Chapter 91
"Wow! So comfortable!"

Ajin, who was lying on the little turtle's head with large characters, showed an intoxicated expression.

"Go back to the shell for me."

Yang Tian pulled one arm and one leg of Ah Jin up from the little turtle's head, which felt like pulling up an octopus sucking on the dinner plate.Then he gracefully rewarded him with a throw, and directly threw Ah Jin back into the hammock.

"Ajin, remember that this place is exclusively for me. Only I can come up."

"Hey! Alright!" Although Ah Jin was very reluctant, but seeing Yang Tian's angry look, he accepted it aggrievedly.

But at the next moment, Yang Tian became more convinced that he had taken in a funny guy. Ajin, who couldn't get the best position, actually bypassed the turtle's shell and jumped onto the little turtle's tail, causing the little turtle to shudder. , since the small turtle is big enough, it is no problem for a person to lie on the tail.At this time, Ah Jin was turning into a silkworm chrysalis, wriggling on the little turtle's tail, satisfying himself.Until a figure fell on him.

"Yang Tian, ​​this place is not bad!"

"Not bad for your size, don't you think we didn't move from the beginning to the end?"

"Yeah, why didn't you move! Let him move quickly!"

"Are you a navigator, or I am a navigator. You go and give me directions. Bang~boom~cha~"

After Yang Tian rewarded Ah Jin with punches and kicks, he dragged Ah Jin across the shell of the turtle, and was finally thrown back into the hammock.

"Where are you going~" Ah Jin, who was lying on the hammock, asked obediently, rubbing the big bag on his head.

"I originally planned to go to the G8 fortress to take me back with a warship, but now there is a "ship", so go directly to the Navy headquarters, Marineford!"

"So you're in the navy! Marineford is a good place. Although it's not suitable for adventure, I wanted to visit it a long time ago. I can design a good route for you, just wait."

Speaking of which, Ah Jin took out a map from his pocket, wrote and drew on it, and nodded in satisfaction.Then it clattered from another pocket, and at last a record hand marked Long Roundabout replaced the lower hand on the wrist marked Alabasta.

"This is?" Yang Tian couldn't help being puzzled when he saw that Ah Jin was carrying so many record pointers with him.

"Oh! These are the record pointers of the islands I want to go to."

"Didn't the record pointer confirm the position of the next island due to the change of the magnetic field? And you recorded all these yourself? Doesn't that mean..."

"No, no, no."A Jin was taken aback by Yang Tian's question, and then interrupted Yang Tian's next question in a funny way.

"In fact, these are one-time pointers. Their magnetic power can only be stored once. After the storage, the pointer will always point to the island of magnetic power storage, and there will be no change. As for these, I bought them from the black market. These are It cost me all my worth." A Jin explained that he turned over his empty pockets to show that he is indeed a pauper now.

"Okay, I get it! Let's set sail!" Yang Tian now knew why this guy would stick to him, and he probably would find a reason to get on board even if he didn't make that misleading action at that time. Treat yourself as a good person, Yang Tian comforted himself.

"Yeah... Let's set sail, the target is Changhuan Island!"

Ah Jin was so excited that he forgot the pain just now, stretched out his finger to the northwest direction, and giggled happily.

After receiving Yang Tian's order, Xiao Gui began to drift leisurely on the sea three times.

Due to Xiaogui's scumbag, in the next few days, the two never met a sea king, so their lives were very stable.

Yang Tian took out delicious food and wine from the space, and the two of them sang to the wine when they had nothing to do. Every time Ah Jin drank, he became super talkative, and the concept before drinking and after drinking was completely different.

After another drink, Ah Jin hooked Yang Tian's neck with his arms, and kept telling his miraculous experience, and he had told all his stories more than three times, because the island he went to was really different. many.Counting Alabasta is no more than two hands.

"Let me tell you, I have been to an island, the island is very interesting, all the animals are very small, whether it is a lion or a tiger, whether it is an ant or a locust, they are all the same size, only the size of a palm , See if it's as big as my hand."

"I know!"

"You know? Then do you know who is their king of the forest?" Ajin put his head against Yang Tian, ​​stared up at Yang Tian with his eyes hard, and the strength of hooking Yang Tian's neck became stronger.

"Ant, because he is the strongest!"

"Hey! You do know. Then you know..."

"You know what that ant looks like, right? If it looks like that, it's the wrong color." Yang Tian supported his head and pointed at Yimo, who was drinking heavily from the wine bottle.

"Yes, yes, so you have been there too!" Ah Jin laughed and raised his glass as a signal.

"Cheers!" Yang Tian also raised the wine glass in his hand to clink a glass with him.

"Yo ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho yo

When the wine was full, the two couldn't help singing. Under the joyful singing, Xiao An also got drunk for a rare time, and Yimo twisted her waist, immersed in the singing.The sea breeze couldn't help walking under the bonfire and singing, the little turtle also twisted its neck and laughed happily, and the waves kept beating the turtle's shell, as if it was too happy to grab the ground with its head.

It was a good banquet, but this time it can be described as a drunk.It wasn't until it was almost dawn the next day that the singing and laughter disappeared, leaving only the occasional snoring.

While everyone was snoring, the water flow changed slightly, but unfortunately no one is awake now.The little turtle, including the sailing ones, also retracted their heads into their shells and firmly covered all the openings.Until the wind and waves became more and more strange, Xiaoan, who was hanging on the top of the coconut tree, threw it into the sea because of the falling of the coconut tree caused by the rapids.

"Gollum... Gollum..."

Xiao An, who was sleeping, dreamed that she was eating delicious food. At this time, the wall of the room shook suddenly, and then there was one crack, two cracks, bang, the whole wall exploded, and she who was tightly protecting the food was also broken through the wall. The flood took it away.Then I was taken away by the flood, sank a little bit, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

"Gululu... ah... meow!" Xiao An, who was awakened by the nightmare, opened her eyes suddenly, only to find that she had fallen into the sea, with a bunch of question marks popping up on her head.

(End of this chapter)

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