Chapter 79
"There's so much wine, do you want me to find someone to carry it for you? Don't worry, you don't need to pay extra."

The bald boss looked at Yang Tian who was already a little dizzy, and couldn't help but care.

"Boss, you are thoughtful, but look at me. Take it!"

Yang Tian stretched out a finger and shook it in front of the boss, and stretched out his hand mysteriously, half of the wine in the bar was occupied in front of him.Then something miraculous happened while the boss was surprised, until Yang Tian pushed open the door of the bar and walked out, the dazzling sunlight shining through the crack of the door woke him up from the shock.

Looking at the back of the man who had walked for an unknown amount of time, the boss uttered a word in surprise.

"Space-type devil fruit!"

The space-type devil fruit is a very rare devil fruit. The shaking fruit of Whitebeard, who is now the strongest in the world, is also a kind of space fruit.

The pirates who were just about to kill and steal their goods were suddenly stopped, and so many fine wines in front of them suddenly disappeared.After linking everything together, the boss couldn't help but conjecture about space devil fruits.

"What a surprising little brother! You have to report to the boss immediately."

The boss, recovering from the shock, hurriedly climbed up to the second floor of the bar, and got into a hut that he wouldn't allow anyone to enter.

"The shoes are torn, the hat is torn, and the cassock on the body is torn..."

The drunken Yang Tian sang out of tune lyrics, hiccupping every step of the way, it seemed that he was completely silent in the joy of drunkenness.

"Ugh... where is this, isn't it the way to the dock?! Why are there all trees, one big tree, two big trees, three... so many big trees, am I lost? Never mind, I'm sleepy! "

After drinking, Yang Tian suddenly became naturally stupid, he didn't even think about where he was, he found a big tree at random, leaned against the trunk and fell asleep.

But Mr. Soldier was very anxious at this time, after helping Yang Tian to buy the ticket, Yang Tian was not seen after waiting. Seeing that the ship was about to set sail, the anxious soldier was itching in his heart.It’s okay to look for it, and it’s impossible not to look for it. If the two of them just missed it, it would be even worse.In short, the soldiers are suffering now, very uncomfortable.

In the snowy forest, Yang Tian has already entered a dream at this time, and words such as peach rabbit and fine wine appear.

And not far from where Yang Tian fell asleep, a pair of beast's eyes lit up in a dark corner.

Seeking the smell from Yang Tian, ​​the beast twitched its nose twice, hid its body behind a tree, and cautiously approached the sleeping Yang Tian.

"Peach Rabbit, long time no see..."

It seemed that Yang Tian had dreamed of Peach Rabbit. The sleeping Yang Tian turned over and hugged the big tree he was leaning on.Pouting his lips, he looked like he was going to kiss him.

This frightened the beast that approached just now, and thought it woke up Yang Tian.

Beast stood only one foot away from Yang Tian, ​​and being so frightened by Yang Tian, ​​he broke out in cold sweat immediately, and the secretion of saliva in his mouth increased rapidly.However, after realizing that Yang Tian hadn't woken up, the beast swallowed his saliva lightly, adjusted his mentality, and thought that he must hit every blow without delay.Three, two, one.

When the beast silently said a word in its heart, its whole body was like a highly compressed spring, and it instantly threw itself into Yang Tian's arms, and bit Yang Tian's chest with its big mouth.


It was the sound of clothes being torn, and the beast ran away with a cloth bag in its mouth.

"Ugh... What a naughty little guy."

Yang Tian, ​​who woke up leisurely, patted the weeds on his body and stood up.The figure disappeared in place like the rushing wind of the Snow Country.

"Isn't it impolite for the little guy to take my things without saying hello!"

Yang Tian picked up the little guy who took away his bento, but when Yang Tian saw its blue nose, he managed to break free with a little effort in his hands.

Seeing the figure gradually disappearing into the forest, Yang Tian didn't chase after it again.

"Well~ It seems that this bento has nothing to do with me. Fortunately, I even asked the chef at the bar to add my favorite blue beans. Don't let me catch you, run, little guy!"

The innocent Qiaoba was frightened by Yang Tian, ​​thinking that Yang Tian was going to catch up, so he ran even harder.

However, this also made Yang Tian feel deep sympathy for Chopper's situation. Chopper's situation is no different from betrayal, loneliness and cold are eating away at it all the time.If Yang Tian puts these delicacies in front of him, maybe he will turn around and run away in fright!

"However, I should go."

Yang Tian changed the torn clothes, put on his hat, checked the direction, and walked towards the dock.

The escaped Chopper didn't dare to be careless, and ran around the forest for half a circle before stopping.Seeing Yang Tian who had already thrown away behind him, Qiaoba dragged his tired body to a cave and turned into a small Qiaoba.Carefully open the package you received.As the lunch box was opened, a fresh fragrance came out. This was the most delicious food Chopper had ever smelled since he was born, and it was also the most beautiful meal he ate, but it also made him aware of the danger.

"That human being was so drunk that he almost caught me. Sure enough, human beings are super scary. Never be tempted by food again."

After eating the bento, Chopper recalled the moment when he was caught just now, and his heart suddenly became half cold.

Next to the dock.

"Mr. Soldier, here I come!"

Yang Tian saw Mr. Soldier from a distance, smiled and waved to the soldier.

Seeing Yang Tian's figure, the soldier suddenly had the urge to cry.

"What's the matter, Mr. Soldier, did you see me so excited!"

"My lord, I have some very sad news to tell you."

"Huh? What's the matter!"

Yang Tian couldn't help but looked at this Mr. Soldier with a bitter face and asked in doubt.

"The boat you're on has already set off, and this is the last one this week."

"What, when did the ship leave!"

Yang Tian raised his voice suddenly, grabbed the soldier's shoulder and asked.

"A little while, about the time of a cup of tea."

Yang Tian looked at the little black dots on the empty sea level, and his whole body instantly became bad.

"Hey, boss, why are you here!"

Hearing the familiar voice behind him, Yang Tian turned his head.

"So it was Foxy, but I don't have time to chat with you now, Mr. Soldier, where is my ticket."

"Here, my lord, what are you going to do? The boat has already left, and no one will take back this ticket."

After Yang Tian took the ticket, he didn't mean to explain at all, Yuebu got up and said to Foxy and the soldiers.


A gust of wind gusts out from the air under Yang Tian's feet, making everyone on the pier unable to open their glasses, and when they slow down, there is still Yang Tian's figure in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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