One Piece Demon

Chapter 66 Dangerous

Chapter 66 Dangerous
"What an arrogant look!"

Yang Tian's low and cold voice seemed to float out from the depths of the Nine Nethers, the silence turned into a real body, the red dragon shadow rose up, and the beard that floated in Yang Tian's swing was not angry and majestic.

However, this strange fish seemed to think that it was unrestrained by the heavens and the earth, and it became excited when it saw such power. A red scale appeared on the original blue-white appearance, and it was fully armed.

Looking at his changed body, the strange fish excitedly roared to the sky. Its sound was like a lion's roar but also had the color of a tiger king roaring to the sky. The sound of thunder frightened the nine heavens, loosening the darkness of the road a little.

"It seems that he is still a difficult guy."

I saw Yang Tian holding Ji Mie in his right hand, his left hand compared the sword finger, and pressed the posture of a knife flow, his body compressed the strength of the whole body like a spring, the sword finger and Ji Mie moved slowly, gradually outlining the majestic and mighty dragon head Come, and then a little bit of power burst out instantly, the dragon's head opened its bloody mouth and rushed out ferociously, with a look of swallowing millions of worlds beforehand.The blade of Ji Mie seemed to have chopped on tofu, and the smelly blood immediately drenched Yang Tian's whole body.Yang Tian directly sent a cross to the strange fish.Breaking out from the other side of the strange fish, Kneeling down on one knee, Nirvana just buckled the scabbard and was slowly retracting it. At the moment Yang Tian retracted the sword, the space where Yang Tian raised the saber seemed to be tightened , the ripples of the impact have just rolled.

"Slash—Dragon Bite, join in!"

The strange fish let out a painful roar from behind Yang Tian, ​​but as time passed, the falling sound that should have been heard long ago has not sounded for a long time.

Yang Tian, ​​who had only taken a few steps forward, gradually became heavy on his footsteps. The strength of his right hand holding Ji Mi suddenly tightened a little, and even his joints made discordant sounds.Yang Tian, ​​who was walking, suddenly slid a step backwards, and lay down with his body almost touching the ground. Just this time, a scorpion needle pierced the heart of the head where Yang Tian was just now.

Yang Tian slapped the ground with his right foot, his body seemed to move like the wind, and the next moment he appeared in midair, confronting the strange fish in the air again.

Following the movement of Yang Tian's gaze, the wound that had just been destroyed unexpectedly healed slowly under Yang Tian's gaze, as if it had never been hurt.

"I underestimated you. This healing ability is really terrifying. The blow just now broke your spine. You just waited for death obediently. It's incredible, it's incredible, your ability If it is placed in the outside world, it will be able to starve to the dreams of countless strong men, but I never thought that a strange fish in this sea of ​​blood would have such a terrifying ability, it seems that it will take a lot of trouble."

Maybe it's because Yang Tian is a little too pretentious at the moment, he can't even look at the strange fish, and now he doesn't even have to roar and just start fighting. The strange fish slapped the surface of the sea of ​​blood with its tail, making its body bounce Xiang Yangtian, the ten sharp blades on the forefoot are like stretched thin threads, sharp but imperceptible, although the strange fish has a fat body, but the impact speed is not slow at all, and the sound of sonic booms keeps ringing in the air , is a good proof of this point.

Under the waving of the strange fish, the sharp blade made harsh whistling sounds in the air, and the speed and angle of the waving were surprisingly tricky, just like a warrior who had gone through the battlefield. Dodging and deeply grasping the rhythm of each blow, but the speed and angle of the sharp blade's waving became faster and more tricky, and gradually turned into an impenetrable wall in front of Yang Tian, ​​with no loopholes or disadvantages , in this attack environment, Yang Tian is not so chic, Ji Mie has already joined the ranks of resistance, appearing in some tricky positions from time to time, helping Yang Tian resist the sharp blade storm that oppresses people's reflexes.

"Damn, I really underestimated this Neptune."

Yang Tian raised Ji Mie high, and slashed down with great force. The wall of the sharp blade and Ji Mi ruthlessly set off the surrounding waves, and the surrounding air seemed to be squeezed out in an instant, whistling around. The scattered wind was as sharp as a knife blade, and Yang Tian's clothes were instantly cut into countless small openings, some places even spattered blood beads.

However, the injury of this strange fish was obviously more severe than that of Yang Tian. Three of the ten sharp blades were broken, and two of them were broken. Fortunately, his sharp claws did not grow back. As for the blood spurting out of its mouth, it was not worth it. Speaking of which, even a broken vertebrae can be unscathed in an instant, and it is really nothing to squirt some blood.

The strange fish looked at its broken claws, its eyes widened sharply, and the blood-red silk threads covered the whites of its eyes without any aesthetic feeling.

"Ahem, not bad, blame the fish. Continue!"

A cold light flashed in Yang Tian's eyes. Regarding the powerful physique of the strange fish, Yang Tian had to experiment a bit. The purplish red domineering flame on the body of Ji Mie's sword slowly ignited, leaving a trail in the air with Yang Tian's high-frequency movement. Dazzling light and shadow.

"Death—Dragon Flame"

The aura of the dying talent Longyan suddenly rose, and the flames of the sword body condensed into a purple-red sword aura, carrying the dragon's anger and slashing towards the head of the strange fish, with a bang, the sword aura transformed from dragon fire was accurate It exploded on the head of the strange fish.

The scarlet eyes of the strange fish shot out directly through the smoke of the explosion.tick tick tick tick ~
Drops of red blood flowed down a wound as thin as a hair, splashing small splashes on the sea surface.

The smoke and dust receded, but when Yang Tian saw the small scar, he showed a strange smile. He saw that the scar burst open at a speed visible to the naked eye, and blood spurted out like a fountain. Whenever the wound was about to heal, The lava-like color will appear faintly on the wound, making the sound of roasting meat, destroying his healing.

The angry strange fish endured the wound, raised its head high and its chest swelled, and then roared out, and the sound wave rushed towards Yang Tian unabashedly.

"What, this guy can still do the Lion's Roar. Ah~, how can I still hear it when my hearing is blocked. Uh, I'm so tired! Why do I still feel a little dizzy now~"

Yang Tian looked like he was drunk in the sea of ​​blood, his body was swinging as if he was about to fall.Yang Tian vigorously shook his head twice, and the frowns between his brows were squeezed together stiffly.

The sight in front of him began to flicker, and the neon lights flickered in a hazy hexagonal shape, approaching his eyes little by little.Yang Tian's body gradually softened, and he fell headfirst.

"Jiujiujiu~ What a stupid human being. My uncle's sound waves are so simple. This ability to stun is my real means. Damn, I actually caused my uncle such a serious injury."

This is the first time Yang Tian has heard the beginning of the strange fish.

"I rub it, this fish has become fine."

Yet that statement doesn't do much to help the fact that he's falling.

(End of this chapter)

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