One Piece Demon

Chapter 78 The Pirate Bar

Chapter 78 The Pirate Bar
Yang Tian, ​​who had been away from the castle for a long time, did not hear Walpo's words, otherwise he would be deeply impressed by Walpo's magical brain circuit.

Walking on the snow-capped snow, without knowing when, snowflakes floated in the air again, and the wind rustled, blowing the tight top.

The soldiers leading the way led Yang Tian towards the small town where he came.

Looking at the noisy town ahead, Yang Tian couldn't help looking at the soldiers strangely.

"Mr. Soldier, did we go the wrong way? I remember that there is only a commercial dock in the town ahead. Why don't you take me to the military dock?"

"I'm very sorry! Our country does not produce warships, so I can only wrong you and leave by passenger ship."

"Yeah~ don't be so nervous. It doesn't matter what ship you take, as long as it can take me to the nearby naval base as soon as possible."

Yang Tian's kindness made the soldiers feel like a spring breeze, and their trembling bodies, which were originally tense, gradually relaxed, with a smile on their faces, and saluted Yang Tian.

"Thank you for your understanding, sir. You can go to the Kingdom of Alabasta first, and then transfer from the Kingdom of Alabasta to the Navy's G8 fortress. This is the most time-saving route. Of course, if you want to go to other fortresses..."

Yang Tian waved his hand to interrupt the soldiers, because Yang Tian felt that this route would become quite interesting.

"As you said, go to Alabasta first."

"Yes, my lord please!"

The walking speed of the two of them was not unpleasant, and the journey from the castle to the town did not take much time.

After arriving in the small town, Yang Tian ordered the soldiers to find a passenger ship for Alabasta, while Yang Tian bought the supplies he needed in the small town.

"Although I only missed a year, my physical development is now nineteen, that is to say, hehe!"

Yang Tian looked at his strong body and walked directly towards the bustling street.And there is actually a smile on the face that has been dry for a long time.

"Boss, I have a big customer today"

Yang Tian spotted a store, kicked open the door and shouted.

Of course, this kind of behavior naturally attracted everyone's attention. Those who drank, ate, sang, and talked a lot stopped, and looked at Yang who had barged in like an idiot. sky.


The bald man behind the bar, wiping his glass, greeted with a smile while smoking a cigar.

"Boss, take out all your best wine. Finally, you can drink to your heart's content."

Yang Tian slapped the table and sat opposite the bald boss. Of course, there was a large bag of valuable gold.

"Haha, my brother is really a man of temperament. However, seeing that you are young and my brother kindly reminds you, you should go quickly! Our bar is a pirate bar! If you are not careful, you will die! Especially if you are like a little brother Such a rich man! As for this cup, I will give it to you!"

The bald boss pushed a glass of Bloody Mary in front of Yang Tian, ​​and continued to wipe the glass with a calm expression.

"Oh, pirates!"

Holding the wine glass, Yang Tian sipped the whiteness in his eyes, but he took in everything in the bar.All the pirates sitting there showed a fierce look on their faces, exuding a faint smell of blood.

"It's rare for me to be an adult, and the shackles of underage not being allowed to get drunk are lifted in my heart. I want to get drunk, but unfortunately there are always people who like to disturb my elegance. It's a sin. You say so!"

Yang Tian, ​​who was chatting towards the bald boss, suddenly stretched out his hand behind his back, and a broad-bladed saber was being pinched by two fingers of this hand.

"Bastard, you can sneak attack a waste that can be found. Let's go together, kill him and the gold will be ours."

Seeing that the plan to sneak attack on Yang Tian failed, the man closest to Yang Tian drew out his two knives, and booed righteously, those who didn't know his tone thought he was the victim.


A group of pirates who are obsessed with money, their murderous intentions are ready to go all out, huge axes, machetes, chains, all kinds of attacks are all concentrated together, and the target is Yang Tian who is still sipping wine leisurely.

"It's really rude, interrupting someone while they are enjoying their wine..."

Yang Tian spoke slowly and suddenly his tone changed, and he turned into an incarnated Shura: "But he will go to hell."

Yang Tian squeezed the two ends of the saber, and the blade shattered.And a terrifying coercion that even the gods would shy away from, instantly enveloped this small bar.

Everything seemed to be frozen suddenly, and stood still in place, and the frightened and distorted faces froze at this moment.

The coercion came and went quickly, and the most frightening thing was that apart from the inside of the bar, even the pedestrians who just passed by the bar door didn't feel the slightest discomfort.Of course the bar owner is safe and sound.

"It's really a group of useless guys. You can still rob like others with this little skill. The boss and others gave you off. Since you are a pirate, you should have a reward!"

Yang Tian decided the fate of these pirates very casually.

"Ahem, this guest is really... the old man underestimated him. But I can't subordinate these people."

"Why, why. Aren't they worth a fortune?"

"No no!"

The boss waved his hand in embarrassment, thinking that there is a big pirate with a bounty of [-] million Berries!Enough to open several bars by myself.

"Then why! But, boss, your wine is really delicious!"

After putting the last drop of wine in the cup into his stomach, Yang Tian praised sincerely.I don't know if it's because my body hasn't drunk for too long, or because of the smell of wine here, but Yang Tian likes it very much.

"Because this is a pirate bar, if I hand them over to the navy, my bar will not be able to continue. And I will be hunted down by other pirates."

"Then it's up to you, but bring out your best wine!"

Yang Tian shook the empty cup and looked at the boss with a smile.But in the eyes of the boss, this smile is like a full-fledged devil, easily killing the pirate who is worth hundreds of millions, and when he just released his momentum, the murderous look in his eyes is as cold as a thousand years of ice.So even if Yang Tian was really laughing at the harmless people and animals at this time, he was covered by the shadow that had just been planted in the boss's heart.

"Here, this is the fine wine that I have stored for many years."

The boss heaved a sigh of relief after carrying out the wine from the cellar that nearly filled half the bar, and wiped the sweat that had already covered his forehead.Sitting directly on the barrel when tired.

"Haha, it's really quite a lot. Thank you for your hard work, Your Excellency. These gold nuggets are all yours! As for the wine, I will take it away. I will be on my way later, so I will stay on the road to drink. Hiccup..."

With a blushing face, Yang Tian patted the wine barrel, and threw the gold nugget into the boss's arms.But judging by his drunken appearance, it seems that he has drunk a lot, and even walking becomes shaky.

(End of this chapter)

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