One Piece Demon

Chapter 90 Strange Dreams

Chapter 90 Strange Dreams

Yang Tian was sent to the port by Xiao Hei, jumped off from Xiao Hei, and patted Xiao Hei, who was exhausted and panting after hard work. After all, he had given himself a ride after all his hard work, and Yang Tian didn't treat him badly, he just killed a prey casually. as compensation.But Yang Tian's very casual move frightened Xiao Hei very much.When walking back, the speed is so fast.

After Xiao Hei Juechen left, Yang Tian went to look for the anchored boat.

The setting sun shines on the surface of the sea, and the afterglow does not pass through the helpless feelings.At dusk when the sun was setting, the rippling sea surface was glowing with golden light. On the soft sandy beach, a man with a face full of helplessness was watching the setting sun.

"It's so miserable. I finally found a port, but it's still abandoned. My God, if it's unlucky, it shouldn't be so unlucky! Hey..." Yang Tian complained about the hardships of life, feeling that he still had to rely on himself.Make up your mind to build a ship of your own.

The last twilight of the yellow afterglow also dissipated, and the wind that fell on the sea at night became tighter, and the mixed coolness forced people to run away.

Yang Tian looked at the deserted small port, stood up and flicked off the sand sticking to his body, and walked towards a small house that seemed to be in good condition, but when he got close to the house, Yang Tian knew what a house is like, and the walls are not sheltered from the wind. , The tiles do not keep out the rain, the walls are yellow, the furniture is worn out, the cobwebs are covered, and the dust falls. When the door is pushed, it falls straight down, and the dust is suddenly raised, flying all over the room.

Seeing the smoke and dust coming, Yang Tian quickly stretched out his hand and fanned out a piece of pure land in front of his nose.

"Ahem... It's really been abandoned for a long time!"

"That's right! They can't live in people anymore. You see, the tables and chairs are broken when you touch them."

I don't know when there was an extra person in the room, with pale skin, wide jaws, and thick eyebrows that seemed to be painted on purpose, taller than Yang Tian, ​​who was more than a head taller, thinner but well-matched. The rock hair on the shoulders is just right.The man's voice was very soft, matching his white clothes and skin, it was somewhat morbidly beautiful.

"You are?" Yang Tian asked, frowning.This silent appearance of a person in front of him, anyone would be vigilant.

"Adventurer Ah Jin, just call me Ah Jin."

After Ajin briefly introduced himself, he looked for a place to sleep in the house.However, the furniture here was really damaged, so Ah Jin randomly found a corner to block the wind, and lay down leaning against the wall.

"Ah Jin?" Yang Tian kept chanting the name in his mouth. The name was a bit impressive, but combined with the guy in front of him, it didn't match up.

But this person didn't intend to strike up a conversation with Yang Tian, ​​and not long after he lay down, he heard the sound of snoring.Looking at A Jin who was asleep, Yang Tian shook his head, found another corner to sit down, looked at the sky full of stars through the unsheltered roof, and soon Yang Tian was also conquered by sleepiness.

The night passed quickly, as soon as there was a faint light from the sky, Yang Tian woke up, and Ah Jin's pirate from last night had already left, if it wasn't for the dent where he slept last night , Yang Tian wondered if he had a dream.

"What a strange person!" Yang Tian commented.

After stretching his muscles and bones, he let his whole body creak once, before he left the shabby room contentedly.

"The weather is good, suitable for going out to sea." The rising sun gradually dyed the sea surface at the end of the field of vision golden, and a sea breeze blew from the connection between water and sky, blowing the sun with the smell of the sea.

Standing by the seaside and letting the sea breeze blow his clothes to shake, Yang Tian could not help but think of the dream last night, and this dream was also strangely tight. In the dream, Yang Tian made a raft and turned it into a flat boat in the sea. The sea breeze blows, let the heavy rain wash away, the leaf boat drifts with the wind as if he doesn't know where he is going, but Yang Tian remembers that he had a destination in his heart at that time, a strong sense of purpose reminded him all the time, although now no matter how I can't even remember where the destination in my dream is, but the persistence and strong desire at that time have not disappeared until now.

But when Yang Tian finally felt hopeful, a Neptune appeared out of thin air. Its size made Yang Tian feel hopeless. The only boat that could carry him broke and turned into countless debris and was swallowed by the sea. And Yang Tian, ​​who fell into the sea, has no strong strength. Like most ordinary people, he has no choice but to swim desperately. Yang Tian swims desperately, but those gray eyes are always He never left his body at all times, those eyes covered the whole sky, it was the first time Yang Tian saw such eyes that made him terrified, but at that time he couldn't care less about emotion except to run for his life.

This sea king is also strange, it has been following behind Yang Tian, ​​and has not made any attack.The eyes are full of curiosity, and Yang Tian is like a little white mouse, under absolute control, being allowed to run away.

But there is always hope. Just when Yang Tian was about to swim, he found an island in the distance. Seeing hope, Yang Tian squeezed his last strength and swam towards the island. , I found that the beach was full of people, beautiful hot girls in bikinis, big guys showing off their muscles, surfers, ice cream sellers... everyone was smiling.

But Yang Tian was surprised why these people didn't run away, there was clearly a monster staring at him behind him, and behind him~, Yang Tian thought of looking back. It's so calm, there are no monsters, but the fear of death just now can't be wrong, Yang Tian firmly believes.

A huge black shadow on the bottom of the sea was slowly approaching. Yang Tian, ​​who gradually realized that something was wrong, immediately swam desperately towards the shore, and then shouted, "Run for your life! Run for your life!"

The sudden shout attracted everyone's attention. The fear in Yang Tian's voice caused many people to stop their actions. When everyone didn't understand why, a huge turtle's head emerged from the bottom of the sea, and the rising sea water Waking up everyone from the shock, the scream pierced the sky for a while.Now everyone started to flee, the beach was a mess, the beauties no longer cared about their image, the handsome men were no longer the gentlemen they were before, and one by one ran desperately towards the highest mountain of the island.

The tortoise opened its mouth wide and didn't bite anyone, didn't chase anyone, but bit most of the beach with one bite, and tried to catch it, to see if it would blurt out.

Seeing this scene, Yang Tian, ​​who was also fleeing, felt that something was wrong. Seeing more and more people climbing up the peak, he became anxious and warned loudly: "Everyone, follow me and don't climb to the top of the mountain." .”

 dream is real

(End of this chapter)

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