One Piece Demon

Chapter 86 The Evolved Ant Beast

Chapter 86 The Evolved Ant Beast

Under wave after wave of obstacles, the ant colony gradually stopped advancing.

"Water Jet - Hot Spring Cannon."

Although Chirossi didn't know what the ant colony was going to do, since they didn't attack, Chirossi naturally wouldn't miss such a good opportunity, and the cannons made of hot springs bombarded the ant colony one after another.

Ordinary shells, warm water bombs, and sword energy all mixed together and exploded in the ant colony.

In waves of attacks, the phenomenon of invalidation of previous attacks was finally solved. It turns out that the shells on these ant beasts can absorb and rebound attacks, but when the attacks exceed the upper limit of their ability to absorb or rebound, they will become fragile. , even if the force beyond the limit is just the impact of the cotton falling to the ground, it is enough to kill them.

Seeing batch after batch of ant beasts die, Qi Rossi couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.The intensity of the attack also became more violent.

The bursts of chewing sounds amidst the explosion attracted Yang Tian's attention. Looking for the sound, Yang Tian vaguely discerned that the living ant beasts were actually devouring the dead ones through the cracks in the fireworks of the explosion.Every time they devoured one of its kind, the carapace on its body would become darker and brighter, the sickle-like teeth would become sharper, and the dangerous aura would gradually increase.Yang Tian, ​​who noticed this change, couldn't help but become cautious.If the guess is correct, although the number of these little guys is decreasing, the individual has become more difficult than the beginning.

After devouring the same kind of ant beasts, they re-entered the battle. The ant beasts gathered together to form black palms with sharp knives, showing their dangerous nature.Raising their palms high, they roared towards the Qirosi people, wanting to wipe out all the guys who hindered their progress. The faces of the people suddenly changed, and they quickly dodged, but the passenger ship below them was not so lucky. , the hull of the ship was torn apart on the spot, most of the nobles hiding in the ship died, and the rest were all injured. The scene exploded with human blood and scattered stumps, which raised the bloody level of the scene to another level.

"Blood... blood... human blood... ah... help, someone help me!"

Those who survived were also unsteady, and the sticky smell of blood on their faces made them insane.Jumped into the sea in panic and committed suicide.Trembling under the breath of death, what's more, the dementia that frightened the urine on the spot and made the whole body go limp would be worse than death.

"The power of this blow is not inferior to that of the lieutenant general. What kind of existence are these ant beasts!" Seeing such a destructive blow, Yang Tian couldn't help itching while holding Ji Mie.

The ant beast's attack really exceeded everyone's imagination. After another fight, Chirossi's face was already covered with blood, and the bright red blood slowly flowed down the scar.The clothes have long been reduced to pieces, only a leaf of fig leaf rustling in the cold wind.

"Captain Chirossi is next, let me meet it!"

Yang Tian's gloomy eyes were hidden in the darkness, making people unable to see his expression. Before Qi Luoxi could reply, Yang Tian pulled out Nirvana and fought with the ant gun. The attack of the ant colony was simple and Violent, the big hands turned into fists went straight, the sea beasts under them had already been beaten and riddled with holes, and even the sea breeze could make a low whistling sound.After a fight, Yang Tian forced the ant colony back, turned a circle in the air, and stood on the exposed ribs of the sea beast to confront the ant colony. The attack refreshed his understanding again.At the tip of the broken rib of the sea beast under the feet, a drop of blood condensed and became bigger and bigger, and the blood drop fell off slowly, as if time slowed down, the blood drop turned into countless blood drops on the falling track.


At the same time as the blood dripped into the sea, the black fists formed by Yang Tian and the ant colony turned into shooting stars again, making the crisp sound of swords colliding in the air, and shooting out little fire lights.

The battle between Yang Tian and the ant colony has gradually exceeded the imagination of the combatants. The sea is criss-crossed with sword qi, and the sea ants are constantly dying but constantly evolving. After a burst of explosions, a pocket-sized miniature flying ant flew out of the smoke, licking its wings that were still glued together.


The pocket ant stretched out its transparent wings and let out a childish hiss, its limbs were also exposed, and its whole body seemed to be gilded with golden light, and its thumb-sized body exuded a dangerous aura that made Yang Tian feel anxious.

"What kind of creature is this? This aura is really exciting... Hahaha!"

Yang Tian, ​​who was excited during the fierce battle, is very happy now, such a powerful opponent is the best opponent to test his current cultivation, how can Yang Tian let it go easily.


Through the newborn ant beast breath, Yang Tian also knew that it would not be able to withstand it under normal conditions, so he directly transformed into a bloody Shura, and his strength officially entered the threshold of a general.Yang Tian, ​​who was stronger, opened his arms and took a deep breath greedily.

"Ah, tired... It's still an intoxicating power. Don't let me down, little ant. Otherwise, I'll kill you!" The last three words are full of blood and blood, and even make people feel that these three The words completely cover up the bloody smell now.


Facing Yang Tian's aura, the newborn Ant Beast didn't show any timidity, and the slightly mature scream seemed to be shouting at Yang Tian.

"Yang Tian, ​​it despises you!"

"Uh, Xiao An, what are you talking about?"

"I said he was despising you!" Xiao An, who had been lying on Yang Tian's shoulder, answered casually with her ears closed.

"Can you understand him? What did it say?"

It is the first time Yang Tian understands that Xiaoan can understand the words of animals, but now Yang Tian wants to know what the little ant said.

"It's nothing, it said it was the Ant Emperor, and that your arrogance was shown off, it must be a silver-like pewter gun that is not useful."

Yang Tian didn't need to think about it. Xiaoan must have added fuel to this sentence, but the meaning of the main body would not have changed much.

"Why does it dare to say that about me? Then let me see if I am the head of a pewter. Let the little ant take over! Slashing the soul with a sword—the skill of nirvana."

The dragon blade of nirvana returns to the three lives, and the sword cuts you as if you are lost. Send your soul to ferry, and send you to hell and return to Buddha.Yang Tian didn't think he was an ordinary person, since this newborn ant was so arrogant, he naturally had to teach him a lesson.

The sudden burst of shaving turned Yang Tian into a phantom, and his figure turned into a lily with the wind, and Nirvana glowed coldly with the excitement of Yang Tian's aura.Where the blade cut, even the air made the sound of swallowing, and the little ant emperor was also startled by this powerful attack. Three pairs of transparent wings flapped quickly, leaving a phantom in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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