Chapter 85

Seeing the sea beasts dying tragically, the soldiers' pupils dilated involuntarily, their bodies retreated uncontrollably, and they swallowed their saliva with difficulty.

"Captain, what should we do!"

For a moment, the panicked soldiers lost the slightest desire to fight, and their blood was scattered under the shadow of death, and their terrified faces expressed their aspirations.

"This is really a catastrophe! I didn't expect to encounter a colony of sea ants. This is completely over. Hey..."

In the call of the crew, the captain trembled in despair, as if recalling some terrible memory.

Deep in Captain Scar's memory, it was a day 30 years ago when he and his father started their business trip against the hopeful sunrise.Unfortunately, they found them. When the fleet sailed halfway, they strayed into the predation area of ​​sea ant colonies. A large number of sea kings dispersed the fleet during their escape, and some were directly killed by sea kings. It was crushed by the collision, and those who luckily escaped were also swallowed up by the chasing ant beast.At that time, Captain Scar was naturally also involved in this disaster. The huge sea kings directly smashed the ship where Captain Scar was located, and the bloodthirsty ant beasts devoured everything they went, and the smell of blood permeated the air. The sea has not dissipated for several months, and the bloody scene left indelible marks in the heart of the young Captain Scar.

And his father was also missing that day. His face was severely injured and almost cut in half. Fortunately, he was rescued by a doctor. He was raised on Magnetic Drum Island for several years before he recovered slowly, but the kiss of death is always there No longer tormenting him, causing him to wake up countless times in nightmares, the reason why he became the captain of a passenger ship now is also hoping to find some clues on the route of the past, and get some information about his father from the guests wandering in the sea.But 30 years have passed, and there is no useful news at all, and he has already given up that extravagant hope.

But now the nightmare that he thought of in the past actually reappeared, and the breath of death pinched his nostrils, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"In a 30-year cycle, the newborn ant beasts came out to plunder. If it's correct, these are the descendants of those who attacked the caravan. Father, I will avenge you!" Captain Scar, who was trembling in pain just now, said suddenly Full of firmness and strength.The resolute gaze caused Yang Tian, ​​who was standing beside him, to have hallucinations, and felt that the man beside him was a different person.

Captain Scar's rising power directly drove the blood of the whole ship.The desperate crew members who were crying and crying just now found themselves in a moment, wiped away their tears and stood up to do it.

"Captain Chirossi, we swear to follow in your footsteps, yell..."


The passionate shouts only made people's hearts surge, and Yang Tian felt that he was infected.

Facing the shouts of the crowd, Chirossi walked to the bow of the boat, a ball of warm water condensed in his hand and turned into a spinning waterspout.With a loud shout of passion, he slammed at the thrown ant whip.

"Waterspout - Hot Spring Explosion".

The high-temperature waterspout met the ant whip with a reverse impact, and the two collided and were deadlocked in midair.However, Chirossi's attack was obviously unable to resist, and Chirossi continued to bombard without admitting defeat.

"Waterspouts, water falls—hot spring explosions."

After several consecutive attacks, the ant whip was repulsed back.

"Captain, we are here to help you! Attack..."

The bombardment of the cannon rang continuously on the sea, but it didn't hurt the ant beast at all. The shells bombarded at the sea ant were actually bounced off one by one, and bright blood lotus flowers bloomed on the remains of the sea ant.

"What happened just now, keep attacking and don't stop, fire...".

The crew looked at the ant beasts in shock, and couldn't believe what happened before them. So many shells were all blown away. The unwilling people brought more shells and bombarded the ant beasts one after another. herd.The billowing heat waves rolled the air currents in the air, and even the sea boiled in these continuous explosions.

In the restaurant in the cabin, those noble ladies and gentlemen who are usually elegant and arrogant, have already been vomited by the bloody smell that permeates in. There is still so-called elegance, and the fear in their hearts has long been broken With false masks, they scrambled to grab the escape boat one by one.I hope that the scary sea ants outside will be able to escape for a while.

"Haha, Master Jess, you are smart enough to carry such powerful sailing equipment." A simple boat galloped on the sea at high speed, and the figure of the passenger ship gradually disappeared behind them.The snake ghost looked at the magical boat under his feet curiously. He was sincerely grateful for being able to escape from this disaster, and he was also more grateful to Jess. At least the man in front of him did not abandon him when he was running for his life.

"This is Weiba. I brought it down from Sky Island after all the hard work. I won't use this kind of good thing unless I have to." Jess was quite showing off, and his tone was a little proud, as if Like in describing how good a baby is.

"Empty island!? Is there really an empty island in this world?!" The snake ghost, who had only heard the word "empty island" in rumors, immediately transferred Weiba's curiosity to the empty island.

"Anyway, there are, and there are more than one. I'll tell you when I have time. Now go back to my family!" Jess vigorously launched the Brawler, setting off a trajectory that could not be calmed down for a long time on the sea.In fact, there was something that Jess was very concerned about that had been lingering in his heart.

"Shuiyue Sword - Hot Spring Weapon".

The water jet condensed to show the sharpness of a big fast knife. The sharp teeth of the ant beasts shattered under the powerful impact. None of the ant beasts in the front row were spared. The space seemed to freeze and the ant whip was imprisoned in the air. They fell into the sea one after another.But this is really nothing to the huge number of ant colonies.The new ant whip condensed again, and this time it was thicker and exuded a stronger dangerous aura.

"Hoo hoo..." However, Captain Chirossi's physical strength has been lost a lot in this continuous battle, and it is completely unknown how long he can last.

"Ah, tired, if Captain Chirossi can't hold on any longer, I'll replace him!" Yang Tian caressed the blade of Ji Mie's sword, crossing his legs in a leisurely way.

"Haha, I'm not that old yet, hehe... You must understand my grievances with your own hands."

"Oh, the momentum is really good."

Yang Tian put away the previous laziness, and sat up to appreciate Uncle Chirosi's belief more.

"That! Uncle, don't lose too badly, hehehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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