One Piece Demon

Chapter 80 Passenger Ship Incident

Chapter 80 Passenger Ship Incident

"Fortunately, we can still catch up. Otherwise, in the weird weather of the Great Route, I really don't know what to do when I go to sea!"

Yang Tian, ​​who had just caught up with the passenger ship, sighed in relief and jumped onto the board.

"Ah! Someone is attacking the boat, come quickly, help!"

Seeing Yang Tian falling from the sky, a rich businessman in gorgeous clothes was startled. The wine glass in his hand fell in a panic, which made him panic even more, and fled directly into the cabin.

After being yelled at by the rich businessman, a group of burly men in black clothes and sunglasses rushed forward with guns in hand.

"I was surrounded by people three times a day, how unlucky I am, what do you think, Xiao An!"


Ever since Xiao An quarreled with Yang Tian, ​​she still hasn't calmed down, and she still treats Yang Tian indifferently.

"What a cheapskate."

Seeing that Xiao An was still playing with his temper, Yang Tian patted it on the head.

"Hey, I said, can you ignore us and tell me who you are and why you attacked our passenger ship."

"Uh, who are you?" Yang Tian asked, looking at the white-bearded uncle who came out of the men in black.

"I'm the mate of this ship."

"Oh, so it's Mr. Vice-Captain, now, here's my ticket."

Yang Tian tidied up his clothes, took out the boat ticket in his arms very gentlemanly, and handed it to the white bearded uncle in front of him.Then he cleared his throat and continued:

"I'm just your distinguished guest. Is this how this ship treats its distinguished guests?"

The deputy captain glanced at the polite Yang Tian, ​​but he didn't see the slightest malice in his clear eyes.He opened the ferry ticket that he had received, and after checking that the ticket was indeed genuine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"So it's a guest, I'm really sorry, but your way of boarding the ship is really easy to misunderstand."

Because of the chaos just now at the door of the cabin, many passengers had already gathered, and they were relieved when they heard that it was a misunderstanding. When the rich businessman who was just scared saw this, his face turned red and he was about to sneak back into the room.But by coincidence, he ran into the service staff in his room.

"Isn't this Mr. Jess? The attack on the ship is over? Seeing that your face is flushed, could it be that you were injured by a villain just now!"

"He is the one who lied about the incident. He actually said that someone attacked the ship. He is really a coward."

"It turned out that the pig cry was from it!"

"It's him, his name is Jess, he's a rich businessman, his sound scared me so much that I almost jumped into the sea."

The guests in the cabin crowded out the rich businessman Jess with right and left words, which made his blushing face slowly turn black.Jess looked resentfully at the waiter who called out his name, pushed her to the ground, and left the scene angrily.

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay. Can you take me to my room now?"

Yang Tian just wants to take a good rest now, the stamina of the good wine just now has not disappeared yet.

"Of course, your ticket has an exclusive supreme suite. Rayleigh took this gentleman to room 101."

Under the command of the deputy captain, a service member in white came up.And the bodyguards just now dispersed and returned to their posts after the misunderstanding was clarified.

"Sir, please!"

The young man named Ruili saluted Yang Tian.

Guided by Rayleigh, Yang Tian came to the cabin, but the eyes staring straight at him made Yang Tian feel like a monkey in a circus, which made him quite unhappy.

"Look, this is the boy who flew over from the sky!"

"Wow, he's so handsome. Even the twitch of his eyebrows makes me cringe."

"Tell me, is he a devil fruit capable user?"

"It's possible, otherwise how could it fly from the sky."

"Well, that makes sense."

Yang Tian really didn't want to pay attention to these gossip people, they had no common language, and luckily no one came forward to strike up a conversation without knowing what they were interested in.

"Sir, this is your room. What else can you order?"

Yang Tian rubbed his growling stomach. Although he drank a lot just now, he still couldn't resist the hunger. The lunch box was also given to Chopper, so he had to order a meal and let Ruili deliver it to the room later. Yang Tian didn't want to go to the restaurant to eat, otherwise he would be surrounded by crowds.That feeling is uncomfortable even thinking about it.

But Yang Tian didn't expect that if he made a boat for no reason, he would be hated by others, and this person is the rich businessman Jess who just got embarrassed.

Inside Jess' house.

"My lord, you are not injured!"

"No, but I'm very upset right now because that guy suddenly jumped out of the air. I'm so embarrassed, bastard!"

The more Jess thought about it, the more angry he became, his whole face began to contort, and he clenched his fist in anger and slammed it on the table so hard that the table almost jumped up.

"Master Jess, do you want me to kill him, card~"

The cold, middle-aged man standing in front of Jess made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Okay, but I want you to do it without anyone noticing it, and don't let anyone know that we did it, and I want him to die in fear."

Jess' eyes were cold, and he expressed his perverted psychology with an extremely perverted voice.

"Master Jess, rest assured that torturing people is my specialty. I will act when the night is late."

"I suggest that you better make some preparations in advance. Although it is not in line with my personality, that guy is not like a weak person."


The cold man stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips excitedly: "I just like to torture the strong, tie la la la..."

"Snake ghost, don't laugh in front of me, your laughter is disgusting."

Jess blocked his ears and scolded.

"Yes, my Lord Jess, hehehe...".

The snake ghost slid its sharp nails over its tongue coldly, and let out a low laugh like a mosquito moan.

"Boom..., my lord, your meal is here!"

The snake ghost who had just exited Jess' rich merchant's room was looking for someone to inquire about some news, but happened to run into Rayleigh who came to deliver food to Yang Tian.

"It's la la la... I didn't expect to be so lucky."

The snake ghost lowered its head and pretended to have fallen, before slamming into Ruili's arms in a daze.

" hurts!"

Rayleigh was hit for the first time, and fell to the ground, the cover of the dining room swayed, revealing a corner of the delicacies on the dining car.

The snake ghost fell along Rayleigh, mainly to make everything look more natural. At the moment when the dining cover slid, a drop of black blood condensed from between the snake ghost's nails and poured into the meal. The whole process seemed to be just a person who accidentally fell down and hit the waiter, and it took only an instant from the beginning to the end.

"Ah, Mr. Snake Ghost, are you okay!"

Rayleigh is just a small service worker, he can't offend anyone, although it's not his fault, but he still has to be careful when he sees a customer fall.

"It's ok!"

The snake ghost blocked Rayleigh's hand, stood up and staggered away from Rayleigh with a wicked smile.

(End of this chapter)

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