One Piece Demon

Chapter 76 Scary Little Turtle

Chapter 76 Scary Little Turtle

"Xiao An, where is the little turtle!"

"Meow! Don't blame me, it just crawled onto my paw by itself, I just turned over."


Yang Tian turned his stiff head and looked out of the window, but at this moment there was still the shadow of Xiaogui.


Just when Yang Tian was going to look through the window, the merchant ship he was in made a rattling noise, and the shaking planks seemed to fall apart at any moment.Accompanied by the painful groans of the ship's plank, Yang Tian experienced the feeling of a fast elevator, and the merchant ship made a loud bang, as if it had run aground tragically, and then the position of the ship was quickly pulled away from the sea level. distanced.

"Sea Kings are coming, everyone run!"

After a moment of silence, terrified cries for help sounded from every corner of the ship.Yang Tian grabbed Xiao An, put it on his shoulder, and turned it out of the window, just in time for the first officer running up the stairs.

"Mate, what happened?"

"Boss~ Boss! There is an attack from the sea kings, so I really can't run away now. It's too big, it's over, it's over! Woooooo~"

Before the first officer could finish speaking, he slumped on the stairs and began to cry with snot and tears.

Yang Tian frowned upon hearing this, and flew up on moon steps.

The first mate looked at Yang Tian who flew up, tears and snot froze together, and his mouth grew dryly.

Body is like a shadow and movement is like wind, Yang Tian's speed is extremely fast, and the whole picture below is displayed in Yang Tian's vision after flying for a long time.

It turned out that the sea king that attacked was a tortoise, and the merchant ship with a size of [-] people was actually sitting on the head of the giant tortoise, but compared to its smooth head, the merchant ship was no different from a person standing on top of a whale.It's really scary, this guy is as big as an island, but this is not what shocked Yang Tian, ​​because the white jade-like tortoise shell is really familiar, so Yang Tian has already realized a big problem.

"Xiao An, bring up the pet panel!"


"Pets panel:
Name: Little Turtle

Species: Sponge Turtle
Ability: Get bigger when exposed to water

Status: Enormous (Continuing growth, expected to increase to super-giant.)”

Yang Tian looked at the little turtle that started to swim below, and it was not good. In Yang Tian's vision, there was Magnetic Drum Island not far ahead.With the current size of the turtle.

"This is terrible. It can cause a tsunami if it moves now, and it is still growing. If it continues to grow, it is estimated that the coastal cities will be destroyed by it."

At this time, Drum Island.

"King Walpo is not well."

"Moo ha ha ha ~ I just became king, you dare to yell unlucky words in front of me, Dalton, are you impatient?"

Walpo's face turned black, and he stared at Dalton, who was kneeling on one knee in the hall, with a gloomy corner of his eyes.Walpo really wanted to get rid of this unsightly guy. After all, the guy kneeling below had impeached himself in front of his father, the former king.But Walpo knew it was not the time yet, so he just put on a show.

"King Walpo, it's really bad. A huge sea king is rushing towards Magnetic Drum Island, and the entire island may be cracked."

Dalton reported anxiously, his concern for the lives of the people was clearly revealed on his face.

"What, how is it possible. I just became king, how could I encounter such a thing."

Walpo was so frightened that he fell directly from the throne, without any image at all.

"Dalton, I order you, hurry up and prepare a fast ship, and I want to leave this country immediately, immediately."

Walpo anxiously paced back and forth in front of the throne.Seeing that Dalton had no intention of acting at all, he immediately roared angrily.

"Dalton, what are you doing, hurry up."

After hearing Walpo's order just now, Dalton was already in shock.

"How could it be, how could I carry out such an absurd order."

Dalton gritted his teeth in tears and shouted back.

"You, Dalton, you can't rebel. Huh, useless thing. I have to hurry up, I don't have time to spend with you here."

Seeing that Dalton could no longer count on him, Walpo let out a cold snort and turned around to leave.

At this time, Yang Tian was still arguing with Xiao An unexpectedly.

"Hey, Xiao An, tell me how it is now!"

"Meow, the Lun family is going to sleep, you have to find a way."

Xiao An stretched comfortably on Yang Tian's shoulders, squinted her eyes and climbed down lazily.

"Asshole, this is all your fault, do you want to shirk responsibility now!"

Yang Tiantian ripped Xiao An off his shoulders and tore its cat face into a rectangle.

"Meow! It hurts, bastard! It's your pet, you just need to recall it, bastard, idiot, idiot!"

Xiao An, who escaped from Yang Tianmo's grasp, cursed angrily.However, Yang Tian couldn't refute what he said about Xiaogui's handling.

"Pet, you can just recall it..."

A long black line on Yang Tian's forehead stretched all the way to the sky, such a simple and straightforward way, he hadn't thought about it at all just now.


Yang Tian stretched out his hand and made a beautiful pose, and shouted at Xiaogui.

The wind in the air was a bit chilly, just blowing away Yang Tian's embarrassment.Looking at the little turtle who didn't react at all, Yang Tianxia turned into a devil in an instant, grabbed Xiao An who was snoring lying on his shoulder, and used all his strength to turn Xiao An into a little star.

Xiao An, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt the wind whistling in her ears endlessly.He rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"What's wrong, flying so fast! Meow~"

But at the next moment, Xiao An woke up instantly, looking at the empty sky around him, he didn't know how high it was from the sea, and Yang Tian's figure had long since disappeared, Xiao An immediately reacted.In the next second, Xiao An's figure was swallowed by a black circle, and when it reappeared, it returned to Yang Tian's shoulder.

"Bastard, what are you doing? Fortunately, the system automatically sent me back. Bastard, are you trying to die?"

"That's right! Then may I ask why it's useless for me to call back, and I have to pose for a long time."

"Asshole, idiot, I don't know about the recall, is it from the system panel, idiot, say recall into the air."

Xiaoan looked at Yang Tian's recall procedure, and immediately turned into an angry eighth woman, scolding Yang Tian bloody.It wasn't until Xiaoan got addicted to scolding that he raised his paws angrily and turned his head away, pretending to ignore Yang Tian.

After Xiaoan cursed, Yang Tian opened the pet panel again, and found a recall gesture in the lower right corner of the panel.


With a flash of silver light on the panel, the giant tortoise that was still churning in the sea just now appeared in Yang Tian's palm.Xiao Gui stretched out his head and stared at Yang Tian for a while, then let out a clear and joyful laugh.

"You're having fun."

Yang Tian looked at the happy Yang Tian of Xiao Gui, put it in his arms, and looked at Xiao An who was playing with his temper, and shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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