yang Tian stepped on it, he realized it was so. The narrow space, less than one person's space, and the weird road made it difficult for him to even move forward. At this time, an unknown danger in the sea of ​​blood was rushing up from the bottom of the sea at a speed that Yang Tian could detect.

"It seems that I chose an incredible path, Xiaoan, didn't you say that you are that~what~Xiangyun, don't tell me this is your auspicious~luck~."

"It's the high-level energy that has something to do with luck, not luck. Stupid"

"Then can you tell me that the two are not the same thing? Shouldn't both be things that bring good luck."

Yang Tian said with a wry smile.

"It's definitely not right, let's put it this way, if Xiangyun is a devil fruit, and the energy of the body constructed is the devil fruit that has been bitten by someone, although it is the same devil fruit, it is completely different. "

"Okay~ It's still inedible with only the remaining pulp. Don't say it looks really good, I can't digest the energy. It's amazing my Xiaoan."

"That's~, when my uncle is so majestic, you don't know where to make mud!"

The gossiping Yang Tian's expression froze, and a trace of concentration appeared on his delicate and stern face.The surrounding sea surface began to spit bubbles continuously.It seems that something unknown is about to emerge from the water.Ji Mie pulled out facing the guide wire of the battle, and the slightly cold light slid from the hilt to the sword body and flickered on the tip of the sword, showing his might.

The sword appeared like a beast, and the sea surface was like a cannonball exploding. It exploded with a loud bang. It had a head like an elephant but a mouth full of tiger teeth, a body like a fish but no scales, a tail like a snake but with barbs, and a scorpion under its belly. Both feet, with ten fingers on the toes, cut through the black and red blood waves blocking it like ten sharp knives, and appeared in front of Yang Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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