One Piece Demon

Chapter 95 Shura

Chapter 95 Shura
As Annie told the past, Yang Tian's stagnant memory lake also began to ripple.

In the memory, after Tyrell fainted, Shura's unique erosive force destroyed Tyrell's brain cells, causing Tyrell's memory to be confused. When the mother saw Tyrell fall down, she didn't care about blaming her father and hugged Tyrell. Then rushed back to the room.

The mother used all her abilities, and would not give up as long as there was a glimmer of hope. Unfortunately, Tyrell did not get better at all, and remained in a coma without waking up. After a long time, Tyrell's body would not be able to bear it.My mother was also aware of this, and she stayed by Tyrell's side every day and night without ever leaving. One day Tyrell still couldn't hold back and passed away, and her mother fainted and became unconscious on the spot.

Seeing her mother's sad appearance, the eldest brother and second sister couldn't bear her mother being sad again, so they decided to dispose of Tyrell's body in private. Above, it's a pity that Tyrell's body was too weak at that time, before Yang Tian could react, he passed out, and when he woke up, he was already on the beach.

In other words, the crisis of the family actually comes from that fruit. According to what Annie said, although the family's actions are secretive, other families are also ordinary people, and they have already noticed the strange actions of their own family. There are many unpredictable situations.

The mother also let Annie make a deal with the dragon in order to let her father escape from the control of the demon. Now everything seems to be connected.

However, the truth of the matter is far from what Yang Tian understands. The battle between Tianlongren seems dangerous, but as long as you still admit that you are a Tianlongren, then other Tianlongren will never impose such punishment as extermination.The real reason for the extermination of the Yang Tian family is still hidden in the mist. After all, Annie doesn't understand it thoroughly, and the information passed on to Yang Tian is insufficient. No matter how powerful Yang Tian is, he still cannot understand the hidden secrets.

Everything was like an invisible big net covering them, and there were a few people hiding on the big net, watching all this while talking and laughing.

In the room

Annie and Yang Tian sat opposite each other, each holding a cup of drink and drinking slowly, the scene was very warm and quiet.

"Annie, why are there so many savages living on this island?"

"They are not savages!" Annie put down the cup in her hand and said softly. "They are the created Shura clan. They didn't attack you before because the blood flowing in your body made them connect you with me."

"Sura clan? Could it be that father created it?"

"That's right. I don't know the details. I only know that father's fruit ability develops much faster than ordinary people. Just a few months ago, his ability increased again, turning all the humans on the island into the Shura clan. And the language they speak is so strange that no one but themselves can understand it."

"Sura..." Yang Tian couldn't help but think of the terrifying bloodthirsty Shura in his previous life, but he didn't notice any strange phenomenon from the contact just now.

"Annie, do these Shuras have any abilities? In my opinion, they are not powerful. What's the use of making so many Shuras."

"Brother, you don't know this. To become an Asura, you must first be loyal to the family, and secondly, their spiritual power is strong enough. Otherwise, they would have died during the transformation process. Do you know how many people there were on this island? "Annie's handsome face suddenly had an indescribable seriousness.

"How much?" Yang Tian asked cooperatively.

"More than 30!"

"what about now?"

"Three thousand is not enough."

"It's really hard enough to pick one out of a hundred."

"But it's not all a bad thing. At least in this way, spies and spies from other families came out. In the end, there were thousands of people who cleaned up these rat shit. Using this method, all the pests of the family were found out, and the family was unprecedented. Unity, at least for a long time to come, will be quieter." Annie said.

"Annie, do you think that if you can stop your father's behavior, will everything return to the calm it was before?"

"..." Annie was startled by Yang Tian's bold idea, to prevent her father from doing such a thing, does it mean that her brother still wants to lose his memory once and die again.

"Impossible, now that my father has such absolute strength in the family, and now my father is no longer the previous father, he has already transformed into a real Shura. Now it is difficult for even my mother to see him, we..." Annie Bei Teeth bit her red lips, leaving a row of deep tooth marks, which shows that her heart is also very complicated.

"Okay, Annie will stop talking about her father, are you going to hide here forever?"

"Otherwise? Where else can I go? It's good to study taro here!"

"What's so good about that thing, isn't it just a replica of Bei? The one from Sky Island!"

"The shellfish you mentioned is not on the same level as taro, but the production of taro is too rare, so it's the only shortcoming!"

"Even if this thing is very good. Are you planning to waste your time here?" Yang Tian took the taro on the table and played with it for a while, but he couldn't figure it out and put it back.

Annie was annoyed by Yang Tian's question, so she muttered in a low voice: "Otherwise, what can I do? Here are all father's people, and I can't run away." Speaking of this, Annie seemed to have thought of something, her face changed drastically, and she grabbed Yang Tian's hand, Planning to take him out: "Father will probably know the news of your coming here soon. Although your appearance has changed a lot, since I can recognize my brother, my father must be able to see a thing or two, so you should run away quickly, brother." !"

"Slow down, Annie!" Yang Tian grabbed the flustered Annie and calmed her down slowly.Yang Tian looked into Annie's clear eyes and said forcefully, "Annie, come with me!"

Annie was shocked by Yang Tian's domineering, but she still hesitated. The shadow her father left on her was too great, but it was her childhood dream to take risks in the sea with her brother: "But, brother As soon as I leave, my father will definitely be furious, and then there will be another chaos."

Yang Tian knew that Annie was worried, but he already had the means to deal with it, so Yang Tian stretched out his hand with a chuckle, patted Annie who was bowing her head, and attracted her attention: "Look at what this is. "Yang Tian stretched out his palm, and a villain exactly like Annie appeared in Yang Tian's palm.

"This..." Annie reached out her hand curiously to touch it, but just as her fingers touched it, the villain disappeared like fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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