One Piece Demon

Chapter 77 The Funny Valpo

Chapter 77 The Funny Valpo

The sound of the siren sounded like a siren, following Yang Tiangang's roar, and sounded in every corner of the castle.

The footsteps of 咵咵 were orderly, and Yang Tian was soon surrounded.

And the leader was Dalton, the captain of the guard who had just reported the Sea King's attack to Walpo.

"Who are you, dare to break into the castle?"

Dalton pointed the weapon in his hand at Yang Tian, ​​his eyes were very sharp.

"Haha, you are really a loyal subordinate. But I don't have any malicious intentions here, I just want to ask your king Walpo for something, and borrow a boat by the way."

Dalton looked at Yang Tianyang's sunny smile, not feeling the slightest hostility.The tense nerves slowly relaxed.

"Stand back, all of you. Since you are here to find the king, please go there. Our king is probably still at sea, and you may have to wait a little longer."

"It doesn't matter, but what is he doing at sea?"

Following Dalton's order, the soldiers surrounding Yang Tian retreated in an orderly manner.However, Yang Tian, ​​who didn't know about Walpo's going to the sea, was quite puzzled, so he started talking to Dalton.

"Because a huge Neptune just attacked, King Walpo planned to take refuge, but just now that Neptune disappeared inexplicably, but at that time King Walpo had already gone to sea, and the news that the king was returning was also in the You just received it before you caused the commotion, so if you wait for King Walpo, you may have to wait for a while."

"It doesn't matter, I have plenty of time now. Dalton is tired of standing, you can take a seat too."

Yang Tian patted the place where he was sitting, and moved to the side to make room for Dalton who was standing on the main hall.

"No, I'll just stand. And that's the king's seat."

Dalton had black lines on his face, looking at Yang Tian who was lazily sitting on the throne, he was very speechless.

After about a cup of tea, Walpo finally walked in with his fat body.

"Bastard, who are you kid? How dare you sit in my position. Dalton hasten to catch this lawless guy."

As soon as he entered the main hall, Walpo saw Yang Tian occupying his throne, and immediately roared angrily at Yang Tian.

"Oh... don't worry, King Valpo. I'm Xia Yangtian, but the navy is called Monkey D Yangtian. I don't know if King Valpo has heard of it."

When Yang Tian introduced himself, he used the speed of shaving to appear directly in front of Walpo. For the weak Walpo, this was quite a stimulus, but afterward, Valpo's reaction was obviously different from his own. The little irritation it caused him didn't matter much.

"Monkey D Yang Tian, ​​it's~ you!"

But Walpo was obviously overly surprised, which really puzzled Yang Tian.It stands to reason that although the navy has distributed its own news to the outside world, it does not have such a deterrent force. See, Walpo's face turned pale with fright.

"Hey, King Walpo, your performance is a bit too much. I still have something to ask you. Hey, I told you not to faint!"

Yang Tian grabbed Walpo's collar, and his mouth was full of no water at all.It wasn't until Walpo's entire face swelled into a watermelon that Walpo woke up.

"I~uh~ my Senyin has changed."

"Oh, it's nothing, just now I saw that you were going to faint. So I did a little favor for you, King Walpo, are you awake now!"

"Ah! Why are you still here!"

"Uh, I still have questions to ask."

"Ask quickly, and leave immediately after asking."

Walpo became serious in a second, and sat cross-legged on the ground, staring closely at Yang Tian's eyes, as if driving away the plague god, he couldn't wait for Yang Tian to leave.

"Then I asked! Have you eaten a devil fruit?"


Walpo's answer to Yang Tian was simple and fast, and it seemed that he really hoped that Yang Tian would leave soon.

"Then do you know where Tun Tun Guo is?"

"On my body."

This answer made Yang Tian couldn't help but twitch his brows, and the joy on his face became even stronger.

"It's lucky, bring it to me."


Without further ado, Walpo took out a Devil Fruit from his bosom and stuffed it directly to Yang Tian. This was the first time Yang Tian had encountered such a situation. Looking at the Tun Tun Fruit he had already obtained, he felt no sense of accomplishment at all. Can't lift it.

"It's really Tun Tun Fruit, how did you get it?"

"I just got it when I went to sea. I originally planned to eat it after returning to China."

Walpo looked at the devil fruit that had changed hands, and for the first time showed a posture of crying on his swollen face.

"Look at your bitter face, I have exchanged with you. This is the magic fruit I got before, the wild wolf fruit, and I give it to you. Just treat it as an exchange, and no one owes anyone. And help me prepare a boat. "

Seeing Walpo's aggrieved face, Yang Tian took out the only devil fruit from the system backpack and put it in Walpo's hand.Walpo, who was about to cry just now, bit down directly, as if someone would snatch it from him.

"Ouch~vomit~ it's so unpalatable."

After Walpo bit down, he wished he could pull out his tongue and choked his throat like eating food that was 1 years out of date.

"Please, don't be so exaggerated. And get me a boat."

"Come~man~, take Master Yang Tian to the dock."

Walpo ordered hoarsely, it seems that the devil fruit just now was really too disgusting.

Following Walpo's order, a soldier led Yang Tian out of the castle.

As for Walpo, he lay on the city wall until he watched Yang Tian disappear outside the castle, and then he let out a sigh of relief, and sat limply on the ground.

"Dalton is quick to come and help me in."

Although Dalton doesn't like Walpo very much now, he is still a soldier, so even if he doesn't like it, he must obey the order.

"Yes, King Walpo."

Dalton helped Walpo onto the throne and stood below again, but his curiosity about Yang Tian was even stronger.

"King Walpo, I don't understand something. I wonder if the king can tell you something."


"Who was that man just now? Why did you hear his name, the king... Isn't he a navy? Could the navy still threaten the king of the United Nations?"

"Monkey D Yang Tian, ​​he is not an ordinary person, he is a person who has been dead for a year. A year ago, the Navy Headquarters sent out condolences. Monkey D Yang Tian, ​​who participated in the genius trial, passed away unfortunately, so the just now That is very likely to be his dead soul. Aren't you afraid of ghosts, Dalton! I am very afraid!"

Speaking of which, Walpo shivered.

As for Dalton, he looked completely like an idiot, looking at the neurotic king on the throne.

(End of this chapter)

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