One Piece Demon

Chapter 89 Crocodile

Chapter 89 Crocodile

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Crocodile showed a strange smile that was hard to detect.But Yang Tian, ​​who saw the whole process in his eyes, smiled with interest.

After the matter was dealt with, everyone dispersed amidst chatting and laughing.

"Why don't you go!"

Crocodile saw that one person had not left, and because of his handsome appearance and bright eyes, Crocodile couldn't help becoming interested.

As for who this person is, it is naturally Yang Tian.

"I've heard about your reputation as Crocodile for a long time, but when I saw it recently, it's really different from ordinary people."

"Oh, what do you mean by that?" Crocodile moved two steps forward, placing the golden hook across his chest.

"This person is your subordinate! The 3000 million big pirate is really willing."

When Crocodile heard this, he became more and more interested in the guy in front of him, and said with a smile: "How do you say that!"

Yang Tian ignored Crocodile's aggressive gaze, stretched his shoulders lazily and said, "Hey, I'm too tired to stand, why don't you invite me to eat and have a rest?"

Crocodile turned around and left, leaving only this sentence echoing in the air: "Of course, I'm just afraid that I won't be able to keep up!"

"I haven't been afraid of anything!" Yang Tian replied casually.

Following Crocodile's footsteps, Yang Tian came to a fairly good restaurant.When the store manager saw that it was Crocodile coming, he immediately ordered his staff to pack up the top private room.The two were invited in.

"I didn't expect Qi Wuhai's name to be so useful, what do you think Crocodile?"

The two sat across the table, and Crocodile was already used to Yang Tian's half-mockery tone, so he didn't bother to reply to him.

"Now we can continue our previous topic!" Crocodile directly put the topic in front of Yang Tian.

"Topic? What topic! You said you killed your subordinates? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else!"

"You know I don't mean these things! Let me ask you, what else do you know except what you have seen on the surface and what you guessed!"

"What do you want me to know? Do you want to form a hunter organization, or do you want Hades, or..."

Each of these words touched the bottom of Crocodile's heart, which made him suddenly lose his sense of security. In front of this man in front of him, he felt as if he had been stripped naked.The murderous Crocodile had already made a plan to strike at any time, but after seeing the calm expression of the young man in front of him, Crocodile asked in a deep voice with the last reason: "Who are you!?"

"Me? I forgot to introduce myself." Yang Tian cleared his throat and continued: "My name is Yang Tian, ​​and I am a small navy. As for your little secrets, don't worry, no one knows about them except me."

When Crocodile heard that Yang Tian was in the navy, his heart skipped a beat. He was about to take action to prevent future troubles, but was interrupted by Yang Tian's next words. However, Crocodile's murderous intentions did not dissipate. Tian sarcastically said: "You are from the navy, how can you convince me of what you said. It would be great if you didn't tell other people, as long as I kill you, it wouldn't be safer."

"Does that mean you don't believe me?"

"I never trust anyone."

"Okay, Miss Crocodile, it seems that I can't do it."

"What did you call me?!" Crocodile seemed to have received an electric shock, and the condensed sand knives scattered away.

"K~luo~ke~da~er~little~sister~, what's the matter, do you have any questions?" Yang Tian put his legs on the table, and looked at Crocodile with an unsteady expression.

"You're not a navy, so tell me, what's your relationship with Ivankov?" The biggest camouflage was torn apart, Crocodile's face was bulging with veins, he stepped over the table, grabbed Yang Tian's collar, viciously staring at Yang Tian.

"I said girls shouldn't be so angry. Although you are no longer a girl, you still need to be reserved."

The more indifferent Yang Tian was, the more fear and anger in Crocodile's heart became stronger.

"Desert sword!" Crocodile used the desert sword from a close distance, and Crocodile was very confident that few people in this sea could hold it.Not to mention this unknown kid.

The diffuse dust covered everything, but Yang Tian's voice still clearly reached Crocodile's ears: "You really have a bad temper!"


Crocodile felt a slash of sword energy in the dust, and Jingou blocked it subconsciously.The wooden board under his feet cracked inch by inch as Crocodile retreated, and Crocodile, who followed him hard, looked at the gap on the golden hook and couldn't help becoming dignified. Chen, following behind the sword aura was a small golden figure, but it was perfectly hidden in the sword aura.


"Desert King Kong Sword!"

The collision between the two was so intense that this small private room could not bear it. After some violent shaking, the entire restaurant was turned into ruins.

Crocodile was even more startled when he saw the enemy clearly, he slashed three times horizontally with the treasured sword and forced Yimo back.Seeing the people gradually surrounding them, they knew it was not the time to fight, so they turned into a cloud of sandstorm and flew out.


Yang Tian caught Yimo with his fingers, touched its tentacles rewardingly, and then put it in his pocket, leaving only one head to swing outside.

Crocodile had already left, but Yang Tian didn't want to end up like this, so he chased in the direction Crocodile left.

In the stone forest not far to the north of the town, Crocodile finished elementalization and landed.Along the way, his mind was full of all kinds of encounters with Yang Tian, ​​hoping to find some clues from the bits and pieces.

"Damn, who is that guy. There is no clue at all."

Yang Tian, ​​who was catching up, happened to hear Crocodile's complaint, and landed directly on a bluestone in front of him.

"Long time no see, are you talking about me?" Yang Tian greeted with a smile.

"How dare you catch up!"

"Why don't you dare, do you think I'm bad?!"

Crocodile couldn't see the slightest abnormality from Yang Tian's expression, and he lost his sense of proportion in his heart.

"Now we can talk about it!"


Crocodile knew that the decision-making power was not in his hands, so he sat on the spot casually, staring at Yang Tian unkindly.

"Tell me what exactly you want to do!"

"I want to join your hunter organization."

"What?" Crocodile stared at Yang Tian with an expression of seeing a ghost. He really couldn't believe why Yang Tian joined his subordinates. Was it for Pluto or for other purposes? At this moment Crocodile thought a lot, But none of them could convince me.

(End of this chapter)

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